In order to search the Ellis Island database by ship name, you must spell the ship name exactly as it was spelled when the search key for it was created. It doesn't matter how the ship name is really spelled. And it doesn't matter how the ship name is spelled on the passenger record that the Ellis Island server displays. Unless you use the ship spelling that appears in the search key, you will not find any matches. Unfortunately that spelling is never displayed to you.
For example, the "Presidente Wilson" is owned by a ship company in Trieste, and that explains why there is an "e" at the end of Presidente. However the search key for this ship in the Ellis Island database is "President Wilson", and therefore you must search for it without the final "e".
To help you determine how the ship name might have been spelled on the search key, I have compiled a list of ship names for which users of my site have reported doing successful searches. This is far from being a complete list. If you find your ship on this list, you should use that spelling when filling in my search form. If you have a ship that is not on the list, and you can assure me that you've done a successful search using your spelling of it, e-mail me and I'll add it to the list.
You must copy the ship spelling exactly. That includes doing the capitilization exactly as indicated. And it means not adding any extra characters, such as SS in front of the ship name.
To make matters worse, some ships have been entered into the database with multiple ship search keys as if they were different ships. For example, some passengers who came over on the steamship St. Louis can be found by using the spelling "St. Louis", others with "St Louis" (no period), and still others with "Saint Louis". I never said this was going to be easy.
A more extensive list of ships (for European ports at least) can be found in the Morton Allan Ship Directory. But even that list does not purport to be complete.
-- Steve Morse
Aachem | Aconcagua | Adirondack | Adria |
Adriatic | Advance | Aeneas | Aeolus |
Aidan | Alaska | Alban | Albania |
Albano | Albionstar | Alesia | Algeria |
Algonquin | Alice | Aller | Allianca |
Almagro | Alsatia | Altai | Amana |
America | American Banker | American Legion | Amerika |
Amsterdam | Anchoria | Ancona | Andalusia |
Andania | Anglo Mexican | Anna | Anselm |
Antonia | Aquitania | Arabic | Araguaya |
Arcadia | Arcadian | Archimede | Archimedes |
Argentina | Arizona | Armagh | Armenian |
Ascania | Assyria | Astoria | Atenas |
Athenai | Athenia | Atlanterhavet | Augusta Victoria |
Aurania | Ausonia | Badenia | Baltic |
Barbadian | Barcelona | Barbarossa | Bartholomew |
Batavia | Belgenland | Belgic | Belgravia |
Bellingham | Benguela | Benjamin Brewster | Berengaria |
Bergensfjord | Berlin | Bermudian | Bethore |
Birma | Blucher | Bluecher | Bogota |
Bolivia | Bonheur | Bonny | Bradford City |
Brandenburg | Brasile | Braunschweig | Bremen |
Breslau | Britannia | Britannic | Briton |
Brittania | Bronte | Brookfield | Buenos Aires |
Buenos Ayrean | Buffalo Bridge | Buitenzorg | Bulgaria |
Burmese Prince | Byron | C. F. Tietgen | C. Lopez y Lopez |
Caddo | Cadillac | Calabria | Calamares |
Caledonia | Caledonier | California | Californian |
Cameronia | Camoens | Campania | Canada |
Canadian Carrier | Canadian Cruiser | Canadian Pioneer | Canopic |
Carabobo | Caracas | Carmania | Caronia |
Carpathia | Carrillo | Cartago | Cascapedia |
Caserta | Casiana | Cassel | Castle Point |
Cecilia M. Dunlap | Cedric | Celtic | Celtic Prince |
Celtic Star | Centaurus | Ceramic | Cevic |
Charles E. Harwood | Chateau Yquem | Chattanooga | Chemnitz |
Chicago | Chicago City | Choluteca | Christiania |
