Memorial Book of Papa
(Pápa, Hungary)

47°20' / 17°28'

Translation from
Sefer zikaron Papa; le-zekher kedoshei ha-kehilah ve-yishuvei ha-seviva

Edited by: Gyula Yehuda Láng

Published in Israel, 197-



Project Coordinators

Henry Wellisch and Eli Breuer


Our sincere appreciation to Ms. Shoshana Kons, granddaughter of the author,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

From: Sefer zikaron Papa; le-zekher kedoshei ha-kehilah ve-yishuvei ha-seviva
(Memorial book of Papa), ed. Gyula Yehuda Láng, Israel, Papa Memorial Committee, l97-, H, Hu

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  PDF version - “Memorial Book of Pápa”


Foreword to the English Translation 4
Foreword 5
The History of the Jewish Community in Pápa 7
The First Jewish Settlers in Pápa 8
The Hungarian War of Independence of 1848/49 and Pápa Jews 10
Our Rabbis 12
Dayanim (rabbinical judges) 23
Baalei t'filah (precentors) 26
Ig. L. Marton 29
Aishet Chayil (Proverbs 31:10) 31
Our Temple 32
Our School 35
Yeshivas 39
Jewish Community Presidents 40
Chevra Kadisha 42
Jewish Associations and Institutions in Pápa 48
Zionist Life in Pápa 51
The History of the Ken of Hashomer Hatzair in the Pápa Community 53
Doctors 58
Lawyers 63
Teachers 65
Arts – Music – Sciences – Journalism 74
A Last Walk in Pápa 77
Some Statistics 84
A Smile through the Tears 86
Purim in Pápa 90
A True Story 92
Memories 93
Our Outstanding Sons 98
The Mother Tongue of Pápa Jews 105
The Social Life of Pápa Jews 107
Remembering Pápa 109
The Great Tragedy 112
Glossary for the martyrs' list 115
List of Martyrs  
Devecser 119
Nemesszalók 120
In Memory of our Pápa Brethren Buried in Israel 121
The Light Went Out 122
Our War Heroes in Israel 123
Those Who Survived… One of the Few 125
The Light Flares Up Again 126
Epilogue 129

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Henry Wellisch and Eli Breuer
This web page created by Mike Kalt

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Updated 5 Sep 2009 by LA