Stawiski Memorial Book

53°22' / 22°09'

Translation of Stawiski; sefer yizkor

Edited by: I. Rubin

Published by Stavisk Society, 1973



Project Coordinator

Jan Meisels Allen


Jerrold Landau
Yael Chaver
Morris Whitcup

This is a translation from: Stawiski; sefer yizkor;Stawiski Memorial Book,
ed I. Rubin, Stavisk Society, 1973

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Stawiski

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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On the Occasion of Publication of the book (H)  9
On the Occasion of Publication of the Yizkor book (Y*) 11
History of Stawiski
Facts about Stawiski (H) 17
Facts about Stawiski (Y*) 18
History of Stawiski by Tzvi Lieberman (H) 19
History of Stawiski by Tzvi Lieberman (Y*) 24
My Shtetl of Stawiski by Chemda (Y) 29
My Birthplace in the Past and Present by Chaya Kolinski of blessed memory (H) 36
My Birthplace in the Past and Present by Chaya Kolinski of blessed memory (Y*) 39
In the Paths of the Fathers by Zelda Edelsztejn (H) 43
Pesach Kaplan (Y) 50
Long Forgotten Images by Pesach Kaplan of blessed memory (Y) 51
A Visit to Stawiski by Pesach Kaplan of blessed memory (Y) 54
Stawiski by Azriel Lieberman of blessed memory (Y) 58
Here Laid my Cradle by Zalman Hirschfeld (H) 60
Here Laid my Cradle by Zalman Hirschfeld (Y*) 67
Rabbis and Personages
Eminent Rabbis of Stawiski by Pesach Kaplan of blessed memory (Y) 79
The Tzadik Reb Chaim Leib Studies Gemara in the Tavern by Pesach Kaplan of blessed memory (Y) 80
Rabbi Chaim Leib Myszkowski of Blessed Memory and the Yeshiva of Lomza by Dr. Yom Tov Lewinski (H) 83
Rabbi Chaim Leib Myszkowski of Blessed Memory and the Yeshiva of Lomza by Dr. Yom Tov Lewinski (Y*) 87
Words Studied from the Mouth of the Righteous Gaon Reb Chaim Leib of Blessed Memory – collected by Eliezer Goldman (H) 92
The Funeral of the Righteous Rabbi Reb Chaim Leib of Blessed Memory  by A. A. Rakowski (H) 94
Rabbi Avraham Stawisker and Peretz' Three Presents by Yeshayahu Berger (Y) 95
The Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Eliahu Remigolski of Blessed Memory by the family of the Gaon (H) 99
The Gaon Rabbi Reuven Kac of Blessed Memory by Rabbi Tzadok Hakohen (H) 101
The Gaon Rabbi Nachman Shmuel Wasserman of Blessed Memory by Yeshayahu Wasserman (H) 109
The Gaon Rabbi Chizkiahu Yosef Myszkowski of Blessed Memory by A. Y. G. (H) 114
My Father-in-law Rabbi Shabtai Zeev Friedman of Blessed Memory by Zerach Maaravit (H) 116
The Two Elders of Stawiski by Yehoshua Maaravit (H) 120
The Prodigy of Stawiski – Rabbi Dr. Efraim Edelsztejn of Blessed Memory by Dr. Yom Tov Lewinski (H) 122
The Prodigy of Stawiski – Rabbi Dr. Efraim Edelsztejn of Blessed Memory by Dr. Yom Tov Lewinski (Y*) 126
My Parents' House by Nechama Bizounsky (nee Kotton) (H) 131
Reb Yehoshua Menachem Zilbersztejn of Blessed Memory by Rabbi Baruch Zilbersztejn (H) 134
Reb Yehoshua Menachem (Shai Mendel) Zilbersztejn by Rabbi Baruch Zilbersztejn (H) 135
Aharon Eliezer Zack of Blessed Memory by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (H) 137
Aharon Eliezer Zack of Blessed Memory by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (Y*) 139
Dr. Aryeh Remigolski of Blessed memory by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (H) 141
Dr. Aryeh (Leibele) Remigolski of Blessed Memory by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (Y*) 143
Akiva Rubensztejn of Blessed Memory by Akiva Fett (H) 144
Akiva Rubensztejn is No Longer With Us by A. Cherniak (H) 146
The Engineer David Tovia (Dobrzyjalowski) of Blessed Memory by Sarah Tovia (H) 147
Chaim Granet (Bzostowiecki) of Blessed Memory by Zelig Broshi (H) 148
Between the Two World Wars
The Jewish Youth of the Town During the Years of the First World War and the Founding of "Hatechia" by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (H) 157
The First Zionist Activity in Stawiski by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (H) 162
The First Zionist Activity in Stawiski by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (Y*) 167
Paths in the Ashes by Chemda Lewinowicz (H) 173
The First Steps of Modern Hebrew Education in our Town by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (H) 193
The First Steps of Modern Hebrew Education in our Town by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (Y*) 195
The Founding Meeting of the "Hacherut" Organization by Chaim Leibel Goelman of blessed memory (Y) 198
"Hechalutz" in Stawiski by Yitzchak Kotton (H) 203
"Hechalutz" in Stawiski by Yitzchak Kotton (Y*) 204
