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Translation of Obstea Evreiasca Din Bacau Eritropia Communitatil Israel
by I. Kara
Editors: Paul Litman, Editura Hasefer
Published in Bucharest, 1995
Project Coordinator
Our sincere appreciation to Editura Hasefer
This is a translation from: Obstea Evreiasca Din Bacau Eritropia Communitatil Israel;
Jewish Community in Bacau, Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania and Centrul Pentru,
by I. Kara, ed. Paul Litman, Editura Hasefer, Bucharest, 1995
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
This book has been accomplished with the help of the Jewish Community in Bacau throughWe wish to express our gratitude for their support to the following sources:
Iosif Antoniu, Iosca Brill, Iosif Leibu, Carol Isac, Gheza Lovingher, Carol Marcusohn, Hary Rotman, Arion Simhas, Ernest Simon.Some of the documents related to the history of Jewish people in Bacau have been submitted by Professor Dumitru Zaharia.
The material in this book has been put together by C. Litman.
This book has been written with the material help of DITA and MUNDI, in memory of their parents EVELINA and ITIC BRAUNSTEIN.
Note: Picture of couple
States' Archives, offices Bacau and IasiThis English translation is credited to
The Central Archive of the History of Jewish People Jerusalem (Israel)
The A.C.M.E.O.R. Archive Tel-Aviv (Israel)
Ruth Blanch, Toronto, Canada, Dana Melnic, Toronto, Canada, Daniela Cornestan, Iasi, Romania, Leslie Erschen, Cape Coral, FL and Harry Green, N. Ft. Myers, FL.Editor
Paul LitmanGraphics and pictures
Valeriu Giodac
The first volume of the collection describes the life of Jewish people in PODUL ILOAIEI. This volume describes the life of another Jewish community, the one from the town of Bacau.
These books are very important to preserve the history of the Jewish people from the past and the small towns they lived in.
This work contains information regarding the location, the traditional style of living and governing organisations of the Jewish population who lived in the city situated on the banks of the river Bistrita. Jewish people had lived there ever since the XVIIth century, and their fate was often common with that of the Romanian population.
The Jews in Bacau were present at all the important events in the history of Romania. They were amongst the ones fighting for a modern society, for the unification of all the Romanian provinces and for independence of the country.
In the first World War they fought for the ideals of the whole nation, and their graves stand as proof.
As you read this book you will find a very comprehensive story describing everyday life of the Jewish population, active in every aspect of the economic, cultural and spiritual life.
We acknowledge the valuable contribution of all who assisted the respected historian I.Svart-Kara in gathering the documents necessary for writing this book, but especially the expertise of Dr.I.Svart-Kara in culling from archived documents, information that has developed an authentic image of a world that existed, and which has left behind proof of a substantial presence in all aspects of life.
We hope that this historical work which will reference more monographs, will enrich the knowledge about the Jewish communities in Romania, thus supporting an unbiased portrayal of the Jewish community and will contribute to bringing everyone together.
I have said this before and have also written about it many times: knowledge brings people together while ignorance sets them apart!
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