Rav-SIG has created a
bibliography of more than 300 essential resources for rabbinic genealogical
research. The majority of resources for this type of
research are written in Hebrew. However, many good resources
are available in other languages, including English.
The bibliography is arranged by category. Indexes are
also provided and are organized by
author and by names of rabbis or rabbinical families found in the bibliography.
Quick access to resources, by category, is provided in the Table
of Contents below. Or, you may choose to browse the
bibliography beginning on the first
page. Access indexes to the bibliography by the
following links:
- Indexes to resources by author:
- Index
of Names - an alphabetical listing of names of rabbis
and rabbinical families found in either titles or
descriptions of resources.
Several resources appear under more than one category,
where appropriate, however, the vast majority appear under only one category. It is important to note that
a resource appearing in one
category may also be relevant to another. For example, a
biography of the Chasam Sofer may include family
genealogies, as well as information relevant to geographic
areas, such as Hungary or the Slovak Republic. To
take full advantage of the bibliography, one should browse
all categories to be certain nothing of importance is
Comments by knowledgeable individuals familiar with particular
resources are included. These comments are intended to aid
your research projects by providing the resource's subject
matter, value as a research tool, or drawbacks. Questions
about the use and value of a resource may be directed to the
writer, where an email address is provided, or your query may be posted
to the Rav-SIG Discussion Group.
For a discussion of which resources may or may not be reliable,
see "The
Reliability of Genealogical Research in Modern Rabbinic
Literature," by Rabbi Meir Wunder.
To contribute a resource or add your comment to a resource,
see the Bibliography Submission
Form. To locate resources, see How
to Locate Rabbinic Information Sources in Libraries and Archives.
Table of Contents
Dr. Neil Rosenstein,
Chaim Freedman
Hadassah Lipsius