Memorial Book of the Community of Turka
on the Stryj and Vicinity
(Turka, Ukraine)

49°09' / 23°02'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Turka al nehar Stryj ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: J. Siegelman and former residents of Turka (Stryj) in Israel

Published in Haifa, 1966, (H,Y)

Seeman Plaque



Project Coordinator

Mary Seeman z”l



Boaz Ben-Pelech


We  would like to thank the following individuals who have made the translation  of the Turka Yizkor Book possible:

Boaz Ben-Pelech for  commissioning and funding most of the translation in memory of Turka family members who perished in the Holocaust.
Jerrold  Landau for undertaking the translation of the entire book.
Haim  Sidor for translating, alphabetizing, and cross-referencing the 'Memorial to  the Martyrs of the Holocaust' section.
Aytan Ben-Pelech for his  expert proofreading of the translations prior to  publication.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Turka al nehar Stryj ve-ha-seviva
(Memorial Book of the Community of Turka on the Stryj and Vicinity),
Editor: J. Siegelman and former residents of Turka (Stryj) in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1966 (H,Y 472 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Turka

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.




Translated by Jerrold Landau

[H] denotes a Hebrew article and [Y] a Yiddish article.
A notation is omitted for those articles where the language could not be determined from the table of contents.

A Monument to the Town the editors [H] 7
A Monument to the Town the editors [Y – apparently a translation of the above] 8
I Will Never Forget you Michael Heisler [Y] 11
A Portrait from the Landscape of my Childhood Tzvia Nagler-Tzamri [H] 12
There was a Shtetl Turka Menachem Langenauer [Y] 17
You are my Witnesses… Pnina Bamushi-Sternbach [H] 21
Previous Generations
History and Demography [H] 25
The Ledgers of Turka Until the Second World War Chaim Pelech [Y] 34
Turka Eizik Kurtz [H] 41
Turka During the First World War Chaim Pelech [Y] 46
Episodes from Life in Turka from Before the First World War Elka Moshenberg [H] 50
Life and Youth
Turka My Town David Yisraeli-Langenauer [H] 57
As it was Back Then in the Old Home Shmuel Spigler [Y] 65
The Sabbath in our Town Zeev Steininger [H] 75
The Eve of Yom Kippur Shmuel Spigler [H] 79
From the Hassidic Religious Life in our City Rabbi Alter Weinberger [Y] 82
The Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Turka During its First Years Yitzchak Rand [H] 91
Ideas and Memories from the “Hashomer Hatzair” Group of Turka Yafa Gorlitzki [H] 101
From Within the Walls of the Beis Midrash to “Hashomer Hatzair” David Y. [H] 105
Sections on the Akiva Youth Movement in Turka Shimon Keller [H] 107
The “Akiva” Hebrew Youth Group in Turka Hela Kaspi-Shreiber [H] 112
The “Akiva” Movement – the Dream and the Realization Moshe Zauerbron [H] 115
The “Gordonia” Movement in Turka Pnina Vamushi-Sternbach [H] 118
The “Poale Zion” Organization, and Around it Chaim Pelech [Y] 121
Zionist Activity in Turka in the Years 1930-1935 Zev Steininger [H] 125
Zionist Activists Chaim Pelech [Y] 129
Yiddish Theater in Turka Eli Montag [Y] 133
Klezmers Come to the Shtetl Chaim Pelech [Y] 137
The Orchestra in the New Times Moshe Frum [Y] 139
Moshe Shein Chaim Pelech [Y] 144
Personalities of Turka Shlomo Kraus [H] 146
Memories from my Parental Home M. and Ch. [H] 149
The Activist from Turka Shlomo Pelech Moshe Kershner [Y] 152
The Final Hoshanah Rabba Eli Montag [Y] 154
