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· Background · Database · Acknowledgements · Searching the Database |
This database consists of 88,337 names of prisoners interned in the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp. The list was compiled in the 1950's to use as evidence against camp administators and guards being put on trial for war crimes.
The Flossenbürg Concentration Camp was established in Bavaria in May 1938. It was established to provide forced laborers to factories in the region. In later years, it became the center of an extensive network of branch camps for forced laborers. During its existence, approximately 100,000 prisoners arrived in Flossenbürg the majority of whom perished. Jews from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland arrived from the east in late 1944 and early 1945. In April 1945, as United States military forces approached the area, over 22,000 prisoners were forced on what often became death marches from the camp.
This prisoner name list was developed in the mid-1950s as part of evidence in a war crimes trial against administrators and guards at Flossenbürg. It is part of a broader collection available at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) [RG 30.005M], which describes the camp and its operations. Moreover, in recent years, the Flossenbürg Gedenkstätte (memorial site), has developed its own database using additional information which was made available recently. While that particular database is not available on the web, inquiries may be sent to the Gedenkstätte at information@gedenkstaette-flossenbuerg.de.
Finally, a detailed breakdown of female prisoners by work camp was prepared by Hans Brenner in his Frauen in den Aussenlagern des KZ Flossenbürg [Women Imprisioned from the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp] (Regensburg: Arbeitsgemeinschaft ehem. KZ Flossenbürg e.V., 1999). Unfortunately, very few copies of this book were published, but a copy is available in the USHMM's library.
The database was created from two microfilm reels. The two reels include 42,062 and 46,275 records, respectively. The quality of the images varies from completely legible to parts of pages that are almost totally illegible. Please keep in mind possible variations in names when searching the database. If you have questions on specific individuals, please contact the USHMM at registry@ushmm.org and please provide them with as much information on the individual(s) as you can, since there are often several persons with similar names.
The fields of the database are as follows:
The following tables will assist the researcher to understand some of the codes and abbreviations used in the database. Some of the fields can include combinations of the codes below.
Nationality / Classification Codes | |||
A | Antisocial (Asozial) | La | Latvian |
A | Albanian | Li | Lithuanian |
A | Egyptian | Lx | Luxemburgian |
Ag | Argentine | M | Person of partly Jewish origin (Mischling) |
An | Subject of Andorra | N | Norwegian |
Ar | Arab | O | Officer (Offizier) |
B | Member of the religious society "Bible Researchers" - Jehovah's Witnesses (Bibelforscher) | O | Person without nationality (Staatenloser) |
B | Belgian | P | Pole |
Bu | Bulgarian | P | Protective custodian political (Schutzhaftling politisch) |
BV | Professional criminal (Berufsverbrecher) | Pg | Portuguese |
Ch | Chilean | PH | Police prisoner (Polizei haftling) |
Ch | Swiss | PSV | Protective detention by the police (Polizeiliche Sicherheitsverwahrung) |
Chi | Chinese | R | Russian |
D | German | Rf | Enemy of the Reich (Reichsfeind) |
Da | Danish | Ru | Roumanian |
E | Alsatian | S | Slovak |
E | Discharged POW (Kriegsgefangener) | § 175 | Homosexual (Section 175) |
Es | Estonian | Su | Spaniard |
Fi | Fin | St / Stap | Prisoner of the state police (Stapehaftling) |
F | Frenchman | SV | Protective custody |
FS | Transfrerred from reform school | T | Czechoslovak |
G | Greek | T | Subject of Protectorate (Boheme-Moravie) |
GB | British subject | Tu | Turk |
H | Dutchman | U | Hungarian |
I | Italian | US | US citizen |
Ir | Irish national | VH | Preventitive custody (Vorbengungshaft) |
J | Jew | W | German national recalled (Deutscher auf widerruf) |
J | Jugoslav | W. Sch. | Armed forces protective custody (Wehrmachtsangehriger) |
K | Kroatian | ZA | Civilian worker (Zivilarbeiter) |
Kgf | Prisoner of war (Kriegsgefangener) | Zi | Gypsy (Zigeuner) |
Concentration Camp Abbreviations | |
Au | Auschwitz (Oswiecim) |
BB | Bergen-Belsen |
Bu | Buchenwald |
Da | Dachau |
GR | Gross-Rosen |
He | Herzogenbusch |
Lu | Lublin |
Ma | Mauthausen |
Mi | Mittelbau |
Mo | Moringen |
Na | Natzweiler |
Ng | Neuengamme |
Ra | Ravensbruck |
Sa | Sachsenhausen |
SH | Sonderlager-Hinzert |
St | Stutthof |
Departure Codes | |||
E | Discharged (Entlassung) | 1 | Discharge |
F | Escape (Flucht) | 2 | Transfer |
T | Death (Tod) | 3 | Death |
V | Transfer (Verlegung) | 4 | Escape |
The information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM RG 30.005M). This information is available because of the efforts of the following JewishGen volunteers who are responsible for the transcription of this file: Nolan Altman (coordinator) and the following data entry volunteers: Kurt Friedlander, Sandy Malek, Joan Mapelsden, Edward Mitelsbach, Shimon Neumann, Ralph Salinger, Marilyn Shalks, Monika Skladowski, Daniel Taytsel, Irit Weisel, and Paula Zieselman.
In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Susan King, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to the Research Division headed by Joyce Field and to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files.
Nolan Altman
July 2007
This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database.
Copyright ©2002, 2007 JewishGen, Inc.
Last Update: 1 Nov 2007 by WSB.