Summoned from the Ashes
(Kolky, Ukraine)

51°06' / 25°40'

Translation of
Fun ash aroysgerufn

Written by Daniel Kac

Published in Warsaw, 1983



Project Coordinator

Andrew Blumberg


Emeritus Project Coordiantor: Brian Reiser


Our sincere appreciation to Daniel Kac for permission
to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Fun ash aroysgerufn (Summoned from the ashes),
Written by Daniel Kac, published in Warsaw, 1983 (Y).

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Dear Naftali!

I send you my book of our history.

No one will ever make a pilgrimage to the Biala shores and to all the scattered graves of our closest ones. If I have succeeded in assuring that our families and the details of their lives are not forgotten, I have achieved my purpose. Without your help, I would never have accomplished this.

D. Kac

21.07.1983, Warsaw

This Yiddish inscription written by author Daniel Kac, translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund, is in a copy of the original book published in 1983 owned by project coordinator Andrew Blumberg.


Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Designer and publisher information 2
Dedication 3
1. * * * 5
Distant Echoes
2. A Door to the Past 9
3. Our Shtetl [town] 13
4. Guests 19
5. It Returns to the Surface of Memory 33
6. Stains on the Face 43
7. Come Out, Vanished Figures 47
8. Friday at Night 63
9. A Metamorphosis of a Melody 69
10. The Benyamin Tribe from Kolki 79
In Thirst of Knowledge
11. Our Youth 93
12. A Bit of an Actor in Every Life 97
13. Literary Evenings 105
14. Literary Trials 111
15. Kestl Ovntn 119
16. Our Mothers 123
17. Lines of History 127
Lives and Names
18. Perl Tine Reports… 135
19. What the Eyes Saw 149
20. Children and the Old 173
21. One of the Gentile Friends of the Jews 187
22. Two Who Were the Last… 195
In Death and In Life
23. Take Hold of the Iron [Take Up Arms] – Avraham Sutzkever 207
24. In the Spanish Civil War 209
25. Against the Common Enemy 215
26. The Sweet and Heroic 219
27. …From the Styr…Through the Volga…to the Wisla [Vistula] 223
28. Two Sisters 231
29. Berl 241
30. A Twin 245
31. A General Explains 249
32. Through Hell for the Second Time 255
33. Over Mountains, Through Valleys, Across All of the Seven Seas 313
34. With the “Chapayev” Detachment 342
35. Tempered in Fire 354
36. Kolkers with the Kovpakovitses * 372
37. Dear Names 389
Acknowledgements 397
List of photographs

* Partisans - followers of Sydir Artemovych Kovpak


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Andrew Blumberg
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 1 Jan 2025 by LA