Rawa Ruska Memorial Book
(Rava-Ruska, Ukraine)

50°15' / 23°37'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Rawa Ruska ve-ha-seviva

Editors: A. M. Ringel, I. Z. Rubin

Published in Tel Aviv 1973

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Rawa Ruska ve-ha-seviva (Rawa Ruska memorial book),
Editors: A. M. Ringel, I. Z. Rubin, Rawa Rusk Society, Published: Tel Aviv 1973 (H,Y,E 468 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Rava-Ruska

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


The History of the Jews in Rawa-Ruska
Rawa-Ruska and Surroundings [Y] Dr. Nachman Blumental 11
The History of the Jews in Rawa-Ruska Yakov Baumwol-Yovel z”l 16
My town and my Family that do not Exist any More Prof. Zeinwel Lieberman 22
A Lively and Turbulent Time Gimpel Yust 26
A Chronicle of Rawa-Ruska Yosef Zvi Rubin 42
On the life in Rawa-Ruska [Y] Yechl Meisels 50
Torah, Hasidism and Education in Our Town
The Beginnings of the Jewish Rawa Avraham Mordechai Ringel z”l 61
The Rav R'Doberish and his Grandson the Rav R'Yosef Chaim Rappaport Rav I. Meir Rappaport-Cohen 86
Additional Details on the Life of my Grandfather, author of the Book The Main Road
(lit. The King's Road] and his Sons, may their merit protect us
Doberish Cohen-Rappaport 88
My Uncle R'Yitzhak Nachum z”l Yochanan Twerski 89
R'Simcha Haberman z”l Yakov Zvi Haberman 91
The Rav R'Mordechai Arie Haberman z”l Rav Yehuda Rubinstein 92
Figures among the Belz Hasidim in Rawa Israel Klapholz 94
The “Old Bet Hamidrash” and “The Old Kloiz" Avraham Mordechai Ringel 98
Memories from my Home Town Shmuel Adler 117
The Rav R'Shimon Federbush z”l Shmuel Adler 121
About the personality of my Father and Teacher R'Israel Schwert z”l Bluma Rubin Schwert 122
Memories, Figures and the Way of Life
Remembering Dr. Yosef Mandel Dr. Shulamit Tier 129
About Dr. Yosef Mandel From his Letters 130
Two Documents [Y] Y. Meisels 131
To the Memory of Dr. Yosef Mandel, may God avenge his blood [Y] H. Graf 136
Notable Zionists in Town [Y] Moshe Katz z”l 137
Two of my Friends Yakov Baumwol-Yovel z”l 140
The Zionist Family - Edel [Y] Chaim Rathaus 141
Memories from Days Gone By [Y] Hersch Haberman 142
Memories from Days Gone By [Y] Yitzhak Daks 145
Institutions [Y] Dr. Nachman Blumental 153
An Unsuccessful attempt to organize a Hebrew School in 1913 [Y] Moshe Weiss 157
The Hebrew Movement in Rawa-Ruska A. Avneri (Hefner) 158
Memories from Days Past Pnina Berer-Soslik 159
The Jewish Theater Life in Rawa-Ruska [Y] Moshe Yakov Steinfeld 161
About the Craftsmen of the Town Lipa Dror Altman 165
A Memorial to our Friends [Y] Prof. Z. Lieberman 168
My Teacher and Rabbi Prof. Z. Lieberman 170
Memories from the Time of Youth [Y] Yakov Mezger 171
Glimpses [Y] Ben Zion Friedman 179
Compassion and Charity Zvi Arie Fendrich 182
A Belzer Hasid Decorated by the Polish Government
with the “Independence Cross” [Y]
Yechiel Kessel 184
Yakov Shlomo Gold z”l Simcha Doner 186
Asher Rubin z”l [Y] Part of his Correspondence 187
Chaim Becker z”l Lipa Dror-Altman 189
The Baker from Narol [Y] Lea Rosenzweig-Kramer 190
Very Few Memories Shmuel Gottlieb 191
A Bundle of Memories from my Home [Y] Leibush Gertel-Wolf 193
The Days of 20 Tamuz in Rawa-Ruska Yakov Baumwol-Yovel z”l 194
The Beginnings of the Youth Organization in our Town Zvi Netzer (Sibzener) 194
The Fourteen Historic Votes [Y] M. Y. Steinfeld 195
My Training [Y] Eliezer Reches 196
From Old Times..... [Y] Yosef Frenkel-Auerbach 197
Jewish Merchants in Rawa-Ruska Against Hitler's Germany [Y] Moshe Gruber-Achsler 198
About my Destroyed Town Rivka Fink (Tauber) 199
Belzec and Rawa-Ruska [Y] Naftali Danner z”l 200
Jewish Guests at the Wedding of the Prince [Y] Chana Tisser z”l 202
The Twilight of the 19-th Century and the Rising of the 20th century [Y] Baruch Hammerschmid (Kessler) 204
The surroundings    
