Memorial Book of the
Martyred Community Cieszanow
(Cieszanów, Poland)

50°14' / 23°08'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehila kedosha Cieszanow

Editor: D. Ravid

Published in Tel Aviv 1970

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-kehila kedosha Cieszanow
(Memorial book of the martyred community Cieszanow),
Editor: D. Ravid, Former residents of Cieszanow in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1970 (H, Y 331 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Cieszanow

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Part One - Organization 7
To enter the Holy Place Dr. D. Ravid 9
Foreword, with the appearance of the Memorial Book [Y] Dr. D. Ravid 11
And so it all began [Y] Dr. D. Ravid 12
To the author of the Cieszanow Memorial Book S. Lieberman 19
Part Two - History 21
The Jewish life in Cieszanow until WWI Dr. D. Ravid 22
The Holy Community of Cieszanow Dr. D. Ravid 23
The Cieszanow community Dr. D. Ravid 27
One who has repented [Ba'al Teshuva] [Y] Dr. D. Ravid 64
A memorial candle for our mothers [Y] 72
My town Cieszanow [Y] Dr. D. Ravid 73
Today I remember my sins Dr. D. Ravid 103
In the city of slaughter (poem) Ch. N. Bialik 169
A good advice from a friend… [Y] Dr. D. Ravid 178
The first bombing Dr. D. Ravid 179
A poem of mourning for our brothers and sisters who
were murdered by the Germans
Dr. D. Ravid 180
A song of praise to the members of the organization committee Dr. D. Ravid 181
A memorial article for the Holocaust martyrs Rav Nahum Hakohen Goldsmid 185
On the Holocaust Rav Moshe Avital 187
The Poland Jewry Rav and head of the rabbinic court
Mordechai Vogelman
Cieszanow Dr. Lev Fischelsohn 190
The Holocaust Michal Ravid 191
A poem from the book “The Lublin Register” [Pinkas Lublin] [Y] Melech Raviych 192
The “Days of Awe” that arrived early [Y] Shmuel Lieberman 195
My town Cieszanow [Y] Shmuel Lieberman 197
A memorial monument for R' Aharon Plave z”l Shmuel Lieberman 198
An eternal memorial Shmuel Lieberman 199
A few words dedicated to the Holocaust [Y] Shmuel Lieberman 200
Our work toward the publication of the Memorial Book [Y] Shmuel Z. Tepper 202
An extinguished candle [Y] Shmuel Z. Tepper 205
Yizkor [Remember] Shmuel Z. Tepper 209
R' Baruch Arie Kleichman, may God revenge his soul Shlomo Singer 214
Memories Moshe Mechl Tepper 215
From the old generation to the new generation Dr. D. Ravid 217
Memories Shraga Yitzhak (Feivel) Lehrer 221
In memory of the Diaspora Shraga Yitzhak (Feivel) Lehrer 236
In the Cieszanow Ghetto [Y] Tuvia Friedman 238
Cieszanow, a fort of the Belz Hasidim Ben-Zion Friedman 242
The Bet Yakov school in Cieszanow Ben-Zion Friedman 244
The Cieszanow simple Jews - “folk-Jews” [Y] Ben-Zion Friedman 245
Happy are the eyes that have seen the holy congregation Ben-Zion Friedman 246
To preserve the memories forever [Y] Mina Yaroslevitz-Tennenbaum 249
Memories about the parents and the family Yaffa Weinstein Brenner 250
Part Three - General 251
To the memory of the Days of Old 252
To the memory of R' Arie Leibush Koenig 253
Memories from the last war [Y] Shraga Feivel Lehrer 256
Yitgadal Veyitkadash Shemei Raba (the Kadish) Shraga Feivel Lehrer 259
Adopt our Cieszanow community Shraga Feivel Lehrer 262
El Male Rahamim [memorial prayer] Shlomo Zalman and Yona Boimel 266
Children and their families in the “Aryan” Zone Ella Mahler 267
Cieszanow, my second home [Y] Mordechai Koifman 275
How many traitors must the Jewish Land have [Y] Mordechai Koifman 287
Words to remember [Y] Frieda Starkman-Koifman 290
The Cieszanow former residents are united in support of
the State of Israel
Mordechai Koifman 292
Each generation has its teachers Dr. David Ravid 295
The righteous will be eternally remembered Dr. David Ravid 303
My grandfather, our teacher the Rav Yitzhak Hakohen Glenzer z”l Zvi Elimelech Glenzer 304
Names of the pure, blessed souls most of them died as martyrs 307

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