History of the Jews in the Bukowina

Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina

Edited by Hugo Gold

Published in Tel Aviv

Volume 1 (1958)
Volume 2 (1962)

Historical note: Bukovina was a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918, located southeast of Galicia.
The area is now partly within Suceava district, Romania, and partly within Chernivtsi oblast, Ukraine.


Project Coordinator

Jerome Silverbush z”l


This material listed below is from Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina (History of the Jews in the Bukovina),
Editor: Dr. Hugo Gold, Tel Aviv, “Olamenu”, vol. 1: 1958 (German, 172 pages),
and volume 2: 1962 (German, 230 pages).

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Table of Contents translated and contributed by Isak Shteyn

Volume I
I. History of the Jews in the Bukowina until the year 1919
Immigration and settlement of Jews in Bukowina Rabbi Dr. Samuel Josef Schulsohn, New-York 1
The era of the Moldavian princes (1360-1774) Dr. Manfred Reifer, o”h 6
History of the Jews in the Bukowina (1774-1914) Dr. N. M. Gelber, Jerusalem
    I.    Under Austrian Administration (1774-1786)
    II.    Bukovina – a district of Galicia 26
    III.   Independent Austrian Province (1849-1914) 45
History of the Jews in the Bukowina (1914-1919) Dr. Leon Arie Schmelze, Jerusalem 67
II. Personal Additions to the History of the Jews in Bukowina
The public instruction system of the Jews in Bukowina Prof. Dr. Hermann Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 75
Yeshivas in Bukovina Dr. N. M. Gelber, Jerusalem 83
The first Jewish house-owners in the Bukowina Shlomo Wininger, Natania 84
The Rabbinical Dynasties in Sadagura and Bojan Rabbi Dr. Samuel Josef Schulsohn, New York 85
The Wiznitz Tzaddikim Dynasty Dr. N. M. Gelber, Jerusalem 89
History of Zionism in Bukowina Dr. Leon Arie Schmelzer, Jerusalem 91
History of the J.N.A.V. “Hasmonaea” in Czernowitz Adolf Koenig, Tel-Aviv 113
History of the J.N.A. “Emunah” in Czernowitz Prof. Dr. Hemann Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 117
The national Jewish academic readers society “Humanitas” in Czernowitz Dr. Erich Neuborn, Tel-Aviv 120
History of the J.N.A.V. “Hebronia” in Czernowitz Dr. Josef Mosberg, Tel-Aviv 121
History of the J.N.A.V. “Heatid” in Czernowitz Dr. S. Brandmarker, Tel-Aviv 125
The “Heatid” in Israel Dr. Siegmund Last, Vienna 126
The Jewish Press in Bukovina Dr. Elias Weinstein, Tel-Aviv 127
On the history of the Jewish workmen's movement “Bund” in the Bukowina Dr. Joseph Kissman, New-York 129
History of the “Hashomer Hazair” in the Bukowina Jaakow Polesiuk-Padani, Mishmar Haemek 145
The oldest societies, institutes and organizations in the Bukowina Dr. Erich Neuborn, Tel-Aviv 153
History of the “Massada” Dr. Leo Schaechter, Tel-Aviv 162
The “Massada” in Israel Dr. Siegmund Last, Vienna 165
Jewish National Association (J.N.V.) “Moriah” Dr. Siegmund Last, Vienna 166
Jewish sport in the Bukowina Dr. Heinrich Rubel, Tel-Aviv 167
Volume II
History of the Jews in the Bukowina (1919-1944) Dr. Manfr Reifer o”h 1
On the history of the Jews in Czernowitz Prof. Dr. Hermann Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 27
Exile Alfred Kittner 48
Documents about the banishment of the Bukowinian Jews 49
The tragedy of the Bukowinian Jews Prof. Dr. Hermann Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 51
Diary pages from Czernowitz and Transnistria (1941-1942) Dr. Nathan Getzler, Montreal (Canada) 53
