A City and the Dead; Zablotow Alive and Destroyed
Memorial Book of Zabolotov (Zablotow)

(Zabolotiv, Ukraine)

48°28' / 25°18'

Translation of
Ir u-metim; Zablotow ha-melea ve-ha-hareva

Edited by: Former Residents of Zablotow in Israel and the USA

Published in Tel-Aviv Israel, 1949



Project Coordinator

Ronald B. Schechter



Schmuel Kahati


In Memory of Ron's ancestors who came from Zablotow (Grandparents: Sam & Gussie Schechter immigrated in early 1900s; Great Grandparents  Hershe Wolf & Taube Schechter; Great Great Grandparents: Scheye & Ruchel Schechter; & grandmother's parents: Hashe Liebe & Schendel Tauber) who were all from Zablotow and my grandmother's sisters and grandfather's cousins who perished in the Holocaust

This is a translation from: Ir u-metim; Zablotow ha-melea ve-ha-hareva
(A city and the dead; Zablotow alive and destroyed), Tel Aviv,
Former Residents of Zablotow in Israel and the USA, 1949 (H,Y, 218 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zabolotiv

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Zablotov.html

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A City and the Dead;
Zablotow Alive and Destroyed


Published by the former residents of Zablotow, in Israel and The United States


1949 Tel-Aviv 5709


Preface - Written by Mr. G. Karsel
In the City Streets - By Avraham Keish
I. Rabbis
         Zablotow Rabbis
         Demycze Rabbis
         Petashnitzin Rabbis
         Storozhinets Rabbis
         Gabaeim of Zablotow
II. Citizens (1790-1942)
III. Tradesman
IV. Factories
V. Dayan
VI. Agriculture
VII. Chazan
VIII. Other Professions As Sources of Income
         IV. Farms and Villages which were part of the town
         Trachi (Trojca)
         Troschinich (Druzhinets)
The Town where I was born
Zablotow's Pogroms of 1903
Zablotow between the Two Wars
Days Gone By
Youth Movements
The Destruction of our Community
First 'Action'
Second 'Action'
Last 'Action'
Micha Karsel
Zablotow of the Past
The Destruction of Holy Zablotow Community
Former Residents of Zablotow, in The United States Build a Jewish School in the Old Home
Index of Surnames, Towns, Professions, & Misc.

Table of Pictures

Figure 1 - General view of Zablotow. The City Square and the street leading to the train station
Figure 2 - General view of Zablotow. The suburb of Demycze and the bridge
Figure 3 - A group of citizens
Figure 4 - R' Yissachar Toy
Figure 5 - The 1st Pioneer Group from Zablotow in Israel
Figure 6 - Ha Shomer Ha Tza ir Organization of Zablotow
Figure 7 - Micha Karsel & Zellig Gross
Figure 8 - Kindergarten in Zablotow

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Contact person for this translation Ronald B. Schechter
This web page created by Mike Kalt

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Updated 14 Feb 2017 by LA

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