"Hashomer Hadati" by Elazar Goelman (H) 205
The "Hashomer Hadati" Organization by Elazar Goelman (Y*) 209
A Bundle of Memories from my Hometown Stawiski   by Shifra Zwilichowski (nee Lieberman) (H) 213
In the Paths of my Youth by Chemda Lewinowicz (H) 217
In the Paths of my Youth by Chemda Lewinowicz (Y*) 224
Happenings and Personalities
The Sabbath in Stawiski by Rabbi Chaim Leib Bernsztejn (H) 235
The Sabbath in Stawiski by Rabbi Chaim Leib Bernsztejn (Y*) 236
The Rabbi and the Cantor by Pesach Kaplan of blessed memory (Y) 238
"Tefilla Zaka" in Porita by Avraham the son of Isser Chelfowitz of blessed memory (H) [2]  241
"Tefilla Zaka" in Porita by Avraham the son of Isser Chelfowitz of blessed memory (Y*) 244
Fragments by Nechemia Lewinowicz (H) 248
Fragments by Nechemia Lewinowicz (Y*) 252
What Hassidim Know by Puah Rakowski of blessed memory (Y) 257
Between Mincha and Maariv by Rabbi Chaim Leib Bernsztejn (H) [3]  257
The Deeds of the Fathers are a Portent for the Children by Zelda Holtzman (nee Funk) (H) 260
Personalities and Characters from my Hometown of Stawiski  by Chaim Aryeh Lewinowicz (H) 263
Personalities and Characters from my Hometown of Stawiski by Chaim Aryeh (Chaim Leibl) Lewinowicz (Y*) 267
Hershel the Wagon Driver by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (H) 273
Hershel the Wagon Driver by Moshe Goelman of blessed memory (Y*) 277
Yossel Yoreder the Rabbi of the Thieves by Pesach Kaplan of blessed memory (Y) 281
Three Personalities by Meir (Mitshak) Bogdanowicz (H) 283
Three Personalities by Meir (Mitshak) Bogdanowicz (Y*) 286
For Those Who Passed Away by Chemda (H) 289
           Yisrael Eli Shapira of Blessed Memory
           Chaim Kadysz Kolinski of Blessed Memory
           Solarczyk of Blessed Memory
           Fishel Cybulski of Blessed Memory
           Nissel of Blessed Memory
Those of Ill Fate by Bat Menachem (H) 294
During the Days of the Holocaust
For These do we Weep by the lawyer Chaim Wilamowski (H) 299
The Holocaust in Stawiski by the lawyer Chaim Wilamowski (H) 301
The Destruction of Stawiski by the lawyer Chaim Wilamowski (Y*) 308
On the Destruction of Stawiski by Rivka Zilbersztejn (H) 316
On the Destruction of Stawiski by Rivka Zilbersztejn (Y*) 319
A Brand Plucked from the Flames by Herzl (Hertzke) Cheshlok of blessed memory (H) 324
Memories of a Survivor by Herzl (Hertzke) Cheshlok of blessed memory (Y*) 329
Upon Your Ruins Did I Sit and Weep by Yehuda Chiwicho (H) 335
Upon Your Ruins Did I Sit and Weep by Yehuda Chiwicho (Y*) 338
A Visit to my Birthplace by Rabbi Baruch Zilbersztejn (H) 343
A Visit to my Birthplace by Rabbi Baruch Zilbersztejn (Y*) 346
Lest I Forget You, Oh My Town by Chana Weiner of blessed memory (H) 348
Lest I Forget You, Oh My Town by Chana Weiner of blessed memory (Y*) 349
The Two by Tzvi Lieberman (H) 351
In the Battle for Life by Chava Fuchs (nee Rosensztejn) (H) 352
The Shul-Gass (Street of the Synagogue) by Rivka Zilbersztejn (H) 362
Nechka Stolnicki of Blessed Memory
Miriam Friedman of Blessed Memory
Berl Chonkowitz of Blessed Memory
Chana Weiner of Blessed Memory by Chemda (H) 365
My Wife Chana by Mordechai Weiner (H) 369
Moshe Zeev Goelman of Blessed Memory by Yitzchak Kotton (H) 369
My Brother Moshe by Elazar Goelman (H) 371
My Teacher Moshe Zeev by Chemda (H) 374
Eliahu Livna (Bzostowiecki) of Blessed Memory by Chemda (H) 376
Herzl Cheshlok of Blessed Memory by Rivka Zilbersztejn (H) 378
On the Occasion of Publication [English, same as H page 9]  
List of photographs in Stawiski Yiskor Book
Photographs from Stawiski
Aerial Photographs of Stawiski
Poland Trip 2001 (July)
Photographs from Auschwitz

  1. After each entry; ( H ) for Hebrew and (Y ) for Yiddish.  I also indicate if a section is equivalent with another section in a different language (by an asterisk following the second entry – which means that it is equivalent with the immediately previous section, or by a note in square brackets, if more information is warranted). Back
  2. Tefilla Zaka is a prayer recited privately just prior to the opening Kol Nidre service on Yom Kippur. Back
  3. Mincha is the daily afternoon service, and Maariv is the daily evening service.  These are usually recited in the synagogue in close proximity to each other, one slightly before sunset and the other slightly after sunset. There is a short break in between, to which this section is referring. Back

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Contact person for this translation Jan Meisels Allen
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