Pultusk Memorial Book


Translation of Pultusk; sefer zikaron

Edited by: Yitzhak Ivri

Published in Tel Aviv, Pultusk Society, 1971 (H,Y)



Project Coordinator

Stewart K. Bernstein


In Memory of the Nestenpower Family
Pultusk, Poland


Our sincere appreciation to Pesach Engel, of the Pultusk Landsmanschaft,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pultusk; sefer zikaron (Pultusk memorial book),
Editors: Yitzhak Ivri, Tel Aviv, Pultusk Society, 1971 (H, Y, 683 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Pultusk

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TOC Translated by Tova Yarkoni

The first pages of the book:
To Pultusk members all over the world - Yaakov Nechushtan Kupfermintz
A word from the editor - Yitzhak Ivri Izkor
Chapters From the Past
The Pultusk city and its history - Menachem Rawicki 2
The beginning of the Pultusk Community (in Hebrew) - Jacob Maharshak 8
General Statistics (in Hebrew) - Yitzhak Marcusfeld 10
Pultusk through the generations (in Yiddish) - Menakhem Ravitski 11
Beginning of the Pultusk Jewish community (in Yiddish) - Yaakov Maharshak 16
Pultusk in the Press (Hebrew and Yiddish) 18
Rabbis of Pultusk
Rabbi gaon Jeshuah from Kotna 21
Rabbi gaon El'azar Hacohen 26
About the Rabbi of Pultusk Rabbi el'azar 31
Rabbi gaon Chanoch Zundel Grodzenski 31
Rabbi hasid Simcha Epshtein 32
Rabbi gaon Meshulam Kaufman Hacohen Unterman 33
Rabbi gaon Baruch Yitzhak Issachar Halevi Levental 39
Rabbis in Pultusk - Refael Moshe Sach 41
Rabbis of Pultusk of the last 103 years - Jeshuah Abramtchik 42
Important people
Hiersh Neta Daian - Moshe Srebro 44
Rabbi Vove Shochat and his son Shlomo Zalman 45
Rabbi Sinai Zeev - M. Zinovitz 45
Rabbi Chaim Leib Kliger - David Kliger 45
Rabbi Zalman “baal Tefila” from Pultusk - Moshe Zinovitz 46
Pinchas Shmuel Zainvil Cohen from Pultusk 47
The Chazan and writer A. B. Birenbaum - Moshe Zinovitz, Rabbi Itzhak Helfand,  
Baruch Simcha Fruchtenbaum, Moshe Joseph Gelbard, Moshe Joseph Rabbi  
Simchales, Rabbi Yechiel “Mocher sfarim” - Moshe Srebro 48
David Hirsch Grinshpan - Yerachmiel Grinshpan 57
Once was a city
Pultusk - the life in the city - Refael Moshe Sach 53
Five Highways - Mordechai Zilberman (Mietek) 73
Pultusk, Economy and Culture - Refoyl Moyshe Shakh 79
Cultural Conditions and Community Organization in 1905–1925 - Eliezer Zvi Shniodovski 84
Institutions and Organizations
The Jewish Culture Center in Pultusk - Zev Aharonovitch 88
The Jewish school - Sara Frost 92
The Jewish gymnasium - Mordechai Zilberman 99
Synagogues- Eliezer Zvi Shniodovski 109
The big Synagogue of Pultusk - Moshe Srebro 111
Our teachers - Refael Moshe Sach, Moshe Srebro, Jeshuah Abramtchik 115
Jewish bank - Josef Blumenshtein 121
The workers union - Yerachmiel Grinshpan 122
Little traders - Ira Bulman 123
The professional union - Yechiel Abazhanek 125
Shlomo Treblinski 127
Free Professions
Dr. Ber Nisaniewitch, Dr Proshaver, Dr. Yaacov Tambak  
Dr. Gorni, Dr. Bart, Baruch Joskovitch, Shmuel Bjozovitch,  
Moshe Mendel Noimam, Dr. Dent, Yeshaiahu Berzinski,  
