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Lithuanian Medical Directories, 1923-1925

by Harold Rhode

This database contains information about 874 Jewish medical personnel, found in two Lithuanian medical directories:

  1. Lietuvos Medicinos, Farmacijos, ir Veterinarijos personalo ir istaigu. ["Lithuanian Doctors Pharmacists, & Veterinarians Personal & Official List - 1922-23"].   Published: Vld/Relk. Min-jos, Sveikatos Departmento, oficialis leidinys, 1922-23, Kaunas, Lithuania.
    Found at Library of Congress, Cat. No. [R713 .67 .L5A5 1922]
  2. Lietuvos Medicinos, Farmacijos, ir Veterinarijos personalo ir istaigu. ["Lithuanian Doctors Pharmacists, & Veterinarians Personal & Official List - 1925"].   Published: Vld/Relk. Min-jos, Sveikatos Departmento, oficialis leidinys, 1925, Kaunas, Lithuania.
    Found at Library of Congress, Cat. No. [R713 .67 .L5A5 1925]

Both directories are in Lithuanian.  They contain much information about the medical establishment, about 85% of whose members were Jewish.  People were listed by ethnic/religious group, and this database contains those who were Jewish.

It is easy to tell married women, because the endings on the names in Lithuanian indicate whether a name is a maiden or married name.  Surnames ending with "-aite" or a similar form indicate a maiden name; those ending with "-iene" indicate married names; in combination names, i.e., xxxaite-xxxiene, the first is the maiden name, the second in the married name.

Spelling note: The letter "c" in Lithuanian is pronounced like the letters "ts" in English, so "Gurevic" is equivalent to Gurevitz or Gurwitz.  The letter "s" with the proper diacritical mark is pronounced "sh".  We don't have diacritical marks here, so "Svarts" is equivalent to Shvartz or Schwartz.  Moreover, Lithuanians feel impelled to add some sort of a suffix to names, like -ius, -as, or -is.  Thus, Sreiberis is what we would write Shreiber or Schreiber.

Fields listed in this database:

  • Surname, Married Surname, First Name, Maiden Surname
  • Profession, Specialty
  • Citizenship, Birth Year, Sex
  • Town of Residence, Street Address
  • Source of Degree, Year Degree Granted
  • Year of the Directory containing the entry (1923 or 1925)
  • Page in Directory, ID# in Directory
  • Serial Number, added for recovering the initial order.
  • "US Surname" (a stripped version of the Lithuanian surname)
    • Single asterisk = the maiden name of a married woman.
    • Double asterisk = the married name of a woman.
  • Notes (sparse)
  • Practicing at (sparse)

Towns of Residence:

118 Lithuanian towns are represented in this data.  For most towns, there are only a handful of listings.  The towns best represented (with the number of listings for each) are:

  • Kaunas (281)
  • Panevezys (68)
  • Siauliai (46)
  • Marijampolė (30)
  • Vilkaviskis (28)
  • Ukmergė (27)
  • Raseiniai (17)
  • Sanaiai (13)
  • Zagarė (10)
  • Jurbarkas (10)
  • Alytus (10)
  • Taurage (9)

Note that Vilna (Vilnius) is not represented.  Between the two World Wars, Vilnius was not in Lithuania.  During this period, this city was in Poland, and was called Wilno.

District Changes:

These are the towns which had districts indicated in the original list (the other towns were district towns) with their current district.  Note that there are some that are not changed but many are.  The new districts are, evidently, smaller and more numerous.

