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Translation of
Sefer Przytyk
Editors: David Shtokfish, Przytyk Societies in Israel, France and the USA
Published in Tel Aviv, 1973
Project Coordinator
Melvyn Maltz zl
This is a translation of: Sefer Przytyk (Przytyk memorial book),
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Przytyk
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
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Thus says the L-rd, a voice is heard on high, lamenting and bitter weeping, it is Rachel weeping for her children. She refused to be comforted for her children for they are no more. Thus says the L-rd, refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for there is reward for your effort, says the L-rd, and they will return from the land of the enemy. And there is hope for your future, says the L-rd, and the children will return to their borders.
(Jeremiah 31, 14-15)
{Translator's note: repeated in Yiddish.}
[Page III]
The Yizkor Book The Book of Przytyk
Published by the Organization of Przytyk Natives in Israel
With the help of the landsmanschaft in France and the United States
The Memorial Book The Book of Przytyk
Published by the Organization of Przytyk Natives in Israel, France and the United States
Editorial Committee: David Zeitani, Shmuel Hamershtil, Gedalyahu Blicher, Mendel Honig
English Translations: Y. M. Lesak
{Translator's note: this refers to the English translations provided with the original book.}
Printed in Israel, 1973
The book was printed on paper produced by the Hadera Paper Factory, and with their polite assistance.
The Lahav Printing Press, Tel Aviv, telephone 36565
Foreword[1] (H) | Mendel Honig | 1 |
Foreword (Y) | Mendel Honig | 3 |
Foreword (E) | Mendel Honig | 6 |
A. Between the Two World Wars | ||
Przytyk in Historical Sources (H) | 11 | |
Jewish and General Factors in the History of Przytyk (H) | Jerzy W. Halbich | 12 |
Memories of my Old Hometown (H) | Chaim Maltz | 18 |
There Once Was a Town (H) | Chaim Goldman | 25 |
A Bundle of Memories (H) | David Maltz | 26 |
My Grandfather's Home (H) | Shlomo Meir Przytycki | 27 |
My Town An Island (H) | Dina Grobstein (Schwitzka) | 31 |
Religious Values in the Life of the Jews of Przytyk (H) | Chancha Friedman-Honig | 34 |
The Education of Jewish Children in Our Town | Shlomo Eitan | 36 |
With the Boats of the Maapilim[2] (H) | Nachum Gil (Glibter) | 40 |
Responses and Memories (H) | Vitel Honig | 42 |
Factions and Jewish Manners in Przytyk (H) | Dr. Eng. Shalom Honig | 43 |
When Tribulations Afflicted the Jews | Mendel Honig | 50 |
Przytyk in Historical Sources (Y) | 54 | |
Jewish and General Factors in the History of Przytyk (Y) | Jerzy W. Halbich | 55 |
Memories of my Old Hometown (Y) | Chaim Maltz | 62 |
In the Years 1905 and 1914-1918 (Y) | Yitzchak Milstein | 71 |
My Grandfather's Home (Y) | Shlomo Meir Przytycki | 79 |
My Town An Island (Y) | Dina Grobstein (Schwitzka) | 83 |
We Move With the Przytyk Youth (Y) | Moshe Melech Mauer | 89 |
The Fisher's Cooperative in Przytyk (Y) | Shalom-Velvel Cymbalista | 92 |
Przytyk Dreams About the Land of Israel (Y) | Tzvi Zaltzschirer | 95 |
The General Zionists and Beitar (Y) | Margalit Rubinowicz-Milstein | 99 |
We Fled to Russia… (Y) | Yirmiyahu Koifman | 101 |
Images and Events (Y) | Hillel Strassman | 105 |
Some Events from the Town (Y) | Yaakov Kirshenzweig | 109 |
Until the First World War and After (Y) | Miriam Tishler | 112 |
A Colorful Jewish Life (Y) | Chancha Friedman-Honig | 114 |
Memories from the Town of Przytyk (Y) | Gutsha Blecher-Mieirfeld | 116 |
My Youth (Y) | M. Rosenshtein | 118 |
People, Shtiblech, and Institutions in Przytyk (Y) | Moshe Vagshal | 119 |
How Przytykers in Paris Remember their Native Town (Y) | Chaya Kirshenzweig, Maurice Rosenstein, Shifra Friedman, and Shalom Zimbalist | 123 |
