Praga Book;
Dedicated to the Memory
of the Martyrs of our Town

(Praga, Poland)

52°16' / 21°05'

Translation of
Sefer Praga; mukdash le-zekher kedoshei irenu

Edited by: Gabriel Weisman, Praga Society

Published in Tel Aviv, 1974 (H, Y, 563 pages)



This is a translation from: Sefer Praga; mukdash le-zekher kedoshei irenu
(Praga book; dedicated to the memory of the martyrs of our town),
Editors: Gabriel Weisman, Tel Aviv, Praga Society, 1974 (H, Y, 563 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Praga

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translated by Yocheved Klausner


Introduction Gavriel Weissman 9
From the Book-Committee   13
The History of the Jews in Praga
The history of Praga Dr. Yakov Shatzki 21
The Jews in Warsaw A. Levinson 42
Praga, near Warsaw Yakov Gur-Eli 49
Synagogues in Praga M. G. Geshuri 60
The Bet Hamidrash in Praga David Ben Yitzhak & Sima Haus 63
New Praga [Y] Dov Briskin 66
Between Two World Wars
Praga in the First World war [Y] Kalman Glavitchaver 75
Memories of a labor activist [Y] Avraham Krolitzki 78
The party life [Y] Henech Hasenfuss 84
About he “Bund” in Praga [Y] A. Prager 94
Zionist organizations in Praga [Y] M. G. 98
The appearance of “Beitar” in Praga [Y] Yosef Feldman 103
The first Chalutz (pioneer) in Praga M. Ch. Ne'eman 107
Hinda, the “mother” of the Hashomer Hatza'ir in Praga Pola Wishinska 109
The co-operative movement [Y] Berl Warm 110
Jewish “Government- Schools” Maria Laks Martchinek 112
Jewish newspapers in Praga [Y] G. W. 118
Figures, Personalities and Community Workers
R'Shmuel Zbitkover Nachum Sokolov 122
The Bergson family   126
Jewish artists in Praga [Y] Gavriel Weissman 127
Figures in Old Warsaw Tz. Z. Weinberg 133
A Praga priest tells about the Praga Jewish life [Y]   141
The defenders of Jewish life in Praga Avraham Friedman 143
Chaim Itzik's Talmud nigun (melody) [Y] Mordechai Greizer 148
Types in Praga [Y] Avraham Krolitzki 150
Jews in New-Praga [Y] Dov Briskin 153
My parents z”l [Y] Yakov Nosel 158
My father z”l [Y] Yakov Arager 165
My family [Y] Lea Mushinski-Greenstein 170
Rose Slomka Israel Singman 173
R'Avraham Woller z”l Rivka Dzjebin 177
Rivke'le and Yankel Tzelniker z”l [Y] Mendel Marginnes 180
The shoemaker and the laundry-woman [Y] H. S. Ehrlich 181
The glazier who fought against King David [Y] P. Bergner 182
The great scholar R'Yakov-David Wasserfisch ztz”l Arie Margalit 184
In memory of my parents z”l Yakov Nosel 186
My father, of blessed memory Yakov Erger 192
R'Zvi Yona Rosenstein z”l Yakov Erger 195
In memory of the Ostrovski family Yehuda Ory (Ostrovski) 197
Shmuel (Samek) Friedman z”l; Israel Slotzker, to his birthday;
Simcha Binem Bar-Shalom; Reuven Dan
Mordechai Greizer 198
In memory of Moshe Levenkopf Yosef Sekel 205
A bundle of memories from Praga Shalom Schreiber 207
Leib Spiesman z”l 209
Figures and personalities in Praga Yakov Gur-Eli 210
David Haus Yosef Sekel 215
Way of Life and Memories
Praga (poem) [Y] Yosef Rubinstein 217
Praga, 50 years ago [Y] Avigdor Friedman 220
The courtyard in 30 Brokave Street [Y] H. Baverberg 225
From long ago [Y] Avraham Kibawitz 234
A courtyard in New-Praga [Y] Aharon Tabakman 238
My home town Praga [Y] Jack (Yakov) Brand [Y] 239
Shmulevizne and its inhabitants [Y] Israel Entel 240
In memory of the Jewish boxer, Konigswein [Y]   243
The Praga grandmother [Y] Efraim Kaganovski 245
Yankel Prager Y. Y. Trunk 250
Holocaust and Heroism
The corner of Zambkovska-Tarnova streets [Y] Bienem Heller 255
Notes from the Warsaw ghetto [Y] Dr. Imanuel Ringelblum 257
Praga at the time of war [Y]   259
The coolies (ricksha drivers) (poem) [Y] S. Sheinkinder 264
Outbreak of the war [Y] Moshe Gerecht 266
Praga and the occupation years [Y] Meir Danziger 276
In the ghetto [Y] Zvi Fruman 283
Under the Hitleristic boot [Y] Mordechai Pyasek 288
In the ghetto and on the “Arian side” [Y] Regina Koenigswein 311
My experiences [Y] Sara Hecht 328
Days of nightmare [Y] Rachel Mayerfeld 341
The number 22705 [Y] Henrik Burstein 354
Heroes in the forest [Y] Yosef Piasetzki 360
With the cross on the neck [Y] Moshe Yeruchemsohn-Yankovski 365
In the days of darkness [Y] Avraham Friedman 383
R'Menachem Zemba z”l Rav Yedidia Frenkel 385
To organize resistance - or not? [Y] Dr. Hilel Seidman 399
The martyrdom of the three [Y] K. Shabtay 403
Yidgadal Veyitkadash [Kadish] Shalom Ash 415
Praga after the Destruction
One of the few [Y] Avraham Friedman 429
In the Praga Jewish cemetery [Y]   432
The new "Ner Tamid" [eternal light] [Y] Dr. Ch. Shoshkes 437
Our Landsmanshaftn (organizations)
In Israel [Y]   447
In Paris [Y] David Weintraub 450
Memorial Pages   457
List of the Praga martyrs (necrology)   513
Index of names   546

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