The Book of Michalovce
(Michalovce, Slovakia)

48°45' / 21°56'

Translation of
Sefer Michalovce ve-ha-seviva

Editor: M. Ben-Zeev (M.Farkas)

Published in Tel Aviv 1969

Our sincere appreciation to Susan Dressler for typing up the
English section to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation of: Sefer Michalovce ve-ha-seviva (The book of Michalovce),
Editor: M. Ben-Zeev (M.Farkas), Committee of Former Residents of Michalovce in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1969 (H, Hu, E 407 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Michalovce

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Translated by Sara Mages

[E] Articles in Hebrew and English


With the Book [E] Mordechai Ben-Zev (Mori Farkash) 5
The City and the Community 7
Michalovce – Chapters of History Aharon Helinger 8
The community of Michalovce – Its history, institutions and personalities [E] Dr. David Erenfeld 17
A monument to the Michalovce Jewry [E] Elishevah Szenesh 24
The religious life in Michalovce, a Jewish metropolis [E] Yisrael Yakov Davidowich 27
Memories and Folklore 37
Our teachers [E] Avigdor Steno (Steinhardt) 38
The Bath-House Street [E] Dov Lahav (Blau) 42
High-School years Dr. Avraham Talmi 43
My father's house in Dolna Street Aharon Martinowitch 49
The life story of a simple man Dr. Avraham Talmi 53
The National Revival and the Youth Movements 63
The founding of “Kadimah Hashomer” in Michalovce [E] Tzvi (Hermann) Spira 64
Hashomer Hatzair” nest in Michalovce [E] Mori Ben-Zev (Farkas) 66
The history of “Beitar” in Michalovce [E] Binyamin Helinger 74
The Religious Zionist movement in Michalovce [E] Akivah Keshet (Kastenbaum) 78
Poalei Zion [Zion Workers] [E] Moshe Duvdvani (Kirschnbaum) 80
In “Hashomer Hatzair” nest Yachet Gregor 82
Holocaust and Heroism 83
With awe and love [E] Dr. Alexander Mitelman 84
On the long road Dov Gregor z”l 85
Teachers and students in the vocational school Dr. Alexander Goldstein 90
The town is emptied Jachet Gregor 91
The girls are taken out Elishevah Szenes 92
The Land of Yisrael can only be acquired through suffering Dr. Avraham Talmi 94
Tidings and a letter from Auschwitz [E] Jachet Gregor 98
Sparks from the darkness Avigdor Steno (Steinhardt) 99
The life of the Jewish congregation in Michalovce during the Second World War [E] Benjamin (Berry) Bornstein 101
The Jewish School in Michalovce Aliza Barak née Ressler 115
The road to battle Emil Knieza First 118
The Needle [E] Elishevah Szenes 126
An onion – a subject for arbitration in Auschwitz Dr. Alexander Goldstein 128
In the mission of conscience [E] Katya Carmi 129
The Gypsy woman [E] Elishevah Szenes 132
The town is burning Mordechai Gebirtig 134
List of Holy Ones [E] 135
The section - “A candle for the family” 151
R' Yedel Goldstein - one of the “Lamed Vav Zaddikim” [36 righteous men] Dr. Alexander Goldstein 194
“Yizkor” - A page for the commemoration of relatives 196
The Martyrs of the Israeli Defense Forces 197
A Prayer Tirza 197
Yakov (Yankale) Ra'anan z”l Naomi 199
Yakov a submarine man Yosef Dror 201
Dov (Tomy) son of David Karl and Yehudit Porat 203
Alex Armon (Kastenbaum) 205
Former residents of Michalovce who passed away in Israel 206
The Survivors 215
The return of the expelled [E] Emil F. Knieza 216
The testimony of our townswoman about the Nazis horrors 227
Michalovce - before the war and during the Holocaust (from the “Zemplín Almanac”) 231
The western expert [E] Vill Stano (Avigdor Steinhardt) 232
Melancholy thoughts Dov Lahav (Blau) 233
Before the bench of the national court Dr. A. Goldstein 234
In their death they bequeathed us life Elishevah Szenesh 236
Members the organization's National Committee 238
On the activities of Michalovce immigration organization [E] Asher (Artur) Benovitz 239
To the former residents of Michalovce and the vicinity [E] Dr. Alexander Goldstein 240
Dr. David Erenfeld
English Section
[from the back of the book]
With the book Mordechai Ben-Zev (Mori Farkash) 3
The community of Michalovce – Its history, institutions and personalities Dr. David Ehrenfeld 5
A monument to Michalovce Jewry Senesh Erzsi 12
The religious life in Michalovce Yisrael Yakov Davidowich 17
Our teachers Avigdor Steno (Steinhardt) 29
The Bath-House Street Dov Lahav (Blau) 32
The foundation of “Kadimah Hashomer” in Michalovce Tzvi (Hermann) Spira 33
Kadimah Hashomer Anus Gregor (Hexner) 34
Hashomer Hatzair” nest in Michalovce Mori Ben-Zev (Farkas) 35
Zion Workers [Poale Zion] Moshe Dovdavany (Kirschnbaum) 37
The Religious Zionist movement in Michalovce Akivah Keshet (Kastenbaum) 38
The memories of a movement member Dov Gregor (Gleich) 40
The history of “Beitar” in Michalovce Benjamin Helinger 41
With awe and love Dr. Alexander Mitlman 43
The town Jachet Gregor 44
The Gypsy woman Elizabeth Szenes 45
The life of the Jewish congregation in Michalovce during the Second World War Benjamin (Berry) Bornstein 49
Tidings and a letter from Auschwitz Jachet Gregor 66
In the mission of conscience K. Carmi 68
The Needle Erzs (Elishevah) Szenes 71
List of Holy Ones 75
The return of the expelled Emil F. Knieza 92
The western expert Vill Stano (Avigdor Steinhardt) 97
A short report on the emigrants of Michalovce 98
On the activities of Michalovce immigration organization Asher (Artur) Benovitz 99
A memorial speech in Israel Senesh Erzsi 100
To the former residents of Michalovce and the vicinity Dr. Alexander Goldstein, Dr. David Erenfeld 103


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