Deportees from Denmark to TheresienstadtList donated by Johan Grün
ID# — Consecutive numbering of the records. |
NATIONALITY — The only nationality given is Danish, the nationality of the rest is not known. In one case Swedish citizen is typewritten in brackets and between the lines (between ID# 19 and 20). It is not clear whether this applies to ID# 19 or 20, but as # 19 is listed as Danish, it is presumably # 20 who is Swedish citizen. This has been noted in the "MISCELLANEOUS"-field for both # 19 and #20. |
NUMBER OF FAMILY MEMBERS — The numbers refer to the number of family members and the number is usually written next to the first one of the family listed, except in those cases where the first listed family member has died (possibly before the list was prepared?). An example: ID# 15 and 16: BECKER. However, there are some omissions, as persons belonging to the same family are listed separately. |
SURNAME — If other surnames - or other spellings of the names - are known for the person (whether from the list, from the handwritten notes or from Jul Margolinsky's book) these are listed in the Surname-field, separated with / |
FIRST NAME — If other first names - or other spellings of the names - are known for the person (whether from the list, from the handwritten notes or from Jul Margolinsky's book) these are listed in the First Name-field, separated with / |
SPOUSE'S SURNAME AND SPOUSE'S GIVEN NAME — If the name of a spouse is known (whether from the list, from the handwritten notes or from Jul Margolinsky's book) it is listed in this field. If other spellings of the name are known it is also listed here, separated with /. |
DATE OF BIRTH — This information is only from the list or in a few case from the handwritten notes. |
PLACE OF BIRTH — There is no information about this except in one case where the handwritten notes give the information - and this is a person who was not on the original list. Furthermore the birth place, Theresienstadt, has been added for the two children who were born and died in Theresienstadt. |
PROFESSION — There is no information about this in the list. Where an occupation is listed, it is from the information in Jul Margolinsky's book. The English translation is given wherever a precise translation exists. In the remaining cases, the Danish word is given within quotation marks (), and is explained below and in {} brackets in the "MISCELLANEOUS"-field. (see also below under "MISCELLANEOUS") |
In this field can be found:
The precise number of persons deported to Theresienstadt from Denmark varies slightly from one source to another; most sources give the number of about 475 deportees (about a hundred were not Danish citizens), of which some died on their way to Theresienstadt. Five persons were sent home because the Danish authorities succeeded in convincing the Germans that they had made some mistakes. They are on the list and in the database and with a note sent home in the field Miscellaneous. Others (about 50-55) died from starvation or disease in Theresienstadt. The number of deaths (54) registered by the Danish chief rabbi, Dr. M. Friedieger, when he was in Theresienstadt must be regarded to be the most reliable.
The number of persons on the list is 475 (Löbenr. – meaning ID.No. 1-475). The number of records in the database is 485. That means that there are ten more than in the list and than the number usually given. The explanation of the discrepancy is as follows:
ID# | Comment: | |
72 | EDELMANN, Isak is listed as living in Kleinsachenhausen, Oranienburg, Berlin, and a red minus-sign is in the margin. The meaning is not known for sure, but presumably he is listed in error. | |
76 | ELLBERGER, Chaja is a child born in Theresienstadt. She is not listed but information is taken from Julius Margolinsky's book and thus Dr. M. Friediger's list of deaths in Theresienstadt. | |
141 | GENDLIN, Leif is a child born in Theresienstadt. She is not listed but information is copied from Julius Margolinsky's (and thus Dr. M. Friediger's) list of deaths in Theresienstadt. | |
322 | MUSICK, Grethe is a handwritten addition to the list no further information. | |
323 | MORITZEN / MORITZON, Julius, merchant, born 3-6-1882, died 20-06-1944 in Theresienstadt is a handwritten addition to the list, but also listed in Jul. Margolinsky. | |
326 327 |
NATHAN, Clara, date of death: 09-4-1944 on the list and
Klara NATHANSOHN date of death: 09-03-1944 from Jul. Margolinsky's book are presumably the same person. Klara is the Danish spelling for Clara, and the date of death might be a typing error in either the list or the book. In this case both are listed consecutively but with a note in the "MISCELLANEOUS"-field that they are presumably identical. |
455 | TORONCZYK, Ephraim Menasse Ephraim, born 12-12-1929 in Berlin, is a handwritten addition to the list. |
As for ID# 322 and 455, Johan Grün states that they were deported to Theresienstadt although not on the list.
As for ID# 323, Johan Grün states that they were deported to Theresienstadt although not on the list, and Jul. Margolinsky also has the information of his death.
The information contained in this database is from the list donated by Johan Grün, Copenhagen, Denmark. Elsebeth Paikin, SIG Coordinator of Denmark SIG, has entered the information into the database, as well as translated from Danish to English. Johan Grün, was one of those deported to Theresienstadt, and is today a member of the Theresienstadt Society in Denmark. Elsebeth Paikin has proofread and correlated the information in the list with the Jul Margolinsky book as referenced.
We owe our most sincere gratitude to both Johan and Elsebeth, without whose efforts this information would not be available to you today.
This database is searchable via both JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Scandinavia Database.
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