Memorial Book of Krakow,
a Mother City in Israel

(Kraków, Poland)

50°05' / 19°55'

Translation of
Sefer Kraka, Ir v'Em b'Israel

Edited by Dr. A. Bauminger

Published in Jerusalem, 1959


Project Coordinator

Judith Springer

Our sincere appreciation to David Reiser of the Krakow Landsmannschaft in Israel
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Kraka, Ir v'Em b'Israel (Memorial Book of Krakow, a Mother City in Israel)
ed. Dr. A. Bauminger et al., Jerusalem, the Rav Kuk Institute and former residents of Krakow in Israel, 1959.

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Edited by Dr. Arieh Bauminger, Meir Bossak, M.A.,

and Dr. Natan Michael Gelber

Published by the Rav Kuk Institute, Jerusalem, 1959

With the Participation of the Organization of Former Residents of Krakow in Israel

The Initiating Committee for the Publication of the Book of Krakow
on Behalf of the Organization of Former Residents of Krakow in Israel

Zygmunt Hochwald, Chairman

Arieh Arieli, Shlomo Gal-Wolner, Dr. Reuven Wolf, and Yaacov Sternberg

Table of Contents

Translated by Judith Springer

List of Illustrations    
Upon the Publication of the Book A. Rabbi Y.L. Hacohen Maimon  
  B. Chaim Levanon  
History of the Jews of Krakow During the Five Centuries Dr. Arieh Bauminger 9
Between 5064 (1304) and 5575 (1815)    
Jews in the Krakow Republic of 5575-5606 (1815-1846) Dr. N. M. Gelber 39
Jews of Krakow in the Second Half of the 19th Century Meir Bossak, M.A 89
Krakow -- A Treasured City Yehuda Leib Bialer 126
On the History of Hasidism M.S. Geshuri 167
Zionist Associations in Krakow Before Herzl Dr. N. M. Gelber 179
On the History of Zionism in Krakow Before World War I Dr. Dawid Bulwa (of blessed memory) 185
The World of the Fathers and the Ways of the Sons Arieh Lipschitz 187
On the History of Jewish Defense in Krakow in 1918-1919 Yaacov Billig 193
A Chapter in the Heroism of the Jews of Krakow in 1919 Y. Alster 203
The National Zionist Organization in Western Galicia
and Silesia (1919-1939)
Dr. Y. Schwartzbart 207
On the History of Mizrachi in Krakow A. Arieli (Klein) 256
The Akiva Movement--
A. Its Beginning
Dr. Yehuda Orenstein 263
B. The Ideology of Akiva and Its Activities
Moshe Zinger 266
On the History of Poalei Tzion in Krakow--
A. The Beginning of the Movement
Yitzhak Halpern 269
B. Supplements to the History of Poalei Tzion
Shlomo Wolner (Gal) 273
Hashomer Hatzair Yaacov Horani (Schlein) 276
Gordonia Yaacov Forst 278
Hitachdut in Krakow Dr. Otto Menashe 280
The Revisionist Party (Union of Zionist Revisionists -- Hatzohar) Dr. Y. Schechter 282
Agudat Israel in Krakow M. Yechezkeli 284
Settlements of Krakow Pioneers--
A. Beit Yehoshua
Moshe Zinger 286
  B. Neve Eitan
Z. Zelenfreund-Horowitz 288
The Face of Jewish Society and Economy in Krakow Before the Destruction Dr. Tzvi Parnas 293
The Association of Jewish Merchants in Krakow Yaacov Sternberg 311
The B'nei B'rith Lodge (Achava -- Fraternity) in Krakow Dr. Shimon Feldblum (of blessed memory) 313
Jewish Legal Practice in Krakow Dr. Zygmunt Fenichel 316
The Jewish Hospital in Krakow Dr. A. Schwartzbart 324
The Hebrew School Named After Dr. Chaim Hilfstein Meir Bossak, M.A. 329
Mizrachi Educational Institutions in Krakow Ze'ev Bauminger 334
Cultural Projects Dr. Zechariah Kasif 337
Cantors and Cantorship in Krakow M.S. Geshuri 344
The Jewish Theater in Krakow Yona (Jonas) Turkow 352
Dr. Yehoshua Thon Dr. N. M. Gelber 355
Dr. Chaim Hilfstein Meir Bossak, M.A. 358
Mordechai Gebirtig B. Weinreb (of blessed memory) 360
Dr. Ze'ev (Wilhelm) Berkelhammer Yaacov Yedidiya (Freund) 362
The Publisher of Hamitzpe and His Surroundings Prof. Dov Sadan 362
R' Michal Ginzig, of blessed memory Yechezkel Mahler 365
Dr. Shimon Feldblum, of blessed memory Dr. Eliezer Lustbader 367
Naftali Birnhack B. Weinreb (of blessed memory) 368
Sara Schnirer -- A Mother in Israel Moshe Prager 369
The City of My Father, (Dr. Kanfer), of blessed memory Irma Kanfer 376
Jews in Krakow During the Nazi Occupation Dora Agatstein-Dormont, M.A. 381
Jewish Life During the Holocaust Yaacov Sternberg 408
Rebels of the Krakow Ghetto Dr. Arieh Bauminger 416

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Judith Springer
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 27 Jun 2009 by LA