Isle of Man Jewish Community





Press Reports relating to the Isle of Man Jewish Community
1899 to 1938

Compiled by Harold Pollins


Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1899, page 27

Mr. Benjamin Jacobs, a commercial traveller of London (who is well known in the Isle of Man), had a narrow escape from being drowned last Saturday. He was invited by an acquaintance on a boating excursion, but declined in consequence of that day being his Sabbath. His friend, a Christian stockbroker, and his young son and two boatmen were drowned. On any other day, says the Isle of Man Daily Times, Mr. Jacobs would certainly have gone with his friend and it is owing to his strict adherence to the principles of his faith that he is now alive


Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1900, page 26

‘Mr. A. J. Goodman of Douglas, Isle of Man, has published a waltz of his own composition entitled ‘The New Century Waltz’. He is a son of Mr Jacob Goodman of Manchester. He composed last year an effective march ‘The Douglas Parade March’ which became very popular being played by all the bands on the island.'


Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1902, page 1

‘On 3 September, Isaac elder son of Louis and Adelaide Zachariah of Stoke Newington drowned while bathing at Douglas.'


Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1908, page 29

‘DOUGLAS, Isle of Man
Berlin House, 16 Demesne Rd.,
(Off Bucks-road)
Liberal table; Late Dinners; Excellent cuisine; Terms Moderate.
Mrs. Rabow & Daughters.'


Jewish Chronicle, 30 September, 1910

New Year Greetings
‘The Misses Rabow, Berlin House, Palace View Terrace.'


Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1911, page 37

Place View Terrace, Central Promenade
Fully-licensed Orthodox Hotel, containing 29 light airy bedrooms, spacious dining-room, comfortable drawing-room, etc.; table d’hôte 6.30 p.m.’ terms 6/6 per day. Douglas Jubilee and Coronation celebrations, June 28th to July 8th. Ten days’ Carnival. Official Programme free on application.-
The Misses Rabow.'


Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1912, page 23

‘The annual picnic of the Staff of Mr. Levy (Globe Mantle Company) Manchester, took place last weekend. The party journeyed from Manchester to Douglas on Saturday night and returned Monday. On Sunday the proceeds of an after dinner collection, contributed to by the picnic party and other visitors at Berlin House, was forwarded to the Manchester Jewish Hospital.’


Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913, page 37

New Year Greetings
‘Mr & Mrs Mark Greenburgh, Douglas.'


Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1914, page 4

‘DOUGLAS, Isle of Man. - “Vienna House”, Fairfield Terrace, Bucks-road. - 20 large bedrooms, smoking, dining, drawing-rooms; private and kosher restaurant’ excellent cuisine; terms moderate. Proprietress, Mrs. Goldberg.’


Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1914, page 4.

‘DOUGLAS, Isle of Man
Palace View Terrace, Central Promenade
Fully licensed Orthodox Hotel,
Containing 36 rooms. Terms 6/6 per day.
J. and J. Rabow.’
(on 29 August 1914 , page 10, advert changed to ‘RABOW’s  3 Palace View Terrace, Central Promenade)


Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1919, page 16

Board of Deputies. Law & Parliamentary Committee
‘Your Committee is in consultation with the President of the Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation with regard to the charge made for the grave of an interned prisoner from the Isle of Man, and is also in communication with the War Office with regard to a contribution towards two Jewish burials from that island. Subject to these two adjustments, the Board is liable for a payment of £15.15s. In respect of these two burials.’


Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1919 - ’Young Israel’, page 1 

Reference to ‘Hetty and Sam Goldberg, 3 Palace View Terrace’.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1920, page 28

‘Services for the High Festivals were held on the Isle of Man for the first time. They were held at the Continental by the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg.’


Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1922, page 33

CONTINENTAl, Palace View Terrace
Oldest established Kasher House in the Island. Charmingly situated, facing sea and Palace, and on Central Promenade.
Separate tables. Every home comfort. Non-residents may join at meals. Terms moderate.
Proprietress: Mrs. Goldberg.’
[Many adverts in following years during the season, in similar vein]


Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1922, page 18

Board of Deputies. Report of Law & Parliamentary Committee.
‘Your Committee is still in correspondence with the Chancellor of the Diocese and with the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man in connection with the application for a reduction of fess for the exhumation of the bodies of seven or eight Jewish prisoners of war buried in non-Jewish ground at Patrick Churchyard in the Isle of Man.’


Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1927, page 15.

Jewish Memorial Council meeting.
‘Applications for grants include one from ‘representatives of the Jewish community of Douglas, Isle of Man’. ‘..it was decided to get in touch with the community, and learn more about its needs.’


Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1927, page 17.

Board of Deputies. Law & Parliamentary Committee.
‘Attention has been drawn to six Jewish graves in the parish burial Ground of Knockaloe, Isle of Man, where Alien Jews who died at the Internment Camp in the Isle of Man during the War were buried. Further enquiries are being made as to the condition and upkeep of these graves.’


Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1927, page 17

Board of Deputies Law & Parliamentary Committee.
‘The Committee authorised Mr. Ettinger, of Liverpool, to enquire, on behalf of the Board, into the condition of the Jewish graves in the Parish Cemetery of Knockaloe in the Isle of Man’.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1927, page 4

Wanted, Shochet, Teacher, to act as Reader; Single man. -
Secretary Mr. Roth, Main-road, Onchan, Douglas, I.O.M.’


Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1927, page 25

‘Isle of Man.
At a general meeting of the Hebrew Congregation with the President, Mr. Hyman, Senior, in the chair, Mr. L. Kelman, of Manchester, was unanimously elected Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher. By permission of Mr. Goldberg, of the Continental Hotel, services will be held there every Friday evening and Saturday morning during the season. All visitors are welcome. Mr. T. Roth, Main Road, Onchan, Douglas, is Hon. Secretary of the Congregation.’


Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1927, page 22

Board of Deputies Law & Parliamentary Committee
‘Mr. Philip Ettinger, of Liverpool, has been making enquiries on behalf of the Board as to the Jewish graves in the Parish Cemetery at Knockaloe (Isle of Man). He reports that there are three graves with headstones and probably two or three more without any stones. Mr. Ettinger will make suggestions for their supervision after his contemplated visit to the Island’.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1927, page 14

‘An appeal on behalf of Ukrainian Jewry was made last week by Rev. J. Kelman at the Synagogue of the Douglas Hebrew Congregation, I.O.M. Services are held every Sabbath at the Continental Hotel by kind permission of Mr. Goldberg.’


Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1927, page 46

‘Douglas (Isle of Man)
At a reception held at the Masonic Hall by Mr. Hyman (President of the newly formed congregation) and Mrs. Hyman, a Sepher Torah, the gift of the President and Mrs. Hyman and Mr. And Mrs. L. Jacobs, was consecrated. The Rev. J. Kelman officiated and gave an address. Mr. C. Jacobson was in the chair. Thanks were accorded to the donors of the Scroll. Messrs. Hyman and Jacobs responded. Among other speakers were Messrs. E. A. Deane, S. Fagan (Liverpool), Mark Moss (Manchester). Bernard Ash (whose band gave their services voluntarily), M. Lyons, senr., L. Jacobs, B. Myers, T. Roth (the Secretary), and the Rev. J. Kelman. The following gifts were announced: A mantle for the Scroll, from Mrs. Hyman; silver plate and pointer, from Mr. Barnet Myers; an oak Ark, from Mr. S. Coplan; a curtain, from Mrs. Godfrey; and Prayer-books, from Messrs, Castle, junr., and Glynne. Mr. Goldberg announced his intention of presenting the congregation with a Chupah in commemoration of his daughter’s forthcoming marriage. A large sum was collected towards the funds.’


Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1928, page 40

‘DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, ASTORIA, 4 Fort William
Strictly Kosher Boarding House. Facing sea and adjoining golf links. Two minutes from boat. Dining, drawing room and lounge. Electric light. Separate tables. Non-residents may join at meals. Now booking. Mrs. Lyons.’
[Adverts for the CONTINENTAL and the ASTORIA continue in subsequent years]


Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1928, page 11

Letter from Bernhardt Balaban, Higher Broughton, Manchester.
‘Re the 6 alien Jews buried in a churchyard at Knockalaoe. He hopes the Board of Deputies will bring their influence to bear on the authorities to permit the transfer to a Jewish cemetery. He is willing to place 6 graves free of charge at the cemetery of the North Manchester Synagogue provided all other expenses to the ground are defrayed.’


Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1928, page 17

Board of Deputies, Law & Parliamentary Committee.
‘Have considered letter of Mr Balaban. Two responses: 1. No request has been made by a relative of the deceased for a transfer. 2. Disturbance of the dead is against Jewish law.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1928, page 24

‘During Holy-day services at the Continental Hotel the Rev. A. Riess referred to the excellent efforts made by the local Jewry to endow a bed at the Douglas Hospital. Contributions may be made to the Treasurer Mr. F. Jacob or Col. Madox the Chief Constable. £16 collected for the Ukrainian Jews’ Relief Fund.’


Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1930, page 21

‘Stuart Carey, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown of ‘Selsa Craigh’, Promenade, has been awarded a scholarship at the local High School.’


Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1931, page 44

‘Mrs. Goldberg having disposed of her business in the Isle of Man has opened a private hotel at 108 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin.’


Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1932, page 4

‘Death on 18 February under operation at Los Angeles, California, Joseph (Joel) in his 36th year, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Lyons, 4 Fort William.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1933, page 4

‘For sale or to let.  Isle of Man. Jewish boarding house, the only one on the island. Owner retiring
R. Lyons, ‘Astoria’, 4 Fort William.’


Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1936, page 32

‘An address on the persecution of German Jews given by Rabbi Raphael H. Levine of Liverpool to the Bucks Road Men’s Fellowship, ‘aroused much interest in the local Press’.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1938, page 20

‘Following a petition to the I. of M. authorities from various members of the insular legislation and Douglas Town Council, asking that two Austrian doctors be allowed to practise, permission has been granted. Had been opposed by the Manx Medical Council. Proposal was to establish a clinic on the island for the reception of patients from the mainland. Not to compete with local practitioners but will only receive Manx patients on recommendation of their local practitioner.’

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

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Page created: 12 July 2007
Latest revision or update: 7 February 2024


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