In Memory of the Communities
of Halmin-Turcz and Vicinity
(Halmeu, Romania)

47°58' / 23°01'

Translation of
Zikhron netsah la-kehilot ha-kedoshot Halmin-Turcz
ve-ha-seviva asher nehrevu ba-shoa

Editor: Yehuda Schwartz

Published in Hadera, 1968


Major funding for this translation was provided
by the Halderstein Owl Trust in memory of Louise (Schwartz) Low,
Holocaust victims Elemer Schwartz and Yolan (Schwartz) Weiss,
and the many other descendants of Isidore and Mali Schwartz

The book has been translated by Jerrold Landau


This is a translation of: Zikhron netsah la-kehilot ha-kedoshot Halmin-Turcz ve-ha-seviva asher nehrevu ba-shoa
(In memory of the communities of Halmin-Turcz and vicinity),
Editors: Yehuda Schwartz, Halmin-Turcz and Vicinity Society. Hadera, 1968 (138 pages; H).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Halmi

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Foreword Menachem Carmi 1
Introduction Yehuda Schwartz 3
Scroll of Remembrance: Representatives of the communities and the classes   4
About the Memorial Ceremony   5
The letter of the Chairman of the Organization of Halmeu Natives   7
Section of the poem “Eli Eli Nafshi Bechi Y.L. Bialer 8
Address of the School Principal, Mr. Yehuda Schwartz   9
Words of Eulogy of the rabbi of the city, the Rabbi and Gaon Rabbi David Werner, may he live long   10
Address of the Deputy Mayor of Hadera Mr. Mordechai Kostlitz   11
Address by Mr. Shlomo Zimrony, Representative of the Community of Klausenberg   12
Address of Mr. Menachem Carmi, Representative of the Natives of Halmeu   13
The community of Halmeu Rachel Schwartz 14
Societal life in Halmeu Rachel Schwartz 16
A Collection of Student Compositions Reflecting on the Commemoration Ceremony of the Communities   17
Yizkor…A prayer   18
The letter of HaRav Yeshayahu Barkai   18a
Commemorating the community - How?   19
Halmeu Yehudah Schwartz 21-75
    The Rabbis Yehudah Schwartz 24
    The Courts of the Admorim and Rebbes in Halmeu Yehudah Schwartz 33
    The Beis Midrash of the Hassidim   35
    Aspects of Jewish Life   53
    The Physicians   60
    The Grain Merchants   60
    Charitable and Benevolent Institutions   62
    Youth Organizations   63
    Portrait of the Town   64
    Jews of the Surrounding Villages   67
    Halmin - Halmi - Halmeu   69
    “The National Hebrew Covenant and the Jewish Party”   69
    On the Way to the Holocaust   71
    After the Destruction   73
A Letter to the Editor from David Meir Appel   75
An Important Jewish City David Glick 77
The Holy Community of Turcz Moshe Fish 78-87
I Will Not Forget Them Pinchas Schwartz 87-93
Reb Aharon Kahane of blessed memory Tzvi Kahan 94-96
Stories of my Family in Bătarci Yehudit Reichberger (Landau) 96-98
Perpetuating the Holy Community - Halmeu David Meir Apel 99
A Memorial to those that Went - Auschwitz, 5704 (1944) Eliezer Zicherman 101
Reb Zeev Aryeh (Wolf Leib) Farkas of blessed memory   103
In Memory of the Traub Family from their son Menachem Mendel   104-108
Memories from the Holy Community of Halmeu as a Torah Center Rabbi Yeshayahu Barkai 108a
In Memory of my Father Reb Yosef Weiss of Blessed Memory Pearl Weiss 109
The World of Yesterday and Today ( biographical notes) HaRav Yeshayahu Barkai 109a
For the Elevation of the Souls of the Martyrs of Halmeu   111-112
From Slavery to Redemption Malka Schwarz 113-120
Experiences in a Work Camp in Ukraine Yehuda Schwartz 121-128
Conclusion Yehudah Schwartz 129-130
List of names mentioned in the book   131-138
Table of contents   139
List of photographs   140

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