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The Rabbi Ber Boruchoff Marriage Database

Researched and Compiled by David Rosen

This database contains records of 1,423 marriages, 1906 to 1939, performed by Rabbi Ber Boruchoff of Malden, Massachusetts, as extracted from his personal notebooks.

Rabbi Ber Boruchoff was the first Rabbi in the city of Malden, Massachusetts.  In his personal notebooks, Rabbi Boruchoff recorded 1,423 marriages performed in Malden and the surrounding areas during his thirty-three years of service (1906-1933) at Congregation Beth Israel of Malden.

These records are retained at the American Jewish Historical Society [Citation: Papers of Rabbi Ber Boruchoff, Collection # P-157, Box 1, Folders 1&2: Marriage Records of Rabbi Ber Boruchoff 1906-1939, Collections of the American Jewish Historical Society, Newton Centre, Massachusetts and New York, NY].  Additional information concerning these records can be found in the AJHS Manuscript Catalog, under manuscript collection P-157.

Each record includes: the names, ages, occupations, places of birth, residences, parents’ names, number of marriages, and marriage date. (Number of marriages is usually "first", but could also be "second" for widowed or divorced persons.)  Not all records contain all fields.

At the request of the American Jewish Historical Society, to respect the privacy of persons identified within the records who may still be living, some names have been omitted from publication.  These names will be added, in time, as privacy periods expire.  Also note that the original documents are restricted because they are in fragile condition.


Thanks to David Solomon, Senior Vice President/COO; and Judith Garner, Archivist at the New England Branch of the American Jewish Historical Society; and to Fred Davis, former President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston, for their assistance in making these records available for online research.

David Rosen,
August 2006

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