19 Fairhill road
Edison, NJ
732 572 2481
This is the family tree of the Novachovitch family from Krakes Lithuania, a small town between Vilna and Kovno. The primary family that is being researched is the Bloom family.Thier name changed from Novachovich to Bloom around 1912, when Alexander Novachovitch left Krakes Lithuania for the USA and was sponsored by hois cousins Lipmans from Rochester, NY. However in order for him to get a job , he once again changed him name to Bloom( another cousin)

Family tree from Noach
The Family name Novachovitch means son of Noach. We beleive Noach was born about 1735. He had a son Movsha.
Movsha ?1765
1. Naftel/Noukh/Noah* c.1794-before 1862
1.Ejzyk/Aizik Yankel 1819 d.bef. 1887 (butcher,one-storey house) m. Basa Leya b.1826 d. bef.1887 (1874FL#4,1887#429)
1. Ayzik b.1854 (#172,1887#205)
2. Elka (dau) b.1856 m. Ber ben Beniamin SHAPIRO
3. Asna (dau) b.1858 m. Solomon ben Abram KHAIET (from Skapiskis)
4. Etka (dau) b.1861 m. Girsh-Leizer ben Iosel BELTER (from Seduva)
5. Rashka
6. Naftel(son) b.1862 (Kovenskaya str. 1912) m. Khana/Chana bat Iankel KHAIT b.1869
1. Zalomon-Volf
2. Zalomon-Volf b. 30 Sept 1890, d.bef.1902
3. Moisey-Khaim b. 14 Jan 1894
4. Aizik-Lev
5. Beinas/Basya Leah b.15 June 1906
6. Lev
7. Isaak-Elia
7. Noakh b.1865 (#172,1887#205)
8. Gena m. (2) Orel ben Abram GIRSHOVICH (2) b. 1844
2. Itsko/Itsek ?1798
1. Meyer 1821-1861 m. Bashe EDILOWITCH 1824-1863
1. Jacob Lazarus 1846-1910 m. Anna Coplan (No records found)
1. Ralph 1868-1908
2. Fanny 1879-1951
3. Joseph 1883-1911
2. Freyda Raytsa/Rachel Freida 1845-1916 m. Shmuel ben Girsh Berel SIRKIN b.1845 Kedainiai
1. Meyer/Max 1868-1933 m. Rebecca WOLF
2. Girsha/Bashe/Bessie 1877-1942 m. Michael POLLACK
3. Louis 1879-1904
4. Chaim Leyba/Harry 1881-1953 m. Julia EDLAVITCH
5. Khone Yankel/Henry Charles1883-1981 m. Etta PIERSON
6. Belle 1892-1921 m. Max KENNEDY (?born USA)
3. Movsha Yudel 1850-1938 m. Zlata bat Meier-Girsh SEGAL 1850-1937(1866RL#100,1874FL#100,1887#839)
1. Shmuel-Vulf/ Samuel Myers 27 Jan1873-1965 m. Sophie EBB
2. Josif 1876-1944 m. Rose WALDENSTEIN
3. Leia ?
4. Abram 1881-1948 m. Dora LOMAN
5. Avraam ?
6. Solomon/Simon 1883-1972 m. Lucy FRISHMANN
4. Abram-Levi b.1855 m. Yudis bat Shloma-David GIRSHOVICH b.1855 (1874F#100,1887#423)
1. Myer 1877-1960 m. Dora WEINER
2. Lev-Isaak/Louis b.15 Dec 1878 m. Lena
3. Elkhanon/Lena/Leah b.1884 m.Ike KARABELNICK
4. Khona (son) d. Before 1885
5. Sheyna b. 1885
6. Vulf/William m. Lena Ike KARABELNIC.
7. Sora-Basia/Sophia b.1888 m. Henry DIAMOND
5. Mejlikh/Elimelich/Michael 25 Dec 1856-1923 (1874&1887FL#100) m. Rockhlya/Rachel Dinah PRESS 1858-1937 from Seredzius
2. Zusman/Ziuska1826-1888 (painter/dyer, owns shop/house)m. Golda Leiba HADASEAL b.1828 d.bef.1887 (RL#100, 1874FL#196,1887#56)
1.Bentsel-Lipka (son) aka Morris WINCHEVSKY /Leopold BENEDICT
b.28 Jan 1856-1933
2. Bliuma-Etka (dau) b.1860 m.
3. Tsirlya (dau) b.1863 m.
4. Ester-Rokha (dau) b.1870 m.
Relative Khana/Chana Rivka RYKLANSKI, dau of Movsha b.1839 m. Khonel-David ben Itsek SUDARSKI
Relative Chana BLENHANSKI, dau of Abram, b.1850, m.
3. Tsodyk Abel b.1799 (owns wooden house)
1. David Lazer b.1830 m. twice 1. to ? (1874FL#78,1887#439) dyer, butcher
1. Rubin b.1848 m. Golda SHPRINTSA b. 1853 (#78,1887#1326,whole
Family crossed out since 1890, reg as Kaunus Jewish Community)
1. Movsha b.1872
2. Brayna b.1876
3. Yudel Itsik b.1879
2.Khiena b. 1856 m.
3. Itsyk/Itska b. 1859 (#78)
m2 to Stirel b.1844 & they moved to Vitebsk, reg. In 1898
1. Itka/Ita (dau) b.1866 m.
2. Ester (dau) b.1869 m.
3. Israel Perets (son) b.1873
4. Yankel b.?1806 (1874FL#172)
1. Nison b.1831 potter m. Rivka b.1833 (1874FL#172,1887#10)(Reg. As belonging to Dotnuva Jewish Community in 1884)
1. Mejilikh Ber b.1850 m. Reiza b.1855
1. Yankel 1872/3-1908
2. Rokhel (dau) b.1873
3. Ayzik b. 1877
4. Berel b.1884
2. Iosel b.1853 m. Khaya b.1854
1. Enta (dau) b.1873
2. Ginda b. 1883
3. Enta (dau) b.1857
4. Zusman b.1859 m. Sheyna b.1863
1. Malka (dau) b.1882
5. Tsiviya (dau) b.1864
2. Abram Mikhel b.1839/44 m. Enta Shejna bat Eizik NOVIKHOVICH b.1843 (#179,1887#452) 1. Mendel b.1866 m. Khaia-Sora bat Shloma LEVIN b.1867
1.Gedalia-Girsh (son)
2. Mordekhai-Ber (son)b.1894
3. Meyer Itsik b. 1901
4. Yankel b. 1907
2. Merka-Golda b.1870 m. Berka-Leiba ben Abram-Itsek MIL
3. Girsha/Noakh b. 1872 m. Ginda bat Meilakh SESITSKI b.1880
2. Rosa
3. Leah b. 16 Jan 1899
4. Ester Leah b. 13 March 1897
5. Rokha b. 1904
4. Khaim-Favish b. 1879 m. Ienta bat Zelman BORAN Naberezhnaya st.
1. Zalomon
5. Goda Elka b. 1884
6. Shmuel d. before1890
7. Feiga-Rokhel
8. Khaia-Zemko
9. Bentsion
10. Eizik m. Leia bat Shmuel
1. Rashka
2. Naftel
3. Iankel-Isor d. aged 5
Ayzik ?b.1822 m. Basa b.1822
1. Yankel b.1852 m. Rokha Ryvka b. 1852 (1874FL#172,presumably lived with Nison)
1. Ajzyk Meer (son) b.1873
Leizer (from Butrimonys, Trakai)
1. Leiber-Vulf m. Musker bat David
1. Iona-Sender (son)
Krasha-Malka Zusmanovna d. age 63.

