A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Bychawa, Lubelska
(Bychawa, Poland)

51°01' / 22°32'

Edited by Jacob Adini

Published by the Bychawa Organization in Israel, 1968

This is a translation of: Bychawa; sefer zikaron
(Bychawa; a memorial to the Jewish community of Bychawa, Lubelska)
Edited by: Jacob Adini, published by: The Bychawa Organization in Israel, 1968 (636 pages, H, Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bychawa

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Bychawa; sefer zikaron

Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Map of the Lublin District   2
Foreword   13
Episodes From the Past
The town M. Wizhnitzer 21
Bychawa – From the special issue of Bychawa residents in Israel   21
What once existed, and does not exist any more… Dr. Chaim Braver 23
The Town-Plan Edited by S. Himmelfarb 24
A letter from the priest Dominik May 30
My little town Bychawa Arye Reiss 31
My little town Bychawa Rivka Ackerman 39
Photographs from the burned past Dr. Chaim Braver 42
My little town Bychawa Moshe Rieder 46
My memories about life in Bychawa:
Education the heder and the melamed / Organizations and institutions / The community committee and its institutions / Rabbis / The shul and the bet-hamidrash / The cultural activity / After WWI / The Joint / The Consumers Organization that was  unsuccessful / “Agudat Israel” in Bychawa


