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Translation of
Et ezkerah: sefer kehilat Tsoyzmir (Sandomierz)
Editor: Eva Feldenkreiz-Grinbal
Published in Tel Aviv 1993
Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander for typing
up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Sandomierz
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
TOC translated by Sara Mages
A. P. | Preface | 9 |
Eva FeldenkreizGrinbal | The History of the City and the Jewish Community | 17 |
The beginning of the Jewish settlement. The communities, the Galilot, Council of Four Lands. The community of Tsoyzmir and the TsoyzmirKraka Galil. Community leaders. Jews and urbanites. The pogrom. Blood libels. The community in the 18th and 19 th centuries. The synagogue. The Jewish street. The cemetery. Rabbis. Photos from an exhibition. Y. L. Peretz in Sandomierz. | ||
Bibliography | 71 | |
The First World War | 75 | |
Etka Wolman | Shema Yisrael | 75 |
Yehiel Zinamon | Three stories: A) Zadravstbutya Gospdin Zinamon. B) R' NathanDavid saves my father. C) The chalk that betrayed the Cossack. | 76 |
In Independent Poland | 79 | |
Yehiel Zinamon | Jewish livelihoods Merchants. Craftsmen. Porters and water carriers | 79 |
Etka Wolman | Berel the cart owner | 83 |
Czeslaw Latawitz | Market day | 84 |
Nisek Friedman | The city where we were born and raised Parties and youth movements. The yearning for general education | 85 |
Simcha Rothnstein | From hakhshara to hakhshara to immigration | 91 |
Yehiel Zinmon, Nathan Kleiman | Intuitions and organizations | 92 |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | Melamdim and teachers | 103 |
Yehiel Zinamon | Hebrew courses | 103 |
Yehiel Zinamon | Hasidic Shtiblekh | 105 |
Outstanding Individuals | 108 | |
Yehiel Zinamon | HaRav Menachem Mendel Nay | 108 |
Chaya Shalit, Avraham Rubinstein | R' Yankel MatzevaKritzer | 111 |
Yehusua Tzederboim, Chaya Kolisch, Nachman Blitz | Keindel Spiro | 113 |
Yehusua Rotenberg | Freidel Fishman | 115 |
Bronka Azaria, Yocheved Erlich | Yoel Konius | 116 |
Fragments | 118 | |
Yehusua Rotenberg | Told by my elders Go tell them. There is livelihood. Fully conscious | 118 |
Nathan Kleiman | A whistle that caused imprisonment | 119 |
Yehiel Zinamon | Facing the authorities Aufzitsn. The renovation of the church | 120 |
Yehusua Rotenberg | Shiye the healer | 120 |
Yitzchak Anafi | Nisel Zumbol the porter | 121 |
The Beginning of the Occupation | 125 | |
Cesia Schneider | At the outbreak of the war | 125 |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | The march to Zochcin | 126 |
Cesia Schneider | September 1939 | 128 |
Yehiel Zinamon | Hakafot day | 129 |
The Judenrat | 130 | |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | Forced selfrule The Presidium and the departments. The first contribution. Decrees and forced labor. Absorption of refugees. Welfare Department. The boots decree. | 130 |
Eva Feldenkreiz | In the Open Ghetto The years 19401941 Hostages and theft of property. Forced labor camps. The Jewish Quarter. The furs decree. Russian prisoners of war. | 147 |
Until Horror | 159 | |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | The news of the extermination | 159 |
Eva Feldenkreiz | Springsummer 1942 The action against the Communists. It will not happen here. Work as rescue from death. | 160 |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | The murder of Chairman Goldberg | 161 |
