Lowicz; a Town in Mazovia, Memorial Book
(Łowicz, Poland)

52°07' / 19°56'

Translation of
Lowicz; ir be-Mazovia u-seviva, sefer zikaron

Editor: G. Shaiak

Published in Tel Aviv 1966



Project Coordinator

Chaim Eisman


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Helen Rosenstein Wolf & Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is a translation of: Lowicz; ir be-Mazovia u-seviva, sefer zikaron (Lowicz; a town in Mazovia, memorial book),
Editor: G. Shaiak, Former Residents of Lowicz in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia; Tel Aviv 1966 (H,Y,E 417 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lowicz

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Yiddish translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Hebrew translated by Esther Snyder


Kine [Lament for catastrophes in Jewish history] Y. L. Bialer 6
Preface G. Szaiak 11
Lowicz from the Ancient Times to the Present G. Szaiak 15
Reflections on Ancient Lowicz A. Wartski 32
The Misfortune on Hoshana Rabbah, 1914   36
From the Distant and Recent Past
Episodes and Events Y. D. Tojbenfeld 39
History of the Jewish Kehile [organized Jewish Community] A. Wartski 47
First Strike of the Middle Class Children L. Sigal 59
Jewish Renaissance in My Home City Y. Kronenberg 61
First Jewish Craftsman's Union   64
Between Both World Wars    
The Jewish Lowicz in the Years 1914-28 Y. M. Zylberberg 65
Jewish Representatives in the Municipality A. Wartski 69
A Proletarian Home for Children Y. Kronenberg 84
The Lowicz Kehile and its Parnosim [elected heads of the community] F.Tanenbaum 87
Memories/Memoirs and Impressions
Lowicz in My Memory D. Rozental 88
Students of the Government's Folkshul [public school] Perform Yiddish Theater Tzwi Miodownik 103
Czarist Regime Disciplines/Punishes a Jew for Saving a General Y.D. Chanina 104
The First Librarian - 1908 Y. M. Hermelin 107
Remembrances of My Home City Akiva Mozes 107
The Bal-Menagn [Cantor] of Lowicz Chaim Gurt 109
Nakhum Sakalow Y. D. Tojbenfeld 111
The Hasidic Proletariat F. Rotsztajn 113
Personalities and Images/Figures
Reb Hezekiah The Rabbi Tzwi Kochen 115
Yehoshua Mozes Y. M. Zylberberg 118
The Painter W. Wajntrob N. Szaiak 119
Y. M. Zylberberg A. Wartski 122
The Rabbi, Betzalel Biderman, of blessed memory Y. C. Toybnfeld 124
Lowicz in the Lustre of the Torah (Rabbis)   126
Hasidus and Hasidim   126
The Hidden Lamed-Vovnik [one of 36 righteous men in every generation] D. Zik 127
Reb Leizer Borukh Zajde   130
Moshe Leib Celechowski   132
Reb Itshe Adler   134
Avraham Leszcynski   135
Engineer Z. Slonimski   138
Mordekhai Bialek   138
Engineer M. A. Bialek   139
Dr. Yakov Bialek   140
Anatol Weksztajn   141
Dr. Jakubowski   143
Ben-Tzion Medzinski   144
Borukh Szapiro   145
A. W. Fefer   146
Dr. Eliezer Wartski   147
Alter Winer   148
Reb Chaim-Sholem Hermelin   149
Reb Chaim Ferber Kohan   150
Yakov Szajnberg   151
Reb Shlomo Ahron Sztift Meshulam Lewin 153
The Palace of the Kibbutzim G. Szaiak 156
The Feldsher [barber-surgeon], M. Knot Hershl Berkowicz 160
Lowiczer Folklore   162
Parties and Organizations
Pioneers and Workers of the Zionist Movement A.Wartski 164
Professional Workers Movement Josef Wyszogrodzki 173
Zionist Youth Organizations Tzwi Miodownik 176
Dramatic Amateur Circles in Hahalutz [Zionist pioneer movement] D. Golomb 179
Jewish Sports Clubs Mordekhai Tamir 181
The Communist Youth   183
Regional Sports Day in Lowicz   185
Managing Committees of the Societies and Institutions (1939)   186
Lowicz in Yiddish Literature
The Annual Fair Shalom Ash 188
Poland I. I. Trunk 189
Kutno – Lowicz I. Mastboim 191
The Enlightenment–Bank Nachum Sokolov 192
Fritz Lashes my Great–grandfather Y. Path 192
Lose the Winnings G. Szaiak 193
As Mourners at a Wedding Sholem Asch 197
Resistance and Spiritual Strength
Lowiczer Partisan Triplets Chaim Rochwerger 199
Fell in the Resistance in Birkenau Yosl Darembos 205
Fernande Goes to her Death of her own Free Will   206
He Escaped from the Stalag to the Maquis [French resistance] Shiye Leib Gemach 206
In the Units of the Armia Krajowa [Home Army] Mendl Albek 207
The Vichy-Police Gave Them a Wedding Present F. Markowitz 208
Lowicz in Pictures   209
The Holocaust – The Shoah
The River Disappeared And with it the Jews G. Tcharneson–Shayak 220
My Visit to Lowitz in 1945 L. Segal 221
