Memorial Book
of the Community of Lipniszki
(Lipnishki, Belarus)

54°00' / 25°37'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron shel kehilat Lepnishok

Editor: A. Levin

Published in Tel Aviv 1968

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron shel kehilat Lepnishok (Memorial book of the community of Lipniszki),
Editor: A. Levin, Published: Tel Aviv 1968 (H,Y 206 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lipnishki

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Editorial Avner Levin 11
Lipnishki Between Two World Wars
Our town Lipnishki Avner Levin 15
My town Lipnishki [Y] Meir Kaplan 25
My little town Yehuda Ginsburg 47
My beloved town Chaia Pepe–Rosenberg 53
Lipnishki Beruria Shkolnik–Kolton 56
Memories Yehuda Ginsburg 59
The Jewish self–defense in Lipnishki [Y] Binyamin Singer 64
The big fire in Lipnishki in 1926 Avner Levin 68
The little library   71
Figures in our Town
Figures Naftali Kretchmer 75
R'Avraham Aba Peikovski HY”D Rabbi Dov Shkolnik 96
The Lipnishki rabbis Rabbi Dov Shkolnik 98
The great scholar and Rabbi R'Refael Mordechai Brishanski z”l Shalom Brishanski 102
The Red Rabbi I. Even–Chen 106
The pharmacist Meir Krochmalnik HY”D Yehuda Ginsburg 111
Since you know (poem) [Y] R'Yosef Balila HY”D 113
Letters Yosef Levin HY”D 116
Memories of adventures on my way to Eretz Israel Zvi Yedidia (Bloch) z”l 122
The Times of Holocaust and Destruction
In memory of our town Lipnishki Chaim Slodovnik 131
Lipnishki under Soviet rule Yitzhak Levin 133
The beginning of the Holocaust Chaim Slodovnik 140
Memories from the days of the Holocaust Yitzhak Levin 144
What I went through [Y] Rosa Ziskind 152
The years of my childhood [Y] Tzipora Bergbrind 160
Lipnishki during Second World War I. Ch. G. 166
Memories from my town of birth [Y] Shimke Bashist 176
Lipnishki and the Partisans Chaim Bashist 179
The tragic end [Y] Meir Levin 184
YITGADAL VEYITKADASH (Kadish) Meir Kaplan 196
The Lipnishki martyrs who perished in the Holocaust (Necrology)   199


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