The Jews in Belzec [Y] Chaim Rathaus 207
A Memorial to my Shtetl Mogyerow [Y] Zvi Langenauer 209
Mogyerow [Y] Efraim Schreiber 211
Kamionka Woloska [Y] David Halpern 219
There Once was a Town Named Rawe [Y] Max Halpern 220
The Holocaust
On the Day of Judgment (a poem) [Y] Melech Ravitch 225
Rawa-Ruska and Belzec on the Map of the Destruction-Sites [Y] Eliezer Ungar 227
My Trials and Ordeals [Y] Yehoshua Wallfuss z”l 230
This is how Jewish Rawe Perished [Y] A. Klag 247
I Remember You, Rawa-Ruska (a poem) [Y] Bluma Rubin-Schwert 229
The End of my Town Rawa [Y] Chaim Spatzer 254
Memories for the Future Generations [Y] Dan Berger 265
Rawa, my Little Town… (a poem) [Y] Yechl Meisels 278
The Yanowski Camp in Lemberg [Lwow] [Y] Katriel Rosen 281
From the Memories of Ida Kleiner-Lev Meir Levin 282
The Jews of my Ruined Town [Y] Lea Rosenzweig Kramer 296
Chanuka in the Ghetto... (a poem) [Y] A. Klag 299
Among the Partisans [Y] Alexander-Shmuel Storch 300
Excerpts from my Diary [Y] Wolf Sambol 310
Yom Kipur in my Town Rawa (a poem) [Y] A. Shmuel Storch 312
What my Father and I Lived Through [Y] Ben Zion Friedman 313
From the Book Kidush Hashem [The Sanctification of God's Name] Rav Shimon Huberband 318
The Bogen House Lea Rosenzweig Kramer 319
Testimony of a Gentile about the Annihilation of the Jewish Population in Rawa-Ruska [Y] Frantzishek Wolach 320
The Eternal Song (a poem) [Y] Wolf Sambol 325
I Escaped from the Grave Muni Grauer 325
In Holland on the Eve of Destruction [Y] Itche Yust 327
Memories [Y] Melech Zines 330
In the Whirlpool of Life [Y] Yechl Meisels 332
The Horrors of the War Tova Baumel-Haberman 348
A Lone Survivor [Y] Natan Zimmerman 350
Young Men of Rawa in the Russian Army in 1941 [Y] Israel Satz 351
How I was Saved [Y] Ruth Haskel 353
The Beginning of the War W. Wagner 355
1939 - The First German Occupation [Y] Ada Weichselbaum 356
Rawa-Ruska Under the Nazi Occupation Yitzhak Kurt-Levin 359
Rawa-Ruska as Extermination-post “Stalag 325”
[Yiddish, translated from the French]
Yechl Meisels 365
My Family [lit. The House of My Father]
The house of my Father Lipa ben Pesach Altman 371
About my Dear Parents Tzila Rosenblatt-Altman 373
My Parents, of Blessed Memory Neomi Yissachar-Gozhik 373
The Daks Family [Y] Itche Daks 374
The Sauerbrun Family Bluma Sauerbrun-Lockman 375
The First Immigrant to Eretz Israel from Rawa Ruska Asher Han 377
The House of my Parents Tzipora Weinreb-Mann 378
My Family Yehuda Mond 379
The House of my Parents Yechiel Meisels (Yechl Kessel) 380
A Hymn to my Family [lit. to My Father's House] Yaffa Eichenbaum nee Margaliot 381
My Family [lit. My Father's House] Tova Fischler-Reinherz 384
My Family [lit. My Father's House] Lea Rosenzweig-Kramer 386
The Redlich Family Yosef Redlich z”l 387
The Rosenfeld Family Naftali Rosenfeld 387
My Life in the Days of the Nazi Occupation Batia Schiebak-Reiss 388
The House of my Parents Batia Schiebak-Reiss 388
The History of One Family Chana Cohen nee Eisen-Schappel 390
My Family Chava Schuman nee Strauss 392
Memories and Reality [Y] Hella Schieper-Lew 395
My Home [Y] Bluma Rubin-Schwert 396
After Us (a poem) Bluma Rubin-Schwert 400
Remembering the Martyrs
List of the Deceased   401
Names of the Rava-Ruska Martyrs   421
The Diaspora - The Jewish Dispersion
Rawa-Ruska of Yesteryear [Y] Leib Lew 457
Rawa-Ruska Former Residents in Canada [Y] G. Yust 458
The New Home [Y] Eliyahu-Zelig Altner, New-York 459
My memories from Rawa in 1906 [Y] Shmuel (Sam) Essig, New-York 461
The “Benei Levi-Yitzhak Society” of Rawa-Ruska People [Y] Shmuel Essig 462
The “Society” in New-York [Y[ Chaim Rathaus, New-York 463
Rawa-Ruska Jews in Uruguay [Y] Itche Erdman, Montevideo 465
The Association of Former Residents of Rawa-Ruska and Surroundings in Israel Gimpel Yust 466
We, The Last Ones (a poem) [Y] Yechl Meisels 468

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