Ordinary Dear Jews in Turka Chaim Pelech [Y] 158
Chalvikes Moshe From [Y] 162
Stories from Turka Chaim Pelech [Y] 167
There were Jews who Lived Very Well Miriam Teller [Y] 174
Turka – The Surrounding Villages
Jews in the Villages around Turka Aharon Shafer [Y] 177
Jews in the Village Chaim Pelech [Y] 180
Jewish Agriculture Around Turka Michael Heisler [Y] 181
Jewish Life in the Village of Vysotzko Vishna Meir Hirt [Y] 187
Ilnik – My Childhood Village Meir Gottesman [Y] 191
The village of Vysotzko-Nyzny Avraham Tuchman [H] 193
Rozluch and Beniva Tzipora Zelmanovitch (Katz) [Y] 194
The Jews of Husna Vyzna and Husna Nyzna Meir Goldreich [H] 197
Life and Doom in Lomna Menachem Rosen and Yechiel Hirt of Haifa [Y] 199
Krasna – Life and Destruction Moshe Schindler [H] 210
Tarnawa Nizna Aharon Shefer [H] 217
Plucking Feathers A. Sh. [Y] 218
Destruction and Annihilation
Russian Capital in Turka During the Second World War Chaim Pelech [Y] 221
Stories of the Great Misfortune Y. M. Zeifert [Y] 225
A Girl in the Storm Ester Roter (Shein) [H] 244
From the Bundles of Testimonies 266
In the Holocaust Esther Brand (nee Longenor) [H] 270
In the Atrocities of the Time Dr. A. Hamermash [H] 275
A Young Man in a Nazi Work Camp Shalom Breier [H] 279
Inhuman Suffering and Horrors David Schwartz [Y] 285
The Children's Aktion in Turka Ch. P. [Y] 288
Bloody Episodes David Binder [H] 290
The Escape from the Open Grave Moshe Hager and Genia Liberman [H] 293
We Were Refugees in Soviet Russia Michael Heisler [Y] 295
Saved by Righteous Gentiles Esther Brand [H] 304
Dream Y. M. Zeifert [H] 310
Remember Dr. M. Dvorzhitzki  
The Holocaust in the Surrounding Villages
Murder in the Villages Surrounding Turka Meir Seeman [Y] 315
The Destruction of the Jews of Borinya Helena Ringler (Gissinger) [H] 318
Episodes from the Great Misfortune in Borinya Yosef Brenes [Y] 321
The Story of Dzvinyach in the Holocaust Shlomo Katz [H] 324
With Village Jews under Siege Zerach Katz [H] 327
Harried and Afflicted Shalom Katz [Y] 330
Surviving in a Bunker in the Forest 1 Yosef Brenes [Y] 334
Wanderings During the Holocaust Yitzchak and Avraham Schindler [H] 338
A Nazi Murderer Met His Death in a Fight with Two Jewish Girls Tzipora Zelmanovitch (Katz) [H] 349
The Destruction of Ilnik Yeshayahu Schwartz [Y] 350
David Laufer, the Hero from Ilnik Yeshayahu Schwartz [Y] 355
There are no more Jews in Turka
From Atop the Roof I See You David Y. [Y] 359
In the Empty City… Michael Heisler [Y] 360
In Turka after the Liberation Chaim Pelech [Y] 362
In the Destroyed City Asher Brandelstein [Y] 364
The City Sits in Desolation… Bronia Brandelstein 367
A Visit to Turka in 1957 Moshe From Haifa [Y] 373
The Memorial Corner:
   In Memory of my Father Reb Baruch Hirt 386
   In Memory of the Binder family 386
   In Memory of Menachem Langenauer 387
In our Homeland
Our Aliya and First Steps in the Land M. and Ch. [H] 391
Breaking Through the Shores of our Homeland Meir Hoffman [H] 396
The Aliya of those with Families to the Land Moshe Yisraeli [H] 398
In Memory of Those No Longer With Us
   Manes Bernas 402
   Eizik Yitzchak Kurtz 403
   Tovia Artel 403
   Yitzchak Zohar (Shein) 404
   Necha Lerer 405
The Jewish Youth of Turka in the 1920s and 1930s Zerach Shein 408
Additions   413
A Memorial to the Martyrs of the Holocaust 417
In the Villages of the Area of Turka 453


  1. This article does not have an entry in the Table of Contents in the original book. Return

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