Cincinnati | Circassia | Citta de Milano | Citta di Napoli |
Citta di Torino | City of Berlin | City of Calcutta | City of Chicago |
City of New York | City of Paris | City of Rome | Coamo |
Colon | Conte Rosso | Columbia | Comric Castle |
Constantinople | Coquetmede | Corcoran | Corfe Castle |
Coronia | Cortona | Courtois | Cretic |
Cricket | Cuthbert | Cymric | Czar |
Dante Alighieri | Darmstadt | Darrah | Dartford |
De Grasse | Delambre | Demosthenes | Denis |
Devonia | Didam | Dona Maria | Doricstar |
Dresden | Duca Degli Abruzzi | Duca d'Aosta | Duchessa di Genova |
Duilio | Dunvegan Castle | Dwinsk | East Side |
Eastern City | Eastern Crown | Eastern King | Eastern Star |
Ebro | Edenton | Edgar F. Luckenbach | Egba |
Elbe | Empress of Britain | Empress of France | Empress of Scotland |
Ems | Equita | Espagne | Esperanza |
Essequibo | Estonia | Estruria | Eten |
Ethiopia | Etruria | Eugenia | Euripides |
Europa | Europe | F. Palasciano | Finance |
Finland | Firmore | Florizel | Fort Hamilton |
Fort St. George | Fort Victoria | France | Francesca |
Franconia | Fred W. Weller | Fredrich der Grosse | Fremantle |
Frederik VIII | Frey | Fuerst Bulow | Fulda |
Furnessia | Furst Bismarck | G. Harrison Smith | G. R. Crowe |
Galileo | Gallia | George Washington | Georgia |
Georgian | Gera | Germania | Germanic |
Giulia | Giuseppe Verdi | Gneisenau | Gothic Prince |
Gothland | Gracie T | Graf Waldersee | Grampian |
Grecian | Grete Jensen | Grof Khuen Hedervay | Grosser Kurfuerst |
Guglielmo Pierce | Gymeric | H. H. Meier | Haiti |
Hamburg | Hannover | Hansa | Harmodius |
Harold Walker | Hattie Luckenbach | Havana | Havel |
Haverford | Helen | Hellig Olav | Helmer Morch |
Henry D. Whiton | Henry R. Mallory | Hera | Herm |
Hermann | Hertford | Hesperia | Hohenzollern |
Hollandia | Homeric | Hoxbar | Hyacinthus |
I. D. S. Adolph | Imperator | Imperoyal | Inca |
Independence | Innoko | Iowan | Iroquois |
Italia | Ivernia | James E. Newsom | James McGee |
Jean | Jebba | Jessmore | Joseph Seep |
Justin | Kaiser Franz Josef I | Kaiser Wilhelm | Kaiser Wilhelm II |
Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse | Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse | Kaiserin Augusta Victoria | Kaiserin Maria Theresia |
Karmala | Karoa | Kensington | Kent |
Khiva | Khyber | King Alexander | Koenig Albert |
Konigen Luise | Korona | Kronprinz Frederich Wilhelm | Kronprinz Wilhelm |
Kronprinzes. Cecilie | Kroonland | Kursk | La Bretagne |
La Champagne | La Gascogne | La Lorraine | La Marea |
La Provence | La Savoie | La Touraine | LaLande |
Laconia | Lafayette | Lahn | Lake Agomak |
Lake Como | Lake Dancey | Lake Fife | Lake Flattery |
Lake Folcroft | Lake Fresco | Lake Janet | Lake Savus |
Lake Sterling | Lake Stirling | Lancastria | Lancastrian |
Lapland | Laurentian | Laurentic | Lazio |
Lempira | Lepanto | Leviathan | Liguria |
Lisboneuse | Lituania | Livingstonia | Livonia |
Llangollen | Lombardia | Loriga | Lucania |
Ludgate Hill | Luisiana | Lusitania | Lux Palile |
Lydian Monarch | Maasdam | Maasland | Madonna |
Madrono | Magdalena | Maid of Syra | Main |
Maine | Majestic | Manchester Mariner | Manchuria |
Manco | Manhattan | Manoa | Manuel Calvo |
Maracaibo | Maracas | Marco Minghetti | Maraval |
Marcia | Marengo | Marsala | Martha Washington |
Massilia | Matura | Maunganui | Mauretania |
Mayaro | Megali Ellas | Megantic | Melita |
Mendocino | Mendoza | Menominee | Mesaba |
Metagama | Metapan | Mexico | Michael |
Michigan | Milazzo | Minneapolis | Minnehaha |
Minnekahda | Minnetonka | Minnewaska | Missanabie |
Mississippi | Mobile | Moccasin | Mohican |
Moltke | Montcalieri | Mongolia | Mongolian |
Monmouth | Montana | Monterey | Moravia |