Dr. Mendl Deliktish, Refael Moshe Sach 128
About one in the city - Culture and Zionism in Pultusk -  
Rafael Moshe Sach, Yerachmiel Grinshpan,  
Aviezer Drori Kupermintz 134
Parties and Organizations
The first Beginning of Zionism in Pultusk - Dov Zilberman 139
The Zionist Organization In Years 1929-1939 - Joshuah Lichtenstein 140
In that time - Dov Berish Landau 147
Agudat Israel - Yerachmiel Grinshpan 149
Hashomer Hazaiir (Youth Organization) - Miriam Tal 158
The Hashomer Hazaiir - Moshe Eizov (Aizenkait) 162
A meeting with Moshe Nadir in the forest of Poplov - Zvi Goldstein 163
Hashomer Hazaiir in later time - Hana Veinstein-Kohen 164
Hachalutz Hazair (the young pioneer - youth organization) - Avraham Boim 165
Communism and Communists-Biographies of Abraham Blenkitny & Others 170
The activity of the Bund - Israel Ziskind 174
The Bund in my Time - Yechiel Abazhanek 178
The Activity Of the Party “Poalei Zion” (Zion Labor) in years 1923-1939 and the active members - Shlomo Blenkitny 184
Beitar Organization - Yaakov Nechushtan (Kupfermintz) 201
Pultusk from then
The city Pultusk - Moshe Srebro 205
Our street - Hana Veinstein – Kohen 207
A Shabat (Saturday) picture - Eliahu Bulman 209
The wooden bridge - Sara Frost, Shlomo Blenkitny 214
Memories of Pultusk - Florian Sokolov 221
Childhood - Chaim Aharonovitch 241
My memories - Meir Lipsker 259
Our Home - Dan Aharonovitch 261
My musical memories - Dan Aharonovitch 263
An animal - Noach Pesach 268
Memories from years 1905-1920 - Eliezer Zvi Shniodovski 269
The City of my childhood - Yeshuah Abramtchik 274
Hat-Maker families - Yechiel Abazhanek 281
Being a teenager in Pultusk - Zalman Rubin 284
A voyage to my childhood and youth - Zvi Goldberg 286
My youth days - Chana Goldstein (Granek) 291
My grandfather's home (Novominski) - Devora Fishman 293
A little bit of my memories - Yeshuah Dov Novominski 297
My Home - Idda Bulman (Tashimovitch) 300
Our House - Devora Kinnel, Eliahu Bulman 301
Home Memories - Moshe Srebro 303
A walk to the “Old Place” - Sara Frost 307
Types of persons of religion
Rabbi Mendl Mintz,Rabbi Simcha Zelnik, - Yerachmiel Grinshpan  
Chaim Alevnik, Jeshuah Leib Goldmacher, Leib-Ber Shuster,  
Shalom-Hersh Lindberg, Israel Moshe Drozad, Yochanan Koplovitch  
The purse maker, Faivl Sochachevski, Moshe-Hersh Director,  
Shmuel Ismach Shalom Brandshpigel, Itche MeirChune Michaelis Choinavitch,  
Gershon Kiershenbaum, - Refael Moshe Sach 314
Mendl Ruzhaner- Yeshuah Lichtenstein, Refael Moshe Sach 317
R' Chaim Kozki - David Kozki 318
Abraham'che Melnik - Shlomo Blenkitny 318
R' Joseph Kronberg - Moshe Kamin 320
R' Meir Hillel Katz - Esther Kamin 320
R' Shmuel Kronzhek - Rose Kronzhek (Shtern) 320
Meir Lipsker - Itzchak Lipsker 321
The Old Sweets Maker - I. Abramchik 321
R' Volf Itche Revinson, R' Natan Sach, R' Motel-Leib -Yoshuah Lichtenstein 322
R' Israel Ivri - Eliezer-Zvi Shniadovski 322
Yehuda-Izl Melamed - Moshe Srebro 324
Alter Filiar - Eliahu Bulman 325
R' Itzchak -Meir Boimgartn, Chaim Velvel Vlosko - Shaul Boimgarten 326