Hilel Moshe Barkay 50
From Bychawa to New York Dr. Chaim Diamand 62
From the past (types and episodes) Dr. M. I. Schiffer 76
Reflections Rivka Melis-Alterman 88
At the light of a lamp Noah Goldstein 91
Memories Tzipora Himmelfarb 98
Shabat afternoon in Bychawa S. Himmelfarb 99
Memories about our town Israel Erlich 100
My town Bychawa Malka Glickstein-Reiss 103
Memories Menashe Erlich z”l 105
Memories Chaim Zholtak 110
Bichawa my town Arye Pick 114
Childhood memories Noah Goldstein 115
Our town is on fire Moshe Gritz z”l 118
Memories from my town Bychawa Tova-Anka Makowitzki 119
Memories from my childhood Moshe Eichenblit 122
“The Stock-Exchange” Noah Scheingarten 123
Transportation in town Noah Scheingarten,
Moshe Rieder
Leaves of a life I. Zerubavel 133
Health care in Bychawa N. S. 135
A Town and its Residents, Personalities and Types
The Jewish Bychawa Moshe Erlich 141
Rabbis – From the book “The Glory of the Jew”   143
The rabbi R'Itzik'l z”l Yakov Kleiman 152
Episodes Avraham Licht 157
A quick glance at the house of the Rabbi Moshe Gritz z”l 159
Avraham'tche Soltis Yakov Kleiman 160
Types of Jewish craftsmen in Bychawa Yakov Kleiman 164
My town Bychawa Bat-Sheva Hurwitz-Grinwald 170
My father, of blessed memory Arye Reiss 172
My brother Menachem-Mendel Reiss z”l Arye Reiss 174
My family [lit. “My Father's House"] Sarah 176
To the memory of Israel Zitman z”l Simcha Erlich 179
To the memory of Leib'tche Himmelfarb Noah Scheingarten 181
R'Yechiel Kleiman Dr. Chaim Braver 183
A memorial to Meir Rieder z”l Moshe Rieder 185
Chemia Lehrer, Yechiel SHOV, Chazan and mohel [slaughterer-examiner, cantor and circumciser], Israel-Hirsh Silberstat, Shechnale 2 the cobbler who is grateful for what he has, Alter Himmelfarb, R'Itchele Shohet [slaughterer], R'Baruch the blind
Arye Reiss 187
The personality of Yechiel SHOV z”l Yakov Kleiman 191
To the memory of the Bychawa water-drawer N. S. 195
The memorial day (to Moshe Chodik) Yakov Kleiman 198
The house of my parents Tzipora Himmelfarb 202
Nachman Seidnover z”l Arye Reiss 204
Chananya Morgenstern Ch. Shapira 205
Memorial to the Jews of Bychawa Avraham Burstein 206
Zionism, Parties, Culture and Education
The history of the Zionist Movement in our town Chaim A. Shapira 211
The Zionist Movement in Bychawa S. Ehrlich 215
The Zionist Organization in Bychawa Arye Reiss 218
The “Hechalutz” and the youth movements Noah Goldstein 222
“Hechalutz Hatza'ir” in Bychawa Arye Pick 224
The road-builders Noah Scheingarten 227
“Po'alei Zion” in Bychawa Yakov Kleiman 230
The aspiration to education and culture Chaim Cohen 235
The “heder” and the melamdim in Bychawa Noah Scheingarten 237
Chaim Yankel the melamed Noah Goldstein 241
A portrait of a teacher Noah Scheingarten 243
To the memory of Avraham Zuker Chaim Zholtak 246
The Way of Life
Fear and Mystery Noah Scheingarten 253
From the mouths of old people Shlomo Goldstein 255
A wedding in the town Bychawa Arye Pick 256
Former Bychawa residents who have passed away
One of the first Noah Scheingarten 261
Mother Noah Scheingarten 263
Portrait of Mendel Loewenbaum z”l Yakov Kleiman 265
Portrait of Menashe Erlich z”l Yakov Kleiman 267
Shlomo Reiss z”l Noah Scheingarten 270
Shmuel Erlich z”l Arye Reiss 272
Freidale Erlich z”l Noah 273
Zvi (Hershele) Kleiman z”l Dr. Chaim Braver 274
Yehoshua Olami (Weltman) z”l Yakov Kleiman 276
Yehoshua Brand (Di-Nur) z”l M. B. 277
Mordechai Feuereisen z”l Y. K. 278
Moshe Gritz z”l Arye Reiss 280
Grandfather and grandmother z”l Dr. Chaim Braver 281
“You have funds of your own” Kosovski 283
Sons who fell and died in the prime of their lives
Yakov Goldstein z”l Esther Goldstein-Opatovski 289
Yakov Turbiner z”l Arye Pick 290
Yakov Olami z”l M. R. 291
Yosef Rieder z”l Y. E. 293
To the memory of Dan (Danny) Scheingarten z”l   294
Zeevi Nechushtan Noah Scheingarten 295
The Holocaust
While seeing the things to come (a poem) Noah Goldstein 301
Years of Tribulation and bereavement 1937-1942
The year 1942 / Forced labor / The transport to annihilation / In Belzec / In hiding / We are going to the Partisans / At the crossroads – where to? / The year 1943 / Bychawa Jews demolishing houses in Bychawa / Lea's ring / “Catch the Jews, catch the Jew, Hurray!” / Another miracle: we were saved from death / In the Asaba village / After all was finished
Moshe Baron 302
Bychawa my home town Rivka Ackerman 319
From the days of suffering and torture:
