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III. Notes


Uri Henis

Uri Henis, Jerusalem

Uri Henis was born in Sassow, in Eastern Galicia, in 1899 and died in Jerusalem in December of 1966. He studied in the Beit Midrash of the Rabbi of Sassow, then in the Gymnasia and University in Cracov. He became active in Zionist affairs, and involved in founding “He'chalutz” and also “Ha'shomer” in Western Galicia. He married Mina, daughter of Israel Nathan Bruckenstein, and in 1924 they emigrated to Eretz Yisrael (first Oleh from Sassow), where they had two sons, Dov and Yig'al. After a few first painful meager years in Yafo and in Tel-Aviv he became an accountant, then a government official in Jerusalem, in the Finance Ministry. As a true Sassow scholar-learner, for years he used to “say lessons” and learn in his Jerusalem community synagogue's Bet-Midrash.

T'mimei Derech was published in 1959.

Henis Avrahamtche family, Sassow 1939

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Admor- our lord, teacher, and Rabbi; title of a Hasidic rabbi.

Ayin Yafakov- Well of Jacob; a collection of legends of the Talmud, by the Turkish Jew Jacob ibn Habib.

Ba'al bayit- lit. “master/owner of house”; householder.

Beit Midrash- House of Learning.

Cheder- school where small children are taught reading and prayers.

Goy- nation; a non-Jew, or a non-observant Jew.

Goy-Shabat- non-Jew who does work forbidden for Jews on Sabbath.

Kapota- long coat.

Kit'l- special white robe worn by pious Jews, esp. the rabbi, cantor, and blower of the shofar, and on Yom Kippur; the leader of the Pesach seder wears it and some are buried in it.

Ma'ariv- evening prayer service, usually after sunset.

Maggid- Sayer.

Maskila- learned, enlightened; from Haskala = Enlightenment.

Melamed- teacher.

Mincha- afternoon prayer, usually before sunset.

Minyan- ten men mandatory for community religious services.

Mishna, Mishnayot (pl)- collection of the oral law.

Mitzva- divine commandment; good deed.

Mumche- expert, highly skilled person.

Naches- satisfaction, usually of parents or grandparents, through children.

Rabbi- teacher, my teacher; Rev, Rav, may mean simply 'mister'.

Rebetze, Rabbanit- Rabbi's wife.

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Sheketz, Shkatz- a non-Jew.

Sh'ma- “Sh'ma Israel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad”
            “Hear, 0 Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”.
            (Deut 6:4)

Shtreiml- fur-edged hat worn by rabbis and Hasidim on Sabbaths and holidays.

Talit k'tana- small four-corner fringed shawl worn under outer clothes by devout Jews.

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Ausubel, Nathan, Pictorial History of the Jewish People. New York, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1953.

Buber, Martin, For the Sake of Heaven. Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society of America, 1958.

Buber, Martin, Hasidism and Modern Man. New York, Harper and Row,1958.

Buber, Martin, Tales of Angels, Spirits, and Demons Hawk's Well Press, 1934.

Buber, Martin, Tales of the Hasidim (2 vols.), New York Schocken Books, 1947.

Buber, Martin, The Tales of Rabbi Nachman. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1956.

Dubnow, S.M. History of the Jews In Russia and Poland Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society of America, 19l6.

Fraenkel, Joseph, ed. The Jews of Austria, London, Valen- tine, Mitchell and Company, Ltd., 1967.

Grayzel, Solomon. A History of the Jews, Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society of America, 1947.

Henis, Uri, T'mimei Derech. Jerusalem, Achiever, 1959.

Marcus, Jacob R., The Jew In the Medieval World. Cincinnati, Sinai Press, 1938.

Margolis, Max L. and Marx, Alexander, A History of the Jewish People. New York, Harper and Row, 1927 & 1965.

Newman, Louis I., The Hasidic Anthology. New York, Shocken Books, 1934.

Sachar, Howard Morley, The Course of Modern Jewish History New York, Dell Publishing Co., 1963.

Scholem, Gershom G. Major Trends In Jewish Mysticism. New York, Schocken Books,1961.

Schwartz, Leo W. ed. Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People. New York, Random House, Inc., 1956.

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Zborowski, Mark, and Herzog, Elizabeth, Life is with People. New York, International Universities Press, Inc., 1955.

The notes on the purity of fish and on omens were suggested by Rabbi Herschel Matt.

Special thanks are due to my friend Yael Glaser, who helped me with the translations.

Adaya Henis February 1970

June 2007. Note by Dov Henis, son of Uri, father of Adaya:

I inherited from my uncle Moshe (Morris) Henis, brother of Uri Henis, four books about Sassow:

  1. Rephael (Verpel) Yitzchak, Hebrew, “Sassow, Matzeva Le'Ayarati”, pps 30 hard-cover, Bamishor Library, Jerusalem 1946.
  2. Henis Uri, Hebrew, “T'mimei Derech”, pps 165 hard-cover, Achi'ever, Jerusalem 1959.
  3. Refael Moshe, Yiddish, “Mein Shteit'l Sassow”, pps 123 soft-cover, Gal'or, Jerusalem 1979.
  4. Siegler Moshe, Yiddish, “Tife Wortzlen from Sassow to Jerusalem”, pps 440 hard-cover, Chmi'el, Tel-Aviv 1981.

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Adaya Henis
(1948 Pittsburgh, PA – 2002 Leonardo, NJ.)

Adaya Henis, Leonardo NJ

Adaya was survived by husband William Zagorski, by two daughters Netania and Amalia, and by her family in Israel.

Douglass College:

Adaya was a graduate of Douglass College, where she earned a BA in religion and a Masters in Library Science. Her first love was music as she performed at the New Jersey Folk Festival several times over the years. Accompanying herself on guitar and Appalachian dulcimer, she performed Anglo-American folk songs and ballads, as well as songs in Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew. She was also a talented storyteller and her wonderful sense of humor made her performances a delight. She performed in many different venues including concerts for the NJ State Council on the Arts, Ocean County Parks and Recreation, folk festivals, libraries, elementary schools and coffeehouses.

Adaya's Jewish heritage was very important to her. She often did programs for Holocaust memorial, educational organizations and also loved teaching music to children. At the time of her death, she was a music teacher at the Monmouth Reform Temple in Tinton Falls, NJ. In 1987, she released an album called “A Mol Iz Geven A Mayse”, which is a collection of Ladino, Yiddish and Hebrew folksongs.

Monmouth Reform Temple:

Adaya's self-proclaimed title, as the "crazy music teacher" demonstrated a kindly, self-deprecating sense of humor. Her love for the children and her mellow approach toward her position as music teacher made every child feel welcome.

Some of us knew Adaya since we were tots and came with our parents to her monthly pre-school program. She taught us to embrace the inner message of music. We did not have to sing for her, just pay attention, listen and enjoy ourselves. She made us realize how much tradition is in our music.

Older students were amazed, relieved and eventually captivated by her unorthodox approach toward classroom singing. Most of all, Adaya understood and put into practice a belief that Jewish Religious School experience should be more about creating positive Jewish memories than about memorizing facts. She would say that she did her job well when students hummed a melody taught in music class on the way to the car pool.


“0ur treasure is hidden beneath the hearth of our own home”


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