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Searching the Database in One Step

We acknowledge the work of Dr. Stephen Morse, Gary Sandler, and Michael Tobias in creating this search tool

For the most versatile searching from 1892 to 1924, use this One-Step Gold Search Form
For searching all years from 1892 to 1957, use the One-Step White Search Form
For searching all years from 1820 to 1957, use the One Step All-New-York Passengers Form

Your email address (optional)    Why should you provide this?

There is no required field, not even the last name
First Name
starts with or is
sounds like
Last Name
starts with or is
sounds like
is phonetically
First Name of
starts with or is
sounds like
Town Name
starts with or is
sounds like
Ship Name starts with or is Port Name
starts with or is

Specify at most two of the following three ranges
Year of arrival is between and        Arrival month        Arrival day
Age at arrival is between and        Start search at entry        Marital Status
Year of birth is between and        hits/page        Gender

Ethnicities (check any that might apply, or leave blank)

Check off those item that you would like to see on the results page
name     year of arrival     age     link to passenger record
town     month and year of arrival     gender     link to manifest
ship     full date of arrival     marital status     link to ship image
port     year of birth     passenger ID     link to annotations

Sort results by
name     ship     date of arrival     age     marital status
town     port     year of birth     gender     passenger ID
Some search/sort combinations may take a while. If yours takes too long, try sorting on a different field.

Sort in
ascending order     descending order

Ellis Island Identification
Not required if you do not wish to see the manifest or passenger record
If you have chosen to block third party cookies, this will not work

Username (typically your email address)     Password
Remember this username and password
I do not have an Ellis Island account

If you submit a second search before receiving the results of a previous one, the previous search will be aborted.

© Stephen P. Morse, Gary Sandler, Michael Tobias, 2006