My Declaration Dr. Traian Popovici 62
German documents about the annihilation of the Bukowinian Jews Dr. Theodor Loewenstein-Lawi, Jerusalem 70
Bershad Josef Loewy, Kiriat Bialik and Anschel Nachman, Kiriat Frostig 73
Brazlaw Mordechai Rones, Ramat-Gan 75
Der Steinbruch (Cariera de piatra) 1942-1943 Prof. Dr. Hermann Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 75
Djurin Martin Hass, Tel-Aviv 76
Lucinetz Benjamin Lehrer, Haifa 76
Moghiew Hermann Metsch, Naharia 77
Cemetery Obodowka Alfred Kittner 78
The repatriation of the Bukowinian Jews in the years 1944-1946 Dr. Chaim Gelber, Tel-Aviv 79
Bojan Max Rendel, Caracas 81
Czudyn 81
Dorna-Watra Prof. Dr. H. Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 84
Gurahumora Schlomo Wininger, Ramat-Gan and Israel Ellenbogen, Cholon 84
Hadikfalva (Dornestie) Mosche Landau, Haifa 87
Itzkany Martin Hass, Bat Jam 88
Kimpolung Dr. Chaim Gelber, Tel-Aviv 88
Kotzman S.J. Seidmann, Raanana 90
Mihowa Jakob Enzenberg, Kfar Ata 91
Mold.-Banila Isaak Brecher, Giwataim 92
Putila Eugen Rosner, Petach-Tikwa 92
Radautz Albert Wassermann o”h 92
Neu Fratautz District Radautz 97
Rus-Banila Zwi Hermann Neumeier, Tel-Aviv 98
Sadagura Dr. Leo Bruckenthal, Tel-Aviv 98
Sereth Dr. S. Last, Vienna; Martin Pariser, Tel-Aviv and Jehuda Gil, Natania 105
Solka Arnold Krumholz, Jerusalem 108
Storozynetz Adolphe Rosenwald, Sydney 108
The Jewish Upper Realgymnasium in Storozynetz Moses Weisinger, Ramat-Yizchak 111
Suczawa Dr. N.M. Gelber, Jerusalem; Martin Hass, Bat-Jam, Dr. Chaim Kupferberg, Cholon 113
Balceana District Suczawa 118
Unter-Stanestie Josef Schapira, Giwataim 118
Waschkoutz Dr. A. Leschem-Lifschitz, Haifa 119
Wiznitz Selig Ascher Hofer, Tel-Aviv 120
Zastawna Jakob Stenzler, Hadar Josef 123
From the yesterday world in the Jewish Renaissance movement (In memory of Dr. Mayer Ebner) Dr. Josef Ebner, Tel-Aviv 125
About the characteristics of the Zionist movement in the Bukowina between the two World Wars (side-lights) Dr. Chaim Ehrlich, Tel-Aviv 133
History of the Jewish National Academic Society “Zephirah” in Czernowitz Dr. Z. Brender, A. Hechtlinger, B. Scherzer, Dr. H. Spasser, Dr. E. Wagner and Sch. Janai, Tel-Aviv) 157
The Hebrew-Language Movement in Bukowina M.D. Beinisch, Tel-Aviv; Ch. Ehrenkranz, Natania, Dr. N. M. Gelber, Jerusalem 163
The academic society “Jewish Culture” in Czernowitz Abraham Dupler, Rischon le Zion 164
Jewish Middle School Prof. Dr. Hermann Sternberg, Tel-Aviv 166
The Jewish Hospital in Czernowitz (1919-1940) Dr. Lipa Wiznitzer, Haifa 167
The David Fallik Affair Dr. B. Brandmarker, Tel-Aviv 174
The Youth Group – Betar Jacob Schieber and O. Liquornik, Tel-Aviv 176
The History of the “Jewish State Party” in Bukowina Dr. Josef Mann, Tel-Aviv 177
The destruction of the Jewish Cooperatives in Bukowina Salo Woroczek, Tel-Aviv 178
The Choral Society “Hasamir” in Czernowitz Dr. Heinrich Rubel, Tel-Aviv 179
Documents to the History of the Jews of Bucovina 1776–1869 Dr. N. M. Gelber (Jerusalem) 181
Record of an Intimate of R. Beriniu Josel Dick 192
Bukowiner of the Past 193
Bukoviner Abroad 197
Bucoviner in Israel 210
Memorial tablet for the Bukowinian martyrs 219
In Memory of the Fallen Hermann Sternberg 225
Memorial tablet for the Bukowinian heroes of the Israeli Independence War and the Sinai - Action   226
Kaddisch Emma Ausländer, Tel-Aviv 228


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