Plotzk; a History of an
Ancient Jewish Community in Poland
52°33' / 19°42'
Translation of
Plotzk; toldot kehila atikat yomin be-Polin
Edited by E. Eisenberg
Published in Tel Aviv, 1967
Project Coordinator
Emerita Project Coordinator, Ada Holtzman zl
This is a translation from: Plotzk; toldot kehila atikat yomin be-Polin
(Plotzk; a history of an ancient Jewish community in Poland),
Editors: E. Eisenberg, Tel Aviv, World Committee for the Plotzk Memorial Book,
1967 (H, Y, E, 780 pages).
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: 2527
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
World Committee | Irgun Yotzey Plotzk | |
for the | Be-Israel | |
Ploth Memorial Book | (Plotzker Association in Israel) |
Eliyahu Eisenberg
Editorial Board
Chairman: Moshe Rubin
Shlomo Greenspan | ||
Benyamin Galewski | Itzhak Tynski |
Plotzker Young Mens' Independent Association
in New York
Sociedad de Residentes de Plock
en la Argentina
Organisation de les Amis de Plock et Environs
en France
Plotzker Groups in Australia, England, Canada
and the U.S. West Coast
Printed by Arazi Press Ltd.,
4 Ayelet Hashahar Street,
Tel Aviv, Israel
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Page | ||
Foreword | 5 | |
Introduction | 9 | |
History of the Jews in Plotzk Until the First World War (1237 1914) | ||
History of the Jews of Plotzk from the Middle Ages until the 17th Century | Y. Trunk | 10 |
The History of the Jews of Plotzk from the Middle of the 17th Century until World War I | Y. Trunk | 16 |
Activities of the Plotzk Jewish Community | Dr. Y. Schipper | 25 |
The Minute-Book of the Tailors' Union | Dr. E. Ringelblum | 25 |
R' Moshe Ben Israel Wasserzug | E.E. | 25 |
Avraham Yaacov Papierna; Teacher and Literary Critic | S. Greenspan | 26 |
Aharon ben Moshe Kahanstam (Konstam) | E. Eisenberg | 27 |
Lives of Famous Plotzk Rabbis | S. Greenspan | 28 |
Jewish Life in Plotzk in the light of Hebrew Periodicals of the Second Half of the19th Century | S. Greenspan | 33 |
Nahum Sokolov's Youth | F. Sokolov | 36 |
Beginnings of Zionism in Plotzk | I. Grinbaum | 36 |
Inauguration of the first Jewish Gymnasium | Y. M. Zlotnik | 37 |
Memories of the Past | S. Rozen | 37 |
Jewish Plotzk during the First World War | I. Tynski | 38 |
The Jewish Kehila of Plotzk (Vaad Hakehila secretary memoirs) | Y. Ben-Shai (Fuchs) | 40 |
The Jewish Hospital on the name of Icchak Fogel | A. Shmueli (Plutzer) | 41 |
Ezrat Holim | 42 | |
The Jewish Orphanage (Ochronka) | G. Puk | 42 |
Cooperative Banks and Trade Unions | I. G. Chanachowicz (Kent) | 43 |
The Small Traders organization | J. Malonek | 44 |
The Gildene Street | B. Gincberg | 44 |
Ort in Plock | I. Tynski | 44 |
Anti-Semitism in Plotzk between the two World-Wars | E.E. | 45 |
The Mariavits Convent and the Jews | I. G. Chanachowicz (Kent) | 45 |
The Jewish Gymnasium | 47 | |
Jewish Primary Education | I. Ben Shai (Fuchs) | 47 |
Shmuel Penson | B. Grey (Graubart) | 48 |
My Father, R' Shmuel Penson | A. Penson | 48 |
Jewish Education in Plotzk | Prof. D. Eisenberg | 48 |
Memories of the melamed Yehiel Meir Kravietz | A. Sh. | 49 |
The Popular Functions of the Jewish Library Hazamir | Prof. D. Eisenberg | 49 |
Local Theater Groups | M. Magnes | 49 |
Childhood Memories | M. Zylberberg | 50 |
The Struggle for Restoring the Good Name of Rabbi H. Shapiro | A. Hartglas | 50 |
Nahum Sokolov and Plotzk | Y. Warszawski | 50 |
Nahum Sokolov's visit to Plotzk and Wyszogrod | M. Turkow | 51 |
Shalom Ash and Plotzk | M. Zylberberg | 51 |
My Uncle, Rabbi Y. L. Avida (El Zet, R' Yehuda Leib Zlotnik) | Ruhama Shnir (Zlotnik) | 51 |
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Avida (Zlotnik) | Dr. Nechemia Aloni | 52 |
Alfred Blei, The Last Chairman | Meir (Michael) Koenigsberg | 52 |
Zysze Landau | Melech Rawicz | 53 |
Memories of My Father's Home | E. Eisenberg | 53 |