Yitzhak Don - Eliahu Bulman 327
Rivka Kupfermentz - Chasia Drori, Zipora Kohen-Katz 328
Josef Barkai - from a booklet 329
Ida Bulman (Tashimovitz) - Her husband Eliahu 329
Dov Zilberman - Arie Ben-Gad 330
Mordechai Zilberman - Shlomo Blenkitny 331
My husband Mordechai Zilberman - Lena Kichler – Zilberman 332
Writers and Artists from Pultusk who were murdered in the Holocaust
Two poems - Simcha Don 334
Simcha Don - Shlomo Blenkitny 335
Simcha Don - J. Papiernikov 336
Two poems - Aharon Domb 337
Aharon Domb - Shlomo Tenenbaum 338
David Teomim - Yeshuah Abramtchik 340
Noach Fatalovski, Leibke Skazhipze - Refael Moshe Sach 340
Theater in Pultusk
Drama Classes - J. Ac 342
The Jewish Drama Group - Eliahu Bulman 343
Episodes and curiosities - Idda and Eliahu Bulman 346
The Pultusk Drama Group in my time - Friedl Klos-Koplovitch 350
On the stage - Motl (Max) Klos 353
Abraham Kunter - Eliahu Bulman 355
Episodes and Events
The visit of General Waigan in the School of Pultusk - Mordechai Zilberman 357
From the Gray Cow - Itzchak Eizenkait 359
Friday night in the party of “Poalei Zion” - Shlomo Blenkitny 359
Hating Jews and the Payment - Rachel Srebro-Dembinska 360
In the 30's - Shaul Boimgarten 363
Public Types
Velvel Antalek, R' Yosl Koval, R' David Holtz-Heker (the woodcutter), The Rabbi - Eliahu Bulman 366
Avremil Zhelinski - Told by People from Pultusk 367
Singing Shoemakers, Chaim Baruch, Froim (Efraim) Gritchak - Shlomo Blenkitny 371
Women as Helpers and Workers
Faige Rosa Rosenberg - Pnina Goldman 373
Chana Basha - Miriam Tal ( Grinberg) 373
Chana Basha the Baker - Moshe Srebro 373
Rochtche (Rachel) the Butcher - Moshe Srebro  
Faige Roise The Glassmaker, Neche Boim - Rivka Holzman 377
Esther Mintz - The family 378
Stories from Everyday Life
Pultusk Speech and Style - Y.E. 379
Folklore from Pultusk - Yeshuah Abramczyk 379
Without a Head, The Poor Wealthy Woman, How an Evil Priest Became a Good Angel… - Shlomo Blenkitni 379
Performed in “Pultuskish - M.S 380
He is Ashamed for his Tallis [prayer shawl] – Anonymous 381
Just to Have a Little Fun, A Son Is a Cholent [bean stew] and a Daughter Is a Broth, Shir Hamaalot [Song of Ascents, Psalm 21, placed where there is a newborn], by Newborn Girls, Rachtshe Pretends to Be Dead - Moshe Srebro 381
“A Mouse that Lays on Gold Coins” - Sh. Baumgarten 382
“Call Me a Fool and Give Me Opportunities” - Shlomo Blenkitny 382
The Children Are Not His – Anonymous 382
Make Me a Treasurer Again, I Do Not Spend Any Money for Your Sake, It's Good to Know That …. , This Is Certainly a Smart Child…, Pultusk Is Somehow Different, This is a Hole Chay'kel, Come Home!, And If a Wealthy Man from Pultusk Cannot Write, then He Is Not a Wealthy Man – Lichtenstein 383
Itche Shafran and Itche Chacham [the smart one], Shmuelke Don and Black Moshe – Anonymous 384
They Are “Guilty”, “If So, Then Let It Stay with the Old One” - Shlomo Baumgarten 385
Depressed Ones and Those out of Their Minds, Nicknames and Names Others Used that Circulated in Town, Pultusk Expressions 385
You Are No Longer Here, My Home Town! - Y.E. 387
