Memorial Book to the Martyrs of Biala Rawska
(Biała Rawska, Poland)

51°48' / 20°29'

Translation of
Sefer Yizkor Le-Kedoshei Bia Rawska

Edited by: Eliyahu Freudenreich, Arye Yaakobovits

Published in Tel Aviv, 1972


Project Coordinator and Editor

Ada Holtzman z”l

This is a translation from: Sefer Yizkor Le-Kedoshei Biala Rawska, Memorial Book to the Martyrs of Biala Rawska,
ed. Eliyahu Freudenreich, Arye Yaakobovits, Tel Aviv: Biala Rawska Societies in Israel and the Diaspora, 1972 (H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Biala Rawska

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund (Yiddish) and by Sara Mages (Hebrew)

Title Author Page
“El Moleh Rachamim” [God Full of Mercy – Memorial Prayer]   5
Words of Introduction   7
Unveiling of the Matzevah [headstone] in Memory of Biała-Rawska   10
Title Page A. Jakubowicz 12
Remember A. Frajdenrajch 15
Dishonored Graves   17
Historical Review of our City   20
The Last Minutes Z. Koperszmidt 23
Liquidation of Biała Ghetto B. Rozenbaum 32
Binem Ben [son of] Berish Goldberg A. F. 40
The Song of the Massacred Jewish People Yitzhak Katzenelson 42
I will remember those A. Jakubowicz 43
Biała, My Shtetl [town]… Perl Royze Halperin 45
The Man, Jan Eliasz Alekesander Czerski 47
Landsleit [people from the same town] Welcoming Jan Eliasz, the Rescuer of the Jews Y. Zander, A. Frajdenrajch 51
About the Righteous Among the Nations Leon Sztubert 57
Chana Najman Eliyahu 61
Rabbis in Our City Eliyahu 64
Reb Moshe Kotsker A. Jakubowicz 70
Synagogues and places of worship A. Jakubowicz 72
The community’s property A. J. 74
The Rabbi, Reb Avraham-Moshe, may the memory of the righteous be of a blessing A. J. 75
The Jewish Communal-Political Life F. A. 80
Agudistic Movement Aryeh Jakubowicz 105
The Founding of Beis-Yakov Leibish Jakubowicz 111
My Birthplace Josef Weber 118
Memories from the Past Sh. Philips-Filezof 128
Biała, My Shtetele [little town] A. Frajdenrajch 136
Memories Avraham Szuman 142
Reb Binem A. Jakubowicz 145
The Death of the Biała Jewish Kehile [organized Jewish community] Yisroel-Hersh Bielski 148
The Slaughter H. N. Bialek 151
Avraham Frajdenrajch and his wife A. Jakubowicz 153
R' Moshe Kozker Wiber A. Jakubowicz 156
Reb Zalman Frajdenrajch A. Jakubowicz 158
Reb Shlomo Ambus A. Jakubowicz 160
My grandfather Yosef Yakir A. Jakubowicz 161
A year later A. Frajdenrajch 164
Reb Avraham Pelters Lajzerowicz A. Jakubowicz 167
My Survival During the Nazi Occupation Hershel Artman 168
Excerpt from Megilus Poyln [Scroll of Poland]   175
Our Biała Once and… Today Zev Szoman 177
My Family Y. Herszkowicz 179
Reb Pinkhas Zymler A. J. 181
Shlomo Artman A. Jakubowicz 183
Shmuel Zaynwl Hamel A. Jakubowicz 186
A Jewish Child is Saved Welwl Goldberg 194
Whoever saves a single life… A. Frajdenrajch 200
The Fate of a Man Zisl Koperszmidt 202
In Memory of My Annihilated Family Eliyahu Frajdenrajch 204
Pinkhas ben [son of] Shlomo-Yitzhak Shoykhet [ritual slaughterer]   213
Photographs of those who Perished   217
My soul will not forget…   237
List of the Martyrs   239
Book Committee   253
Afterword   254

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation Ada Holtzman z”l
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