Four friends and their spiritual world | M. Rubin | 55 |
Agudat Zion | 55 | |
Keren Kayemet Activities | 55 | |
Zeirei Zion in Plock | I. Tynski | 56 |
The Agricultural Farm of Moshe Krakowski | E. E. | 56 |
Hachshara Kibbutz by the name of Borochow | F. Fliderblum | 57 |
Hehalutz, Hehalutz Hatzair and Hapoel | Y. Rosenblum | 57 |
Mizrahi Movement | 58 | |
Herzlia Association | M. Rubin | 59 |
Poalei Zion (Left) | B. Okolica | 59 |
The Freiheit Movement | D. Shahari | 59 |
Agudat Israel in Plock and the Region | L. Geliebter | 60 |
The Activities of the Bund | I. M. Oliver (Ilover) | 60 |
Hashomer Hatzair | E. E. | 61 |
Revisionists and Beitar | 62 | |
General-Zionist Youth Movement and Akiba | B. Galewski | 62 |
The Local Communist Party | Sh. P. | 63 |
The history of Maccabi in Plock | M. Rubin | 63 |
The Last Two Years of Maccabi | A. Najman (Nowicki) | 64 |
Nathan Korzen | Y. Aronson | 65 |
Fishl Zylberberg (Zber) (1909-1942) | 65 | |
Yechiel Meir (Maks) Eljowicz, Portrait-Painter | M. Rubin | 66 |
David Tushinsky, Master of Miniatures | E. E. | 67 |
Shmuel Har-Shalom (Fridenberg) | M. Rubin | 68 |
The Jews of Plotzk under the Nazi Regime | Dr. J. Kermish | 70 |
The Privileges of the Jews in Plock [H] | Michael Shperling | 74 |
Jews of Plotzk under the Nazi Terror | D. Dabrowska | 76 |
Jews of Plotzk in Exile | 76 | |
Testimonies | 77 | |
A Reminder (Regards) | H. Elboim-Dorembus | 78 |
Between Warsaw and Plotzk | Michael Zylberberg | 78 |
I left the Ghetto | H. Mairanc-Meiri | 79 |
I was a Submarine in a Nazi-Camp | M. Koenigsberg | 79 |
A Revolt in Hell, Testimony The horrors and heroism in the camp of Treblinka | Marian Platkiewicz | 79 |
Jewish Plotzk cannot be rebuilt | I. G. Bursztyn | 82 |
I returned Home | I. G. Chanachowicz (Kent) | 83 |
Post- War Activities in Plotzk | 83 | |
Jews of Plotzk in Israel | 85 | |
In Memoriam | 86 | |
History of the Plotzker Young Mens' Association in New York | H. Lipner | 88 |
Shlomo Greenspan, In Memoriam | Bezalel Okolica | 89 |
Plotzk Jews in the Argentine | 90 | |
Plotzk Jews in France | H. Zimmerman | 90 |
Rabbis, Essays by Plotzk Rabbis | ||
Plotzk Jews in various countries | 91 | |
Illustrations | 92 | |
Plock Hassidim and Nahum Sokolov [H] | Kurt Blumenfeld | 130 |
Fragments of Memories [H] | I. Grinbaum | 131 |
Memories of a pupil of the Russian Gymnasium [H] | Jakob Brozda | 141 |
The value Plock in various encyclopedias [H] | 145 | |
A Jewish settlement from the 11th century is discovered [H] | 145 | |
The Community of Plock between two World Wars (19181938) | ||
Community institutions, welfare, economy and neighborly relations [H] | (from Kalendarzinformator Mazowsza Plockiego | 207 |
Plock (Warsaw District) in Almanac Gmin Zydowskich in Posce 1939 [H] | 208 | |
The Jewish Hospital named after Yitzchak Fugel [H] | Shmueli (Plutzer) | 209 |
"Ezrat Cholim" [H] | 211 | |
The Jewish Orphanage ("Ochronka") [H] | G. Puk | 211 |
"Charity will save from death" (the image of a popular welfare activist) [H] | Halina Woitkowski Szlechter, source: Dina Berland | 212 |
The association of artisans in Plock [H] | Jehoszua Zwirek | 220 |
The yard of Altman on Szeroka street 10 [H] | Natan Lerman | 223 |
Grunim (published in Plocker wart, 1936) [H] | Chaim Flaks | 224 |
Education, Religious Life, Cultural Organizations, Personalities | ||
Jubilee to the Jewish library in Plock [H] | E.E. | 249 |
The small Beth Midrash of Plock [Y] | Israel Zylberberg | 258 |
The arrival of a new rabbi to Plock [H] | 259 | |
The Victim [H] | Y. Warszawski | 260 |
Political Parties, Youth Movements, Zionist Funds | ||
The first Zionist fulfillment [H] | Elisza Jecheskeli (Czrnobroda) | 297 |
The festivities of L'g Baomer for the national fund [H] | M. Rubin | 303 |
Summary of 10 years of Poalei Zion [H] | R. Lichtman | 320 |