Morinier | Morro Castle | Mount Clay | Munargo |
Munamar | Munardan | Napoli | Napolitan Prince |
Nebraska | Neckar | Nessian | Nestor |
Neustria | New York | New York City | Newport |
Niagara | Nieuw Amsterdam | Nigaristan | Ninian |
Noordam | Nora | Nord America | Norge |
Normannia | Northumberland | Nortonian | Norwegian |
Novian | Numidian | Obdam | Ocamo |
Oceania | Oceanic | Oevenum | Ohio |
Old North State | Olen | Olinda | Olympic |
Ontario | Orbita | Orca | Orcoma |
Orduna | Orient City | Orinoco | Oristano |
Orizaba | Orontes | Oropesa | Oscar II |
Osterley | Ozama | P. Caland | Palatia |
Palermo | Pallanza | Palm Branch | Pan America |
Panama | Pannonia | Parima | Paris |
Pastores | Patria | Patricia | Patris |
Pawnee | Pennsylvania | Pennyworth | Persia |
Persian Prince | Perugia | Peruvian | Peruviana |
Pesaro | Petersburg | Philadelphia | Phoenicia |
Pikepool | Pisa | Pittsburgh | Plassy |
Pluto | Polonia | Pomeranian | Port Auckland |
Port Bowen | Port Chalmers | Port Hardy | Port Lyttelton |
Port Phillip | Porto Rico | Portuguese Prince | Potomac |
Potsdam | President Fillmore | President Grant | President Harding |
President Lincoln | President Polk | President Roosevelt | President Van Buren |
President Wilson | Pretoria | Prin'pe di Piemonte | Princess Irene |
Princess May | Prins Frederik Hendrik | Prins William II | Prinz Adalbert |
Prinz August Wilhelm | Prinz Joachim | Prinzess Alice | Prussia |
Python | Quillota | Rapidan | Red Cloud |
Regina | Regina d'Italia | Regina Elana | Reginolite |
Republic | Resolute | Rhaetia | Rhein |
Rhynland | Rimonski | Rio Amazonas | River Delaware |
Robert Dollar | Rochambeau | Roma | Roman Prince |
Ronda | Rosalind | Rotterdam | Royal George |
Ruel | Rugia | Russia | Ryndam |
Saale | Sagua | Saint Andrew | Saint Louis |
Saint Paul | Salem County | Salerno | Samland |
San Guttardo | San Guglielmo | San Lorenzo | Santa Anna |
Santa Luisa | Santa Marta | Santa Tecla | Santiago |
Saratoga | Saratov | Sardegna | Saturnia |
Saxonia | Scandinavian | Scotia | Scythia |
Segmanca | Segundo | Seguranca | Seminole |
Seneca | Servia | Shabonee | Shakespear |
Siberian | Sibiria | Siboney | Sicilia |
Sicilian Prince | Sidlaw Range | Sierra | Sierre Madre |
Sierra Ventana | Silvia | Sioux | Sixaola |
Skinfaxe | Slavic Prince | Slavonia | Smolensk |
Sofia Hohenberg | Sorrento | Southern Cross | Southwark |
Spaarndam | Spain | Spalding | Spartan Prince |
Spree | St. Louis | St. Mary | St. Stephen |
Standard | State of California | State of Nebraska | State of Nevada |
Statendam | Stavengerfjord | Stockholm | Strathfillan |
Stromboli | Stuttgart | Suevia | Suriname |
Susquehanna | Sylvia Victoria | T. J. Williams | Tabor |
Tagus | Talaralite | Tartar Prince | Taormina |
Tauric | Tennyson | Teutonic | Themistocles |
Thingvalla | Tiberia | Toloa | Toronto |
Trave | Tregonnell | Trelevan | Trent |
Trimountain | Trinidad | Triumph | Trojan Prince |
Tsushia Maru | Turnessia | Tuscania | Tuscarora |
Tydeus | Tyrrhenia | Ubbergen | Ultonia |
Ulua | Umbria | United States | Uranium |
Vaderland | Valacia | Vanderland | Vasari |
Valiless Constantinos | Vauban | Vedic | Veendam |
Vega | Vellavia | Venetia | Venezia |
Venezuela | Verona | Vestris | Victoria |
Vincent | Vincenzo Florio | Virginia | Volendam |
Volturno | Vulcan City | W. C. Teagle | W. E. Hutton |
W. L. Steed | Waldenburg | War Shamrock | War Soldier |
Washington | Wassaic | Wearwood | Weehawken |
Weimar | Werkendam | Werra | Weser |
West Arrow | West Elcasco | West Pool | West Zeda |
Western World | Westernland | Westwind | William H. Doheny |
Wordsworth | Woyo Maru | Wyoming | Yumuri |
Zaandam | Zacapa | Zarembo | Zeeland |