Alex Bloom Family Tracing back to Noach
Above who have all the offspring of Movsha(Moshe) thru 1900. Let's trace the family tree of the Bloom family Movsha(son of Noach)- b1765 Yankel b. 1806 Nison b- 1831 married Rivka b.1833 Zusman b.1859 married Shaena b.1863 Alex (Bloom)- 1895 d.7/3/54 married Lillian Lesgold b.1899 d.2/17/1987 Milton - b. 1923 m.Gertrude Weber b 1927 Paul David b. 1951 M. Ettie Bomzer b.1952 Esther Ayelet b.1978 Rachel Faygie b.1980 m.Moshe Stern Joel Phillip b.1982 Tova Leah b.1987 Allen Jay b1956 Married Beverly Ketzner Rochel b.1983 Jessie b.1986 Ilana b.1990 Ira Benjiman b.1957 Married Ora Stadtmeyer Daena b.1983 Lauren b.1985 Jason b. 1988 Jeremy b. 1991 Seymour b 1927 married Evelyn Andrew married Cherryl Richard

Zussman Novachovitch tree
Zussman married Shana who died in 1911 and then remarried
Malka b 1882 never left Krakes
Celia Married 3 times
Fanny married Hyman Kalman
Alexander Married Lillian Lesgold
Pauline married Schalansky
Becky married Louis Schwartz then Max Ruff
Unnamed brother 0- Bleived killed by Mazis on September 4, 1941

Bloom's move to NewJersey
All the Blooms live in New Jersey, except Milton and Gertrude who live in Brooklyn NY. Paul Bloom(Engineer) lives in Edison NJ, Allen(architect) lived in Fairlawn and Ira(real estate manager) Lives in West Orange. Seymour lives in Englishtown and Anrew llives in Ocean

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