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Jewish Given Names

These slides accompany the presentation on “Jewish Given Names”, first given at the 18th Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, Los Angeles, July 1998, by Warren Blatt.  The lecture notes that explain each slide are below the graphic on each of the following web pages.  The text can also be found in the article “Jewish Given Names in Eastern Europe and the U.S.”, published in Avotaynu, Volume XIV, Number 3 (Fall 1998), pages 9-15; as well as in the article “Jewish Given Names”, in Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy (Avotaynu, 2004), pages 35-42.

Table of Contents

  1. Jewish Given Names
  2. Agenda
  3. Example: Marriage Registration
  4. Example: Tombstone Inscription
  5. Religious and Secular Names
  6. Shem Kodesh / Kinnui
  7. Naming Traditions
  8. Ashkenazic Naming Tradition
  9. Timely Names
  10. Amuletic Names
  11. The Name "Alter"
  12. The Name "Alter"
  13. The Name "Alter"
  14. Name Relationships
  15. Double Names - Types
  16. Double Names - Unrelated
  17. Biblical Associations
  18. Types of Name Relationships - 2
  19. Other Historical Associations
  20. Types of Name Relationships - 3
  21. Calques — Loan Translations
  22. Multiple Relationships
  23. Types of Name Relationships - 4
  24. Variants
  25. Types of Name Relationships - 5
  26. Diminutives
  27. Diminutives, English
  28. Hebrew → Yiddish Names - 1
  29. Hebrew → Yiddish Names - 2
  30. Hebrew → Yiddish Names - 3
  31. Diminutives, Yiddish - Male
  32. Diminutives, Yiddish - Female
  33. Ambiguous Nicknames - English
  34. Ambiguous Nicknames - Yiddish
  35. Similar Nicknames
  36. Name Meaning
  37. Name Meaning
  38. Source References
  39. Sources - Feldblyum
  40. Sources - Kolatch
  41. Sources - Harkavy
  42. Sources - Beider: Avotaynu
  43. Sources - Beider: DJSKP
  44. Names in Records
  45. Patronymics
  46. Russian "H"
  47. Example Revisited
  1. The Many Names of Max Goldman
  2. Polish Declensions
  3. Polish / Russian Declensions
  4. Polish Declensions
  5. Interpretation
  6. Interpretation
  7. Interpretation
  8. Interpretation
  9. Interpretation
  10. Spelling
  11. Consonants
  12. Spelling — "Sh" sound
  13. Names on Passenger Lists
  14. Americanization
  15. Ryfka -> Becky
  16. Mary Antin Quote
  17. Language Versions
  18. Harkavy’s "translative equivalents"
  19. Hebrew → English Adaptations - 1
  20. Hebrew → English Adaptations - 2
  21. Hebrew → English Adaptations - 3
  22. Adaptations: English ← Hebrew - 1
  23. Adaptations: English ← Hebrew - 2
  24. Adaptations: English ← Hebrew - 3
  25. Adaptations: English ← Hebrew - 4
  26. Hebrew → English Adaptations
  27. English - Hebrew Correlations
  28. Many Names for one Individual...
  29. Yiddish → Spanish Adaptations - 1
  30. Yiddish → Spanish Adaptations - 2
  31. Yiddish → Spanish Adaptations - 3
  32. Yiddish → Soviet Adaptations - 1
  33. Yiddish → Soviet Adaptations - 2
  34. Yiddish → Soviet Adaptations - 3
  35. Demographics
  36. Łomża Map
  37. Given Name Distribution in Łomża
  38. Chęciny Map
  39. Given Name Distribution in Chęciny
  40. Female Name Distribution - Comparison
  41. Given Name Distribution in Israel
  42. Male Name Distribution - Comparison
  43. U.S. 1910 Census
  44. Popular Names: 1910s
  45. Popular Names: 1930s
  46. Popular Names: 1950s
  47. Popular Names: 1970s


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