52°10' / 20°50'
Translation of Sefer Pruszkow, Nadzin ve-ha-seviva
Edited by: David Brodsky
Published in Tel Aviv, 1967
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Pruszkow
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Yiddish translated by Yocheved Klausner
Foreword | David Brodeski | 13 |
A. The First Days | ||
Pages of history [Y] | Menasche Opozdower | 17 |
Pages from the history of the community | Menasche Opozdower | 57 |
The first ones | Israel Avni | 64 |
The first days | David Friedman | 66 |
Memories from Pruszkow | Mordechai Machtei | 69 |
B. Between the two World Wars | ||
The craftsmen's organization | Mordechai Silberberg | 77 |
The craftsmen's organization | Shmuel Frucht | 79 |
The drama club | Reuven Postolski | 81 |
Jewish sports in our town | Yakov Silberberg | 88 |
The Betar organization in Pruszkow | Eliezer Lina | 92 |
Memories and Life Experiences [Y] | Ben-Zion Scharfmesser | 94 |
In the Hakhshara[1] in Pruszkow | Dvora Lipkind-Fuss | 98 |
Memories | Mordechai Silberberg | 99 |
Memories from my parents' home | Elhanan Jeremias | 105 |
My father the Rabbi | Yosef Levenberg | 108 |
From my father's home | Menasche Opozdower | 114 |
A bundle of memories | Ester Jeremias | 119 |
In place of a photo | Yehiel Gelberd | 120 |
Boleslava Prusa St. No. 3 | Elhanan Jeremias | 121 |
The image of the teacher | Fishel Silberberg | 125 |
The Teacher and Friend [Y] | Hershel Feldman | 127 |
From the teacher's letters | Avraham Kozebrocki | 131 |
The picture that disappeared | Yehiel Gelberd | 140 |
The Days of Awe [Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipur] [Y] | Menasche Opozdower | 142 |
The synagogues neighborhood [lit. The synagogues Yard] [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 146 |
Lag Baomer in Pruszkow [Y] | Shaul Karczewer | 155 |
The Butchers of Pruszkow [Y] | Shaul Karczewer | 159 |
In Surken's Milk Booth [Y] | Shaul Karczewer | 171 |
Yakov Wilner [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 175 |
Avraham Chiliak [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 177 |
Berel Dochnitzer [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 181 |
Yosef Weiss The Truth-seeker [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 186 |
My Little Town Nadazhin [Y] | Yosef Jeremias | 191 |
On the road to the homeland | Moshe Silberberg | 194 |
In Aliya Bet[2] | Yafa and Zalman Gafni | 197 |
C. During the days of Destruction and Holocaust | ||
The deportation of Pruszkow [Y] | The Ringelblum_Archives | 201 |
The Flames of the Ghetto [Y] | Frucht - Zucker | 206 |
From the diary of a Halutza [a pioneer woman] | Chana Gelberd | 213 |
About three heroes | Meir Aharoni | 223 |
The meeting of Pruszkow's former residents | Tzvia Lubatkin | 225 |
Zechariah Artstein | 226 | |
Lunka (Leah) Kozebrocka | 228 | |
The communication and the activities of the liaison women | Tzvia Lubatkin | 231 |
Shlomek (Shlomo] Shuster | 234 | |
Orphanhood in Foreign Lands | Meir Reichert | 235 |
Memories from the days of occupation | Leib Tug | 240 |
The will to live | Avraham Zucker | 246 |
During the days of destruction | Moshe Liach | 250 |
Memories from the days of the Holocaust | Hela Shuster | 252 |
From the Holocaust period | Feige Liach | 255 |
During the days of war | Rachel Birnbaum-Jas | 256 |
During the days of the Holocaust | Moshe Jas | 258 |
From the memories of a man from Nadzin | Moshe Zichelinski | 259 |
In the Time of Destruction [Y] | Shlomo Roizman | 262 |
During the days of the Holocaust in France | Regina Kifkovich | 265 |
At home and in foreign lands | Regina Shubzak | 267 |
A soldier returns to town | Shaul Kretchber | 269 |
With the Brigade in Europe | Sara Artstein | 272 |
From Shalom's letters | Shalom Freidson | 273 |
A letter from the Diaspora | Sara Finkelstein | 276 |
A House on Kotchushki [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 277 |
To my friends from Pruszkow [Y] | Reuven Postolski | 279 |
In memory of the three | Fishel Silberberg | 280 |
The changing of the guards | Moshe Avni | 282 |
In memory of the young men who acted and fell | Elhanan Jeremias | 284 |
Shlomo Zichlinski In his memory | 286 | |
A Protest [Y] | Shaul Ben Moshe | 287 |
D. In their memory | 289 | |
Necrology | 321 | |
E. Supplements | 329 | |
Jewish farmers | M. Aharoni | 331 |
Memories | Yitzchak Greenshpon | 332 |
The mother of Pruszkow's immigrants | A.Y. | 333 |
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Updated 13 Nov 2010 by LA