The escape from camp back to Bychawa / SS is looking for Jewish tailors – to kill them / The war between Germany and Russia / Escaping to the forest and falling into the hands of Polish murderers / In the Budzin camp
Shmuel Rubin 324
The days of horror:
Winter 1939-1940 / They robbed the furs and murdered / The liquidation of the Lublin ghetto and the neighboring villages / Robbery and looting / We fled to the forest and death followed us / Catch the Jews! / With the partisans
Moshe Erlich 330
My troubles and suffering:
With the outbreak of War / The big woes begin / Middle-Ages persecutions / The transport to death / Jews demolish Jewish houses in Bychawa / I am wandering in the woods / Fleeing from death / The day of liberation is approaching / On the road to Lublin / After the war
Lea Sochovolski (Kleiman) 336
A short addition Pinchas Sochovolski 344
September 1939 – October 1942:
The “Judenrat” – The Jewish Council / The first restrictions / The SS soldiers / Jewish refugees from other towns / “May the informers have no hope” [from the daily prayer] / The murders / How did the Jews survive – how did they make a living? / The “relocation” – the robberies
Moshe Erlich 345
My Town (a poem) Zvi Kleiman z”l 352
Short notes from a legacy Zvi Kleiman z”l 353
Jewish partisans in the Lublin-Bychawa district – From “The Lublin Book” Paris 1952   355
During the war and after it Chaim Cohen 358
My town that was ruined Arye Pick 363
A letter from Galeznow village Alexander Sapost 365
In the hell named Belzec Slava Neiser 367
On the memorial day Yakov Kleiman 375
The twelfth memorial day Feivel Mandelbaum 378
The fifteenth memorial day Chaim (Dr. Braver) 381
The Organization of the Former Residents of Bychawa in Israel
The first memos of the Bychawa committee   387
A meeting with guests, former residents of the town Yakov Kleiman 393
The Jewish Bychawa
Foreword   399
From the past (types and episodes) Dr. M. I. Schiffer 399
My little town Bychawa Rivka Ackerman 415
Memories Menashe Erlich 418
From Bychawa to New York Dr. Chaim Diamand 424
Memories Chaim Zholtak 462
Bychawa – From the “Special edition” for the World congress of Polish Jews – Landsmanshafts in Israel   468
My town Bychawa Bat-Sheva Hurwitz-Grinwald 470
My little town Bychawa Moshe Rieder 472
The rabbi R'Itzik'l z”l Yakov Kleiman 476
A quick glance at the house of the Rabbi Moshe Gritz z”l 482
Our town is on fire Moshe Gritz z”l 482
Leaves of a life I. Zerubavel 485
The aspiration to education and culture Chaim Cohen 488
Shabat afternoon S. Himmelfarb 490
Avraham'tche Soltis Yakov Kleiman 491
To the memory of Avraham Zuker Chaim Zholtak 495
“Po'alei Zion” in Bychawa Yakov Kleiman 500
Types of Jewish craftsmen in Bychawa Yakov Kleiman 505
My town Bychawa (episodes) Sima (Goldstein) Furstenberg 513
Memories from my town Bychawa Tova-Anka Makowitzki 516
Episodes Avraham Licht 520
The personality of Yechiel SHOV z”l Yakov Kleiman 522
“Our own funds” Kosovski 527
Destruction and Ruin
My heart is forever crying Rivka Ackerman 533
Bychawa my home Rivka Ackerman 534
Years of Tribulation and bereavement 1937-1942
The year 1942 / Forced labor / The transport to annihilation / In Belzec / In hiding / We are going to the Partisans / At the crossroads – where to? / The year 1943 / Bychawa Jews demolishing houses in Bychawa / Lea's ring / “Catch the Jews, catch the Jew, Hurray!” / Another miracle: we were saved from death / In the Asaba village / After all was finished
Moshe Baron 541
In the lime pit Rivka Ackerman 565
During the horrible days Moshe Erlich 568
In the days of suffering and pain Shmuel Rubin 576
My troubles and suffering:
With the outbreak of War / The big woes begin / Middle-Ages persecutions / The transport to death / Jews demolish Jewish houses in Bychawa / I am wandering in the woods / Fleeing from death / The day of liberation is approaching / On the road to Lublin / After the war
Lea Sochovolski (Kleiman) 584
A short addition Pinchas Sochovolski 595
Jewish partisans in the Lublin-Bychawa district From “The Lublin Book” 596
On the ruins of my town Malka Reis 600
In the Belzec hell Slave Neiser 601
The horrible day Malka Reis 613
On the memorial day Yakov Kleiman 616
The twelfth memorial day Feivel Mandelbaum 619
On the memorial day Yakov Kleiman 624
The Organization of the Former Residents of Bychawa in Israel
Addressing the Landsleit Dr. Chaim Diamand 630
A meeting with guests, former residents of the town   633
List of Martyrs   640

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