Radzyn Memorial Book

51°47' / 22°37'

Translation of

Sefer Radzyn

Edited by: Yitzchak Zigelman

Published by the Radzyn (Podlaski) Immigrants Association in Israel,
Tel Aviv, 1957




Project Coordinators

Yaakov Goldwasser



Nachman and Temy Goldwasser
Yaakov Goldwasser


Our sincere appreciation to Pesach Tunkelszwarc, of the Radzyn-Podlaski Society,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Radzyn (Radzyn Memorial Book).
Editorial Board: Y. Avi-Ara, B. Borshtein, M. Gotesdiener, L. Vinderboim,
Y. Lust, A. Lazar, A. Danilak (Toronto), M. Lichtenshtein (New York), Tel Aviv, 1957

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Information on the Registration of the Jewish Religion Congregation in Radzyn

TitleAuthor Page
The Shtetl, a Jewish Mother 
A Memorial to the Town (H *) Yitzchak Zigelman 5
Holy to God (Poem) Maier Segal 7
Radzyn Mendel Lichtenshtein 7
My Shtetl (My Village) (Poem) Abba Danielak 9
The Jewish Community in Radzyn (H) Levy Winderbaum 12
The Song about Residents of Radzyn (Poem) Yitzhak Katsenelman 13
The Past Generations 
My Shtetl Radzyn Benzion Burshtein 19
The Synagogue and the Beit Midrash; Sabbath in the Shtetl Abba Danielak43
What Was Yaakov Greenblat 51
Radzyn Characters Mendel Goldwasser 57
Bright Figures Yisroelke List 62
My Radzyn Mendel Lichtenshtein 65
Radzyn Portraits Abba Danielak 73
Moishe Smolaz Shmuel Daniely 79
Songs From My Home Maier Segal 81
Radzyner Chasidism  
The Rabbi's Court Abba Danielak 86
The House of Izbitsa and Radzyn (H) M.S. Gshuri 111
Yisrael From Kotzk Goes With the Rabbi to Find the Snail (H)Yisrael Kantor 113
The Rabbi Who Shook Up Poland Y. Y. Trunk 115
The Rabbi and the Colonel M. Ben-Shmuel 120
From Those days (H) M. Ben-Shmuel 122
The Golden Chain Leib Rochman 123
The Unbroken Blue Chain (H) Mordechai Tanenbaum 127
Life and Youth  
In Your Streets Radzyn (H) Yitzchak Kenani 131
My Shtetl Levi Vinderbaum 149
In the Shadow of the Town (H) Simcha Hochenberg 152
Memories of Radzyn Abraham Zigelman 156
The Teachers of Small Children – The Whip and Youth Zanvil Zaltzstein 160
Episodes From the Jewish Workers Movement in RadzynZvi Liberson 162
The Jewish artisans Zvi Liberson 173
Interest Free Loans (H) Dov Katzenelenbogen 175
The Founding Gathering of the Poele Zion Tzipah Rosenfeld 179
The Poele Zion in Radzyn Shprintzeh Gottesdiner 182
Gottlakes Abba Danielak 183
Nathan Shvalbeh Nachman Meisel 188
Lazerkeh Szalasheh and the Radzyn Amateur ArtistsHenich Applebaum 191
Hashomer Hatzair in Radzyn (H) Emmanuel Tor 193
The Amateur Stage of “Hashomer Hatzair” (H) M. Ben-Shmuel 198
About the Educational Activity in the Hashomer Hatzair Branch in Radzyn (H) Y. Zeligman 200
About Our Development Ch. Shlimak 203
Out of the Furnace (H) David R. 206
The Ascender (Poem) L. Vinderboim 208
Destruction and Extinction 
The Beginning of the Storm and Extinction (H) Abba Lichtenshtein 211
The Beginning of the Disaster Rachel Zaltzshtein Freter 221
The History of the Extinction (H) Yehoshua Rosencrantz 227
Hellish Experiences in the Radzyn Ghetto Sarah Bashe Voyazsher 245
Five Years in the Abyss Sarah Ashman Zaltzshtein 249
In the Struggle For Survival Liber Farbiash 264
Two Years in a Dark Pit Sarah Fass 271
The Parting Sarah Basha Vyaszisher 281
In the Inferno Unknowingly (H) Chana Burshtin 282
With My Father the Rabbi Chaim Fine in Russia (H)Sarah Achicam-Fine 284
My Return Home Ethel Keitelgisser 292
Radzyn After the Destruction Rachel Zaltzshtein Freter 294
On the Ruins of My Shtetl Zvi Lieberson 301
Radzyn in 1946 - After the Destruction Zevel Zaltstein 304
The Jews of Radzyn in the Partisan Groups Zvi Lieberson 306
Leibel Lev – the Leader of a Partisan Group Shifrah Lev 309
The Survivors of Radzyn   312
About Moishelach and Shloimelach and a Life that Vanished (Poem)Aryeh Lazar 321
Yisrael Lichtenstein: His Last Will and Testament (H) Idah Zigelman 326
Shimon Kleinboim Y. Lust 327
Yisrael Moshe Rubinstein Y. Lust 327
Among the Fallen   328
New Roots 
Radzyners in Israel (H) Yitzchak Avi-Arah 330
Asher Rosenfeld (H) Simcha Reichenberg 335
The Editorial Board for the Book Pictures 336
Radzyners in America Yaakov Greenblatt 337
Radzyners in America Mendel Lichtenstein 339
Meir Segal   341
Yosef Danilak Zichrono Le'Bracha (of blessed memory) (H) Idah Z–N 342
Yaakov Greenblatt   342
List of the Missing   345
Map of Radzyn   360

*All articles are in Yiddish, except those marked (H) are in Hebrew  Return

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