Town (Old District)         New District
Akmene (Maz.)               Nauoji Akmene
Aleksotas (Kauno m)         Kaunas
Alsedziai (Tels.)           Plunge
Alunta (Uten.)              Moletai
Anyksciai (Uten.)           Anyksciai
Ariogala (Ked.)             Raseiniai
Aukstadvaris (Traku.)       Trakai
Butrimonys (Alyt.)          Alytus
Cekiske (Kauno)             Kaunas
Darbenai (Kret.)            Kretinga
Daugai (Alyt.)              Alytus
Dusetos (Zar.)              Zarasai
Gargzdai (Kret.)            Gargzdai
Gelvonai (Ukm.)             Sirvintos
Jonava (Kauno)              Jonava
Joniskis (Siaul.)           Joniskis
Josvainiai (Ked.)           Kedainiai
Jurbarkas (Ras.)            Jurbarkas
Kaisiadorys (Traku.)        Kaisiadorys
Kalvarija (Mar.)            Marijampole
Kapciamiestis (Seinu.)      Lazdijai
Kelme (Ras.)                Kelme
Klykoliai (Maz.)            Nauoji Akmene
Krakes (Ked.)               Kedainiai
Kraziai (Ras.)              Kelme
Kriukai (Siaul.)            Joniskis
Kupiskis (Pan.)             Kupiskis
Kursenai (Siaul.)           Siauliai
Kybartai (Vilk.)            Vilkaviskis
Lazdijai (Seinu.)           Lazdijai
Linkuva (Siaul.)            Pakruojis
Luoke (Tels.)               Telsiai
Merkine (Alyt.)             Varena
Miroslavas (Alyt.)          Alytus
Musninkai (Vilkm.)          Sirvintos
Naujamiestis (Pan.)         Panevezys
Kudirkos Naumiestis (Sak.)  Sakiai
Zemaiciu Naumiestis (Taur.) Silute
Obeliai (Rok.)              Rokiskis
Onuskis (Rok.)              Rokiskis
Onuskis (Traku.)            Trakai
Pajuris (Taur.)             Silale (Wrongly cited in WOWW)
Pakruojis (Siaul.)          Pakruojis
Palanga (Kret.)             Kretinga
Panemune (Kaunas)           Kaunas
Panemunelis (Rok.)          Rokiskis
Pasvalys (Birz-Pas.)        Pasvalys
Pasvitinys (Siaul.)         Pakruojis
Pikeliai (Maz.)             Mazeikiai
Pilviskiai (Vilk.)          Vilkaviskis
Plunge (Tels.)              Plunge
Prienai (Mar.)              Prienai
Pumpenai (Birz-Pas.)        Pasvalys
Radviliskis (Siaul.)        Radviliskis
Rietavas (Tels.)            Rietavas
Salakas (Zar.)              Zarasai
Salantai (Kret.)            Kretinga
Salociai (Birz-Pas.)        Pasvalys
Sanciai (Kauno)             Kaunas
Seda (Maz.)                 Mazeikiai
Seduva (Pan.)               Radviliskis
Seirijai (Alyt.)            Lazdijai
Semiliskes (Traku)          Trakai
Seredzius (Kauno)           Jurbarkas
Silale (Taur.)              Silale
Simnas (Alyt.)              Alytus
Skapiskis (Rok.)            Kupiskis
Skaudvile (Taur.)           Taurage
Skirsnemune (Ras.)          Jurbarkas
Skuodas (Kret.)             Skuodas
Svedasai (Rok.)             Anyksciai
Troskunai (Pan.)            Anyksciai
Tryskiai (Siaul.)           Telsiai
Vabalninkas (Birz-Pas.)     Birzai
Vainutas (Taur.)            Silute
Vandziogala (Kauno)         Kaunas
Varniai (Tels.)             Telsiai
Veisejai (Seinu)            Lazdijai
Veiveriai (Mar.)            Prienai
Veliuona (Kauno)            Jurbarkas
Vevirzenai (Kret.)          Gargzdai
Vieksniai (Maz.)            Naujoji Akmene
Viesintos (Pan.)            Anyksciai
Vilyampolskaya Sloboda      Kaunas
Vilkija (Kauno)             Kaunas
Virbalis (Vilk.)            Vilkavilkis
Ylakiai (Maz.)              Skuodas
Zagare (Siaul.)             Joniskis
Zasliai (Traku.)            Kasiadorys

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