The Jewish Vatican in Sadagora
Volume I

(Sadhora, Ukraine)

48°21' / 25°58'

Translation of
Der Jüdische Vatikan in Sadagora, 1850-1950, Volume I

Loose pages from the diary of Pinus Rubinstein (Ben-Saar)

Published by Olamenu, Tel Aviv 1958



Project Coordinator

Jerome Silverbush z”l


This is a translation of:
Der Jüdische Vatikan in Sadagora, 1850-1950, Volume I
The Jewish Vatican in Sadagora, 1850-1950,
Loose pages from the diary of Pinus Rubinstein (Ben-Saar). Published by Olamenu, Tel Aviv 1958

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The Jewish Vatican in Sadagora

[Translator's note: by “Vatican,” the author refers to the dynasty of the Chassidic rabbis of Sadagora]

Volume I


Translated by Jerome Silverbush z”l

1. Sadagora Association
2. Foreward
3. Setting Things Right
4. Nicknames
5. Introduction
6. Unforgetable Type
7. Reb Velvel Abeles
8. The Baron Hirsch School
9. Dr. Straucher the Repetent
10. Froikale Kalibok
11. Frosie and the Pukaczes - 1904
12. Moische Retter (a pale dream)
13. Hussar Skirmish - Moische Burger
14. Mordche Nissen Tallesmann and the Rebbe
15. Luzer Preiser (resurrection)
16. Shrul the Toiber (the deaf one)
17. Zierl and the Officer
18. Forbidden Love; She - He - She
19. Amor
20. Woman - Music by Ujvari - the poor poet
21. The Way of Life
22. The Bell Ringer
23. City Councilman Hettner
24. Here Merely 8 Cases are Analyzed
25. The American
26. Life's Widsom
27. Injustice
28. Jackal
29. Time Thoughts
30. Culture
31. The Blind Soldier


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