Lanowce: Memorial Book of the Martyrs of Lanowce
Who Perished During the Holocaust
(Lanivtsi, Ukraine)

49°52' / 26°05'

Translation of
Lanovits: sefer zikaron le-kedoshei lanovits
she-nispu be-shoat ha-natsim

Edited by H. Rabin

Published by Association of former residents of Lanowce



Project Coordinator

Sol Sylvan z”l


An obituary to Sol z”l


This is a translation from Lanovits: sefer zikaron le-kedoshei lanovits she-nispu be-shoat ha-natsim,
(Lanowce: memorial book of the martyrs of Lanowce who perished during the Holocaust);
editor H. Rabin; Association of former residents of Lanowce; Tel Aviv, Israel, 1970

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  Editorial Comment 5
Chapter 1: Lanowitz, History and Experiences
H. Rabin Historiography 11
Shalom Avital Lanowitz at the Beginning and at the End 20
Motke Roichman Man and his Environment 23
Eliezer Zinberg Our Home in the Stetl 41
Beiril Goldberg Memories of My Family 44
Bluma Miller My Stetle, My Family 48
Bonia Stein-Spitzer About Your Lanowitz and my Aunt…. 50
Shlomo Pacht This Event Happened 52
Chapter 2: Lanowitz-Holocaust and its Aftermath
Moshe Rosenberg In the Lanowitz Ghetto, from the Beginning until its Liquidation 56
Meir Becker The Lanowitz Ghetto and my Escape from it 69
Issac Landau Horror Journal 76
Shlomo Pacht Lanowitz-Majdanek, 1944 91
Shalom Segal How my Daughter was Saved 95
Moshe Rosenberg About Idis' Daughter 98
Byya Goldberg Horror Details 99
Rivka Perla In memory of martyrs 100
E. Rabin Memorial candle 100
E. Rabin I want to live 101
  Reply to a grandson 102
Chapter 3: In the Soviet Diaspora
Feiril Melamed Remembering Lanowitz in My Wanderings 104-106
Aryeh Ginzburg From Lanowitz to the Soviet Union 107-112
Batya (Melamed) Taitel This is How We Lived in Russia 113-118
Shlomo Taitel An Addendum to Batya's Report 119-120
Joseph Viner My Experience Under the Soviet Regime 121-124
Mendel Brimmer Difficult Separations 125-131
Zvi Meil I Was in Lanowitz After the Holocaust 132-136
Editors Yosef Marder, Caretaker of Our Mass Graves 137-139
Mendel Brimmer Moishe Marder 140
Chapter 4: In the Thicket of Redemption
Moni Each Generation and its Zionists 142-147
Israel Glazer First Hehalutz Branch in Lanowitz 148-153
Zvi Brimmer Hehalutz Hatza'ir in Lanowitz 154-156
Sonia Shar (Shifman) My Pioneering Days in Lanowitz 157-160
Sarah Kitikisher Beitar Hakhsharah in Lanowitz 161
Etil Adler Spiler Redemption that Ended Poorly 162
Moni Dramatics in Lanowitz 163-165
Josef Buchstein Changes in Class Standing in Lanowitz 166-168
Shalom Avital Youth and Its Yearning 169-170
Cherna Rabin In Memory of Those Friends that Perished 171-174
Chapter 5: Significant Persons and Dr. Zinberg
Hayim Rabin The Legacy of Lanowitz in the Writings of Dr. Y. Zinberg 177-182
David K'na'any The Author and his Project 183-186
Eliezer Zinberg In Memory of Yisroel Zinberg 187-191
D.A. Zinberg's Heritage and Posterity 193-197
Ozer Lerner Our Late Rabbi Motel Speizman 198-200
Rabbi Aharon Wertheim Rav Aharon Rabin, Our Last Town Rabbi 201-204