Chapters of the Holocaust and Non-existence, Fight and Heroism  
The Exile of Pultusk - Moshe Srebro 391
People from Pultusk tell  
As soon the city was occupied - Eliahu Bulman. 393
The Exile - Devora Veinstein (Landau) 395
Over the Bridge - Moshe Srebro 396
To the Castle Park, The first victims - Shlomo Blenkitny 398
The last walk - Rivka Holtzman 401
When we were exiled from city Yechiel Abazhanek 402
Eight days after the exile through a hole in the attic - Israel Ziskind 405
The departure from our father - Chana Veinstein-Kohen 406
A spark of light in the darkness - Yerachmiel Grinshpan 408
I wandering - Shamai Golan (Goldstein) 410
With aunt Zisl (a story) - I. Grinberg 422
In the wandering
September 7th. - Baruch Director 426
One morning - Gutche Fried-Melnik 433
My destiny...... - Shlomo Melnik 434
When the Germans entered Popove - Yaakov Veinkrantz 437
In Ghetto Vilna - Chana Taitl (Fruchtenbaum) 440
On the Arric side - Chava Kraviezka-Veinkrantz 441
As soon as the war started - Benjamin Fenner 447
Our Marsh – Yitzhak Alter 455
Our first and last meeting - Josef Niestenpower 462
Partisans and Ghetto Fighters
The Jewish Partisans -- I.A 468
A Jewish partisan tells - Menachem Schupack 468
Baruch Gafteck - Leah Magen 478
In the beginning of World War II - M.S 479
Chava Lantzer - from the book The fighters from the Ghettos 480
A song -M.S 481
Zhenia Eichenbaum - Moshe Kahanovitz 482
Zvi Rosenovitz - Moshe Kanterovitz 483
Izidor (Israel) Novominski - The family 483
My murdered brothers - Rachel Srebro- Dembinska 484
Itzchak Dembinski the Ghetto fighter 487
Pultusk after the destruction
In the country of my cradle - I. Grinberg. 489
A visit in our city after the war - Yehoshua Abramchik 490
From Pultusk 1939 to Israel 1950 - Gitl Ingnatovski-Ropf 494
My Power in those days - Malka Niestenpower-Blenkitny 495
ltusk 1947 - Gitl (Gutka) Shtockhammer-Novominski 498
The Chala Napkin of Shabat - Mordechai Gelblum 503
1939-1949 - Moshe Som 504
In the days of the Nazis - Esther Kamin 504
The miracle in the exile of Pultusk 505
A Ghetto in Pultusk - Joseph Shnegotzki 507
The death of Baruch Piasetzki - Jehoshua Dov Novominski 507
From the “valley of tears” 507
The fighters and the slain
Zeev Bugach 508
Israel Gutmorgen 508
Abraham (Itzchak) Gurman 508
Grob Haim 509
David Arie Vansover 509
Yaakov Kohen 509
Simcha Melnik 510
Jehoshua Frish 510
Daniel Zefoni 511
Joseph Kuplovitch 512
Abraham Kanterovitch 512
Eli Riboyad 513
Zelig Shinobloga 514
Ishajahu Shinobloga 514
Shchupak 514
Our home and my brother Mendl - Michal Shchupak- Arazi 515
Zeev Nechushtan - Chasia Drori (Kupfermintz) 516
Pultusk people all over the world
In America - Meir Brzoza 517
In Canada - Joel Abazhanek, Jehoshua Fridland 522
In Argentina - Joseph Karmel 526
In Israel - Refael Veinshtok 530
To Eternal Memory
Necrology 539
Yizkor 634
List of the slain 635
El Male Rachamim 662
Additives 663
Notes 675
Error corrections 677
Content of the book 678
List of pictures 682


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