Memorial Book of Kosow-Kosow Huculski
(Kosiv, Ukraine)

48°19' / 25°06'

Translation of
Sefer Kosow-Galicia ha-mizrahit

Editors: G. Kressel, L. Oliczky

Published in Tel Aviv 1964




This is a translation of: Sefer Kosow-Galicia ha-mizrahit (Memorial book of Kosow-Kosow Huculski),
Editor: G. Kressel, L. Oliczky, Former Residents of Kosow and Vicinity in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1964 (H,Y 430 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kosow

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


The book about the Kossow Community G. Kartel 7
The Jewish Kossow (poem) [Y] L. Alitzki 11
Introduction A. Z. Stein 12
Memories from the Past
Our Community Kossow Avraham Zvi Stein 19
Kossow - its life [Y] Dr. Meshulam Simcha 51
The beginnings of the Zionist Movement in Kossov Yeshayahu Ish-Horowitz 103
Memories and impressions Dr. Yosef Meir 126
Kossow and its ADMORs Rav M. Ch. Efraim Bloch 142
The Zionist Kossow Yitzhak Tennenboim 158
Jewish Schools and Kindergartens Penina Stein 159
Distinguished personalities [Y] Malka Raat 165
About craftsmen and about my father z”l Aharon Appelboim 167
Pages from the past [Y] Zalman Moiler 170
The Jewish shtetele Kossow [Y] Meir Mayern-Luzer 173
About Kossow my town Dr. Yehuda Felix 176
Memories Yosef Winter 182
Kossow people in the Kibbutzim Shlomo Kalmann 188
The “mountain merchants” in Kossow [Y] Yakov (Buzie) Reicher 193
The Poalei Zion party [Y] Yosef Winter & Baruch Engler 196
Our hearts cry after our Shtetl [Y] Dr. Meshulam Simcha 202
Kossow - Kitow [Y] Victoria Mandel 210
Memories from my home town Dr. G. Ravitz 211
Types and images [Y] Munye Fuchs 212
R'Shmuel Avraham Heisler Avraham Zvi Stein 223
Avraham Kreisel Avraham Zvi Stein 229
The “Mizrachi” minyan [prayer-quorum] in Kossow Avraham Zvi Stein 237
From Avraham Kreisel's articles in the Hebrew Press Avraham Zvi Stein 242
Dr. Yosef Meir Avraham Zvi Stein 250
Dr. Yakov Gertner Avraham Zvi Stein 254
Jews, help! - in memory of R'Hershele Feier Yissachar Spiegel 257
My father Eliyahu Finster and my grandfather Pini Heisler Rivka Kesser 267
Chaia-Sara Bartfeld [Y] Baruch Engler 270
Destruction and Holocaust
The destruction of Kossow [Y] Dr. Meshulam Simcha 275
The Holocaust in our town and surroundings Dr. Meshulam Simcha 313
The Zavie community D. Spotheim 332
How I jumped from the death train [Y] Buzie Odelsmach-Klich 334
Kossow is “Judenrein” [Y] Baruch Engler 339
Kossow without Jews Baruch Engler 372
In everlasting memory 392
List of the holy and pure martyrs (Necrology) 393


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