The Rabbinic Genealogy Special Interest
Group (SIG) is a forum for those interested in rabbinic genealogy or researching rabbinic
ancestry within any geographic area or time period. |
To provide an Internet
discussion group forum for the exchange of
information on rabbinic genealogy.
To maintain an Internet web
site on JewishGen to provide a permanent home for
information, research techniques, searchable
databases, and resources on rabbinic genealogy. |
To encourage and support the
discovery of sources of rabbinic genealogical data. |
Rashi, Rabbi Shlomo
Itshaki (1040-1105), France, best known medieval
Jewish scholar and greatest commentator on the Torah
and Talmud. More
about Rashi.
Anyone with an interest in rabbinic genealogical
whether a novice or experienced researcher, is welcome
to join our group. In the online Discussion
Group, you may discover that another member has
a vital piece of genealogical information or a resource
for which you've been searching. Or, you may wish to
post a general request for information and wait for a
response. In either case, your fellow members will be
eager to share information, provide research hints and
give you important feedback allowing you to
significantly advance your research of rabbinic
Subscribe to the online Discussion
Group to post your questions. Messages previously posted to the
Group may be
searched using the SIGs Message Archive.
Rabbi Joseph Karo
(1488-1575), ABD Tsefath (Safed) and author of
the Shulchan
Aruch, the Code of Jewish Law. More
about Joseph Karo. |
Features include an Online
Journal, a Bibliography
of over 300 resources for rabbinic genealogical research,
for tutorials and reference information on many
aspects of rabbinic genealogy, Research
Links to web sites of significance to rabbinic genealogy
researchers, and more. Projects under development include
(Frequently Asked Questions) and the All Rabbis Database. If you would like to volunteer for a
Rav-SIG project or committee, please contact one of our Committee
Our web site is a work in progress and will be updated
regularly. Announcements of importance to rabbinic
researchers will be posted to this home page and the
discussion group mailing list.
We strongly urge you to go to the JewishGen Family Finder
site to register the surnames and places you are researching. This will provide you with the
opportunity to contact others with an interest in those
same surnames and places. We also strongly urge you to
contribute to or update your family data in the Family Tree of the Jewish People.

Editors and writers:
Cola-Lejzerowicz and Shirley Rotbein Flaum |
Web and graphics editors: |
Shirley Rotbein Flaum and Tom Venetianer |
Contributors of articles and additional
material: |
Rabbi Asher Bar-Zev,
Ruth and Stanley Diamond, David Einsiedler, Werner L. Frank,
Chaim Freedman, Dr. Giora Fuzailoff,
Dr. Yehuda Klausner, Bernard Israelite Kouchel, Arthur Kurzweil, Ronald
M. Landau, Dr. Perets Mett, Sarina Roffé, Dr. Neil Rosenstein, Rabbi Mordechai Schlanger, Rabbi
David Shapiro, Lawrence D. Weinberg, and Rabbi Meir Wunder. |
With appreciation to: |
Edward Goldstein of Gesher
Galicia, Micheline Gutmann of GenAmi,
Korman of the Jewish
Genealogical Society of Los Angeles, Gary
Mokotoff and Sallyann Sack of Avotaynu: The International Review
of Jewish Genealogy, Yocheved Klausner of
the Israel
Genealogical Society, and Fruma Mohrer of YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research.
JewishGen, Inc.
provides the home for the Rabbinic Genealogy SIG listserver
(mailing list) and
our web site.
We encourage you to donate generously to JewishGen, Inc.
through JewishGen-erosity.
JewishGen, Inc. is a tax-exempt,
501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions to JewishGen, Inc. are tax-deductible in
the U.S. according to law.
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