Militant Przytyk (Y) | Helen Baum | 124 |
Factions and Jewish Manners in Przytyk (Y) | Dr. Eng. Shalom Honig | 126 |
From Przytyk to the Land of Israel (Y) | David Zeitani (Baumelgrin) | 135 |
B. Events in Przytyk March 1936 | ||
The Town is Burning! (H) | David Shtockfish | 157 |
Our Self-Defense (H) | Yitzchak Friedman | 160 |
In the Home of the Minkowski Family (H) | Sh. Berlinski | 164 |
It is Burning (Y) | M. Gebirtik | 167 |
The Przytyk Pogrom March 1936 (Y) | Yaakov Lencynski | 168 |
In the Home of the Minkowskis (Y) | Sh. Berlinski | 187 |
The Eve of the Pogrom (Y) | Shifra and Shalom Cymbalista | 190 |
We Were Victims of the Pogrom (Y) | Tzirel and Gittel Mauer | 191 |
On the Day of the Pogrom (Y) | Hillel Strasman | 193 |
During and After the Pogrom (Y) | Tamar Kaufman | 195 |
Our Self-Defense (Y) | Yitzchak Friedman | 197 |
We Prepared Resistance (Y) | Yisrael Cymbalista | 200 |
Why Did the Events of 1936 in Przytyk Take place? (Y) | Dr. Jozef Urban Holan | 203 |
We Prepared Resistance (Y) | 207 | |
With the Minkowski Orphans in a Krakow Synagogue at Neila (Y) | L. Rodal | 228 |
The Bloody Events of Przytyk (Y) | Michael Teper | 232 |
Our Town is Burning… (Y) | David Shtokfish | 238 |
Thirty-Five Years After the Tragic Famous Pogrom in Przytyk (Y) | Y. Shmuelewitz | 244 |
C. The Holocaust | ||
Remember! (H) | David Zeitani | 253 |
The War and the Destruction of the Jewish Population of the Radom Region (H) | A. Rotkowski | 257 |
Przytyk During the 1930s, and its Destruction (H) | Yisrael Cymbalist | 259 |
The Destruction of Przytyk (H) | Shifra Friedman | 268 |
During Those Melancholy Days (H) | Dr. Eng. Shalom Honig | 269 |
War and Destruction (Y) | A. Rotkowski | 275 |
The Martyrology of the Jews of Przytyk (Poles Relate) (Y) | 278 | |
I do not have Enough Energy to Tell About That Cruel Era (Y) | Yisrael Tishler | 281 |
Fragments of Bravery and Pain (Y) | Shaul Kirshenzweig | 293 |
Saved with my Brother (Y) | Chanache Friedman-Honig | 298 |
I was Saved from Auschwitz (Y) | Feiga-Leah Kuperwas | 300 |
At Hard Labor and in the Death Camps (Y) | Tzvi Teper | 302 |
One Survivor from an Entire Family (Y) | Tamar Kaufman | 305 |
In Ghettos and Camps (Y) | Yisrael Lewental | 310 |
The First Victim of the German Murders (Y) | Lola Basow | 315 |
In Auschwitz, we Just Waited for Death (Y) | Leibish Friedman | 318 |
Jews of Przytyk Escaped to Wierzbica (Y) | Chaya-Sheva Malcmacher | 321 |
A Tragic Episode (Y) | Sheindel Friedman (Schwitzki) | 323 |
During Those Dark Days (Y) | Dr. Eng. Shalom Honig | 323 |
The Supermen Turned People into Sheep (E) | Malka Honig | 335 |
D. Personalities | ||
Rabbi Yisrael Szapira, May the memory of the holy be blessed (H) | Lawyer Meir Shapira | 339 |
In Their Memory (H) | Mendel Honig | 343 |
Monuments to Several Families of Przytyk (H) | Devora Zaltzschirer | 378 |
Elimelech Yitzchak Kac (H) | David Zeitoni (Baumoilgryn) | 380 |
Yosele Przytyker (H) | Tz. Z. Weinberg | 381 |
Nathan Fuerst (H) | From the Yizkor book stories of the lives and deaths of those who fell in Israel's War of Independence | 384 |
From Our Personalities (Y) | Yisrael Cymbalista / Tel Aviv | 386 |
We Must Remember Them (Y) | Mendel Honig | 392 |
Several Personalities of Przytyk (Y) | Hillel Strasman | 408 |
Our Father Hershele the son of Yaakov Mauer of blessed memory (Y) | Tzirel and Gittel Mauer | 411 |
The Miller Family (Y) | David Zeitani | 412 |
Moshe Fuerst (Y) | Sam Davis | 414 |
E. A Memorial Candle | ||
A List of the Martyrs & those who Perished in Przytyk | 419 | |
Mourning Notices | [3]427 | |
The Organization of Przytyk Natives in Israel (H) | The Committee | 455 |
The Przytyker Landsmanschaft in Israel (Y) | The Committee | 459 |
Translator's Footnotes
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