  The Late Reb Yisroel (Srulikol) Rabin 204
Lola Friedman Katilansky Zeida Katilansky 205-206
Editor About Shaiky and Zuni (Rabin) 207-210
Lola Katilansky Yosef Ozer Shprit 210-213
Rabbi Y. Opatovsky Lanowitz and its Notables 214-216
Ch. Livne Feiga, the Bath Attendant 217-218
B. Harin Leizer “The Greener” 219-223
Yeheskel Shmukler Arenda Holders 224-226
Chapter 6: Lanowitz in Legends
Ch. Rabin Lanowitz Legends 229-234
Editor The Original Barons of Our Town 235-237
Yisrael Glazer Experiences We Do Not Forget 238-239
Yizhak Meir Weitzman Calling Up 4th to the Torah 240-245
Ch. Rabin Yizkor for Lanowitz's Martyrs 246
Chapter 7: Our Losses in Our Homeland
Ch. Rabin Feiga Roichman (Nechtelman) 249-253
Yisrael Glazer Our First Halutzah, Feril Yishpe-Gilboa z”l 254-255
H.M. Ran The Late Zvi Rabin (1913 – 1946) 256
B. Y. Haran The Late Shoshana (Rozhya) Stein-Koitel 257
Moni Fotsi - Yizhak Gluzstein 258
Ya'acov Valaizi The Late Avraham Roichman 259-260
Y. Glazer The Late Y. Zingel 261-262
Y. Glazer The Late Yizhak Kirshon 263-264
R. Hadar The Late Hava (Mirotznik) Taichman 265-266
Editor Hayya Fuchs 267
Ya'acov Fialkov The Late Hayya Feiga Fleishman 268-269
Editor Rav Glazer 270
Ch. Rabin Yizhak Shemesh 271-272
Chapter 8: Yiddish Section - Lanowitz, History, People & Memories
Ch. Rabin Lanovits History and Memories 279-283
Yosef Warrach Lanowitz, a Spiritual Concept 284-287
Avraham Teichman Lanowitz, Types and Pages 288-301
Yosef Warrach A Visit to Lanowitz 302-303
Byya Goldenberg A Few Family Remembrances 304-309
Chapter 9: Death and Horrors
Moshe Rosenberg In the Lanowitz Ghetto- From the Beginning until its Liquidation 313-328
Meir Becker My Escape from the Lanowitz Ghetto 329-338
Byya Goldenberg How Our Rabbis Perished 339-340
Ya'acov Kagan In Our Shtetl and Far Away 341-343
Aryeh Ginzburg From Lanowitz to the Soviet Union 344-351
Batya (Melamed) Taitel This is How We Lived in Russia 352-359
Shlomo Taitel (Tamri) An Addendum to Batya's Report 360-361
Joseph Viner My Experience Under the Soviet Regime 362-367
Yitzhak Weinstein I Was a Witness 368-373
Photos   374
Chapter 10: Dr. Yisroel Zinberg
Hillel Alexandrov Zinberg Pages [and his archive] 376-383
H. A. Zinberg's Archives 384-385
Avraham Belov The Rich Archives of Y. Zinberg in Leningrad 387-390
Chapter 11: People and Types
Muni Dina Kavkes 393-394
Muni Uziel Chaim Mordche's 395-396
Sarah Fickes Shalom Weisman 397-399
Shalom Koitel (Avital) My Three Sisters 400-401
Yizhak Weinstein Regarding Zuni (Azriel) Rabin 402-404
Moni El'azar (Lazar) Meil 405-406
Z. Katz (Rabin) My Grandfather Akivah 407-408
Moshe Zak (Mexico) My Family 409-410
Yechezkel Shmukler (Beis Yitzchak) Farmers 411-415
Ch. R. Shmuel Fisher, of blessed memory 416-417
  Photos 418-420
  Alphabetical List of those Who Perished 421-435
  List of Homeowners of Houses Shown on Lanowitz City Sketch 436-440
  Photo captions from the Lanovtsy Yizkor book


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Sol Sylvan z”l
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 22 Jan 2024 by LA