Amnon Eisenstadt | The Gendarme Schuman fulfilled the mitzvah | 163 |
Cesia Schneider | Murders at every turn | 164 |
Eva Feldenkreiz | The labor camp Skarzysko | 164 |
Eva Feldenkreiz | The Jews of the area are brought to Sandomierz Ghetto | 165 |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | The last days of the ghetto | 166 |
Amnon Eisenstadt | Henla's faith | 167 |
The First Aktzia | 168 | |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | The deportation | 168 |
Wlodzimiez Orlowski | I was an eyewitness | 169 |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | After the Aktzia | 171 |
Yehiel Zinamon | In the cellar of the Wilchek house | 173 |
Wladyslaw Skobel, Kazimiez Czhechovic | On the Cathedral roof | 174 |
Yehiel Lass | On Krotka Street | 175 |
Benyek Tzeylon | The murderers' pleasure | 175 |
The Judenstadt its Establishment and Liquidation | 176 | |
Eva Feldenkreiz | No way out | 176 |
Benyek Tzeylon | In distress | 178 |
Avraham Strekman | Like mice in a trap | 179 |
Yehiel Zinamon | The murder of the Ostrowiec Rabbi | 180 |
Eva Feldenkreiz | The second Aktzia | 180 |
Cesia Schneider | Fates | 185 |
In the Third Ghetto | 187 | |
Eva Feldenkreiz | The last The clearing unit. The new ghetto. Failure of the escape plan. The Polish murderers. The work unit in Metan factory. The final liquidation of the ghetto. | 187 |
Labor Camps | 195 | |
Yitzhak Gorzyczanski | Metan a camp for rich Jews | 195 |
Tanhum Kuperblum | Daily life and way of life in Metan | 198 |
Cesia Schneider | Mokoszyn camp | 199 |
Benyek Tzeylon | The farmer and his land | 203 |
Eva Feldenkreiz | Lyceum camp | 203 |
A. P. | 212 | |
A Person and his Destiny Testimonies | ||
Eisenberg Yadzia | 217 | |
Enderstein Zipora | 223 | |
Blitz (Rosenberg) Nachman | 226 | |
Michalewska Eugenia | 238 | |
Gorzyczanski Yitzhak (Izio) | 247 | |
Gorzyczanski Yadzia | 255 | |
SchesslerGorzyczanski Sara | 261 | |
Goren (Gorzyczanski) Haim | 268 | |
Tenenboym AlterAsher | 280 | |
Teper Cesia | 282 | |
Minzberg Shiele | 288 | |
Nusbaum Zvi | 296 | |
Feldenkreiz Eva | 302 | |
Penchina Pesla | 324 | |
Z. Sara (Sarenka) | 331 | |
Zukerblum Haim | 337 | |
Tzeylon Benyek | 342 | |
Zinamom Yehiel | 345 | |
Czernikowski Tova | 352 | |
Kolish Chaya | 359 | |
Kuperblum Tanhum | 365 | |
Kleinman Nathan (Nuska) | 380 | |
Rosenblum Sabina | 388 | |
Numberg Malka (Malzia) | 399 | |
Reiss Itka | 404 | |
Reiss Peretz | 407 | |
Schleifstein Yisrael | 410 | |
Schneider Cesia | 415 | |
About Ingatz Gotesman | 433 | |
About Yanek Spiro | 435 | |
About Nehemiah Kleinman | 436 | |
Our Property was Turned Over to Strangers | 439 | |
Eva Feldenkreiz | Returning to Sandomierz | 439 |
Amnon Eisenstadt | Ascension to the ancestral grave | 445 |
Tanhum Kuperblum | The Jewish Committee Redemption of children. Torah scrolls. Bishop Jan Lorek. Tugerman's trial. | 446 |
Leaving Europe | 460 | |
Eva Feldenkreiz | In Germany | 460 |
Sabina Rosenblum, Haim Goren (Gorzyczanski) | In Israel | 464 |
In Memoriam | ||
Yehiel Zinamon | Every person has a name | 472 |
Tsoyzmir Jews who perished in the Holocaust | 473 | |
Former residents of Tsoyzmir who passed away in Israel and the Diaspora | 480 | |
The Life and Annihilation of the Tzoyzmir Jews [Yiddish] | 485 | |
The Life and Annihilation Of the Tzoyzmir Jews [English] | 586 |
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