Devastation of the Jewish Community in Lowicz (Ghetto Diary)   223
The Transfer to the Warsaw Ghetto T. Brusteen–Bernstein (Warsaw) 228
A Soup–Kitchen for Refugees in Lowicz   229
Writings from the Ghetto I. Ringelblum 231
Witnesses Speak
My Transformation/Metamorphis Through Death Camps Moshe Zajde 234
On the Aryan Side Noakh Klajnbart 242
On Forced Labour in Germany Sarah (Milewski) Szmekura 248
Experiences in Four Ghettos Shimeon Kon 254
Episodes from the Lowicz Ghetto Henia Koczukh 258
Nuns Help Us to Hide Meshulam Lewin 260
In a Bunker on the Aryan Side Menakhem Pera 265
A Wanton Game of Nazi Youth Yona Olsztajn 269
Finding My Brother in a Death Camp B. Krifel 270
From the Death Camp to the Fight in the Negev Y. Grynberg 273
How I Saved Myself Sh. Buchner 276
Across Burning Roads C. Danciger 277
In the Shadows of Dachau Ezriel Winer 278
In the Death March Near the Bzura Yukl Slobodzinski 278
In the Allied Armies
My Wish to Fight as a Jew Gedaliah Konopnicki 282
With the White Russian Army Until Berlin Shimeon Kano 284
Sargeant Marcel Putermilch, of blessed memory   286
On the Doorstep of My Devastated Home Moshe Wolrat 287
In the Australian Army   289
In the French Army   290
Creations by the Lowiczer Poets
A Song from My Old Home M. Trajanow 294
From Where Such Joy in Our Songs Sh.D. Lewin 295
The Day Grieves Sura Wajs 295
Lullaby H. F. Sztyft 295
Document Poland H. F. Sztyft 296
Testament B. F. Rozenblat 296
“The Mother” and “Over the Shtetl” [town] F. Gudman 296
A Market Day Y. C. Toybnfeld 297
A Memorial and For What? Y. Kronenberg 298
Memories Images L. Bialek 299
My Home City G. Szaiak 300
Tefilot Yisroel [Israel Prayer] R. Wajntrob 302
On the Bzura River Y. L. Bialer 302
Lexicon   303-310
The Personality of L. Sigal M. Braun 311
Louis Sigal - The Polish Jew Dr. Y. M. Biderman 312
Lowicz - An Industrial Center Y. D. Ben Hanina 316
Lowiczer Landsmanschaftn [organizations of people from the same town]
Role of the Lowiczer in America F. Sigal 317
The Founders of Lowiczer Union in Detroit   318
Chicago   320
Lowiczers in Argentina   320
Lowiczers in Melbourne (Australia)   321
Lowiczers in Sydney (Australia)   324
Activities of the Lowiczer in France   326
The Pioneers of the Lowiczer In Australia   326
The Council Committee of the Yizkor Book in Israel   328
Documents   330-333
A Letter from Former Senator, Engineer M. Kerner   334
A Letter from Dr. Jan Wegner   334
News Excerpts and Articles from the Mazowszer Wokhnblat [Mzowszer Weekly Newspaper]   336
“Literary Pages” About Mazowszer Wokhnblat [Mazowszer Weekly Newspaper]   339
Remember Akiva Frenkel 342
Pictures of Lowiczer Jews who Perished   343-355
List of the Lowiczer Jews who Perished   356-362
The Holocaust in the Neighboring Shtetlekh [towns]
Kiernozia   364
Lishkowitz   365
Sobota   366
Bolimów   367
R'Zerakh Glezer A. Frenkel 368
Bolimow Between Two Wars Moshe Mann 369
Jewish Young Men Give the Cossacks a lesson Leibl Mann 370
We Avenge our Mother's Blood   371
List and Pictures of the Bolimower Jews Who Perished   373-374
Thoughts On the Former Lowicz [H] A. Wartski 375
Movements and Organizations
The “Mizrahi” Movement and “Torah veAvoda” [H] Yosef Kreitzer 379
The Jewish Academicians in Lowicz [H] P. Zelcovski 382
The Revival of Youth Movements in our City [H] Yehezkel Lipski 383
Sport Activities of the Jews of Lowicz [H] Mordechai Tamir 384
My Path to the Betar Movement [H] Yitzhak Baum 385
My Path to HaShomer Hatzair [H] Tova Gross 386
The Holocaust and Courage
The River Disappeared and with it the Jews [H] G. Tcharnezen-Shayak 387
Resourcefulness and Strength before Annihilation [H] Reuven Weintrob 388
The Fighting Partisans from Our Town [H] Haike Grossman 389
Important Persons
The Rabbis of Lowicz [H] 391
R' Shalom Albeck [H] 391
Sarah Lipski [H] 392
Shlomo Tamir [H] 392
People from Lowicz in Israel's War of Independence [H] 393
List of Illustrations
English Section
Preface G. Shaiak 1
Lowicz - a Short History of the City and its Jews G. Shaiak 8
Abraham the Carrier David Zyk 10
Market Day M. Spicehandler 13
A River Disappeared G. Tcharneson-Shaiak 14
Saved from the Gas-chamber Joseph Szmekura 15
The Lost Wager G. Shaiak 22
Who's Who 25
Louis Segal 28
Heir and Founder Moshe Sharet 29
Leader and Brother Golda Meir 29
Judaism - Static or Dynamic Dr. Zvi Cahn 30
Lowiczer in the Australian Army 32


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