Akiba in Plock (Divrei Akiba 14.12.1933) [H] | 345 | |
From our own ideas (the ideological struggle for Zionism and Judaism) [H] | Meir Pagorek | 346 |
Nathan Korzen the painter [H] | 370 | |
He will not be forgotten [H] | Harry Koren (Korzen) | 376 |
The exhibition of the works of F. Zylberberg [H] | 378 | |
With Fiszl Zylberberg (Zber) before his tragic death [H] | Itzchak Furmansky | 380 |
Personalities, Public Figures | ||
Lexicon of Personalities and Pubic Workers [H] | 389 | |
Nachum Sokolov (1860-1936) [H] | 391 | |
Itzhak Grinbaum [H] | 393 | |
Rabbis, dayanim (religious judges) and heads of yeshivot (religious colleges) [H] | 395 | |
The Lexicon of Biographies [H] | 400 | |
Destruction of the Plotzk Community | ||
Letters of Plocker Jews from the towns of deportation [H] | 506 | |
Pages in the diary [Y] | Itzhak Tynski | 526 |
Testimonies of Holocaust Survivors | ||
The tortures in the Forced Labor Camp Amsee (near Poznan) [H] | Leib Geliebter | 539 |
Plock in the chronicle of Ludwik Landau (1909-1944) a Jewish famous economist from Tomaszow Mazowiecki [H] | 542 | |
A Revolt in Hell, Testimony The horrors and heroism in the camp of Treblinka | Marian Platkiewicz | 544 |
I was a mouth of hundreds of thousands murdered victims (Sobibor trial) [H] | Moshe Bahir (Szklarek) | 553 |
The testimony of Moshe Bahir (Szklarek) in the Eichman trial [H] | 555 | |
Nothing Remain (a poem) [H] | Katriel (Kurt) Hazan | 558 |
To the Jews of Poland (a poem translated from Polish to Hebrew by Zvi Yashiv) [H] | Wladyslaw Broniewski | 559 |
Warszawa year 5601 (1941) [H] | Itzhak Bernsztein | 560 |
Our Plocker landsleit in Ghetto Warsaw [H] | Michael Zylberberg | 570 |
Escaped from the claws of death (Josef-Jorzek Fiszman Makowski) [H] | Prof. Artur Ber | 573 |
Yizkor – the Martyrs Names (necrology) | 575 | |
Post War Efforts of Rebuilding | ||
Survivors of the fire [H] | Alfred Blei (30.10.1945) | 606 |
The activities of the Plocker Survivors Committee | ||
In liberated Plock the remembrance assembly of March 3rd, 1946 [H] | 608 | |
Exhumation (21.10.1946) [H] | 610 | |
Summary of the Plocker Survivors Committee activities (1948) [H] | M. Tirman | 611 |
The dedication ceremony of the memorial monument to Plock martyrs (built by architect Benjamin Arie Leib Perlmuter) [H] | 612 | |
Jewish Plotzk cannot be rebuilt [H] | I. G. Bursztyn | 614 |
I returned Home [H] | I. G. Chanachowicz (Kent) | 629 |
Associations of Plotzk Jews All Over the World | ||
Jews of Plotzk in Israel | 643 | |
The first immigrants ( olim ) from Plock in Eretz Israel [H] | Eng. Mordechai Shoshani | 648 |
Yaacov Tzidkoni (Rechtman) a Folklore researcher and a collector [H] | 651 | |
In Memory of the Missing | ||
Several details about the Plockers in Argentina [Y] | 676 | |
Last Letter from Menachem Banach, 30.3.1942 [Y] | 677 | |
Pictures from Yizkor Book |
Original Coordinator's Notes
The English part is not a complete translation of the Yizkor book of Plock but rather a synopsis, summary, and should be treated as such. there are 684 pages in Hebrew and Yiddish but only 96 pages in English. I have translated and added the titles and page numbers of articles which do not appear in the English summary. I added the code H if article is in Hebrew, or Y if in Yiddish. I have also added the names of people who appear in the photographs to the captions in English which did not include these names. I wish to thank the Plock Landsmanschaft who encouraged me and gave me and JewishGen the permission to post the Plock Yizkor book in the Internet. It is my hope that this book will serve as commemoration to the Jewish ancient grand and holy community of Plock, exterminated by the Germans during the Holocaust. |
Ada Holtzman zl |
Drawing by Yaacov Guterman |
Yizkor Book Project
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