The Lomaz Book
(Łomazy, Poland)

51°54' / 23°08'

Translation of Sefer Lomaz

Edited by: Yitzhak Alperovitz and Simcha Apellbaum

Published in Tel Aviv 1994

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation from: Sefer Lomaz (The Lomaz Book),
Editors: Yitzhak Alperovitz and Simcha Apellbaum,
Publishers: Lomaz Societies in Israel and the United States, Tel Aviv 1994 (Y,H,E 333 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lomazy

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Opening Yitzhak Alperowitz 7
Foreword The Book Committee 9
Episodes from the Past
The History of Lomazy   13
The Blood Libel in Rossosz   14
Lomazy in the “Council of the Four Lands” in Lithuania   16
R'Moshe b'Mordechai from Lomazy, the representative and Head Lobbyist of all the Jews of Poland   18
The Rav R'Shaul   20
The Jewish Settlement in Lomazy in the Second Half of the 19th Century   21
Lomazy under Polish Rule until the Outbreak of WWII   23
General Haller's Soldiers “are enjoying themselves”   24
A Jewish Family in the Dukodow Village   25
Following the Press -- Life in Lomazy   28
The “Mizrahi” and “Hashomer Hadati” organizations in Lomazy Shifra Spokoyny 29
Asher Tzidon (Federhaar)   31
The Drama Group   32
Memories From the Old House Chaim Spokoyny 33
The General Polish School in Lomazy Shifra Spokoyny 34
The Rav R'Yitzhak Dov Grinberg - the Last Rabbi of Lomazy   36
The Slaughterer and Cantor Menachem Mendel   37
The Second World War and the Downfall of Lomazy    
On the Roads to the East   38
The Roads of Torment During the War Years Chaim Spokoyny 41
The “Teheran Children" Chaia Kestenbaum (Koifman) 45
Lomazy during the Tragic Years of Destruction 1939-42   46
Leib Apelbaum - fighter of the Jewish Military Organization in the Warsaw Ghetto   53
Holocaust and Bravery
The Fight Against the Germans Efraim Apelbaum 61
In a German Prison Camp as a British POW Testimony of Aharon Goldzweig 68
In the Memory of a Soldier and Fighter who Fell in Battle Tzipora Chayat (Tennenbaum) 71
The Bitter Summary of the Jewish Lomzy
The Trial of the Nazis who Tortured and Murdered the Lomazy Jews   72
The Activity of the Former Lomazy Residents Organizationin Israel   77
The Former Lomazy Residents Israel   80
Simcha Apelbaum's Speech at the Innauguration of the Monument in Memory of the Lomazy and Rossosz Martyrs in the Holon Cemetery on 6 September 1981   83
Yiddish Section
Lomazy in the Far and Near Past
The History of the Jews in Lomazy   89
Lomazy in the “Council of the Four Lands” in Lithuania   91
R'Moshe b'Mordechai from Lomazy, the representative and Head Lobbyist of all the Jews of Poland   94
Lomazy in the Years 1826-1855   97
The Rav R'Yakov Epstein   100
The Rav R'Elyakim Getzl Noah Somberg, Head of the Rabbinic Court in Lomazy and Ostrow   101
The Lomazy Jewish Community before WWI   102
The Rav R'Yakov-Yosef Batchkowski   105
Lomazy Between the Two World Wars
The Activity of the Lomazy Community Between the Two World Wars   106
Memories From Lomazy Yitzhak Spokoyny 112
Lomazy, Our Birthplace Yitzhak ben Daniel 114
The Growth of the Cultural Life in Lomazy Mendel Berman 116
The Charity Fund in Lomazy   121
The “Cultural League” in Lomazy   124
The Tailors' Union in Lomazy Mendel Berman 126
The Youngest Councilman in the Biala City Council - a Man from Lomazy   129
The Tragedy of the Split   135
Lomazy in the Mirror of the Press   137
The Second World War
Lomazy at the Beginning of the War   140
A Journal from the Days of War Yitzhak Schwarz 145
A Soldier in the Red Army and in the PALMAH Asher Tennenbaum 151
To the Memory of our Brother Berl Apelbaum   154
In the German Prison Camp Baruch Goldscher 158
The Holocaust
The Song of the Murdered Nation Yitzhak Katzenelson 166
Driven by Jew-Hate Peretz Kaufman 167
My Escape from the Murder Site in the Lomazy Forest Baruch Goldscher 170
My Experiences in the German Concentration Camps Rivka Schwarz (Wunderbaum) 175
Lomazy During the Tragic Destruction Years 1939-42   184
Lomazy After the Destruction
The Trial of the Nazi Criminals, who have Tortured and Murdered the Jews in Lomazy   197
The Exhuming of the Lomazy Martyrs   201
In the Memory of the Lomazy Martyrs, who Perished in the Years of the Second World War 1939-1945 Mendel Berman 206
The Surviving Remnant of Lomazy in Poland after WWII   207
The Unveiling of the Memorial and the Fence in Lomazy   215
The Speech of the Representative of the Lomazy Organization in Israel, Mr. Efraim Apelbaum   218
Lomazy Jews in Russia   221
The Rossosz Community in Life and Destruction
The Town is on Fire [Dos shtetl brent] Mordechai Gebirtig 225
The Image of the Town Rossosz Bunim Silberstein 226
The Way of Life in Rossosz   228
The Rossozs Bet Hamidrash [House of Learning]   233
Rossosz at the Outbreak of WWII   234
The German Occupation in Rossosz   236
The Germans are Burning Torah Scrolls in Rossosz   237
The Rossosz Jews on their Last Road to Treblinka   239
YIZKOR [“Remember” - the Prayer for the Dead]   251
We Remember (List of Martyrs from Łomazy)   253
Łomazy Jews, soldiers in the Red Army who fell in the battle against the Germans in the Polish-German War in September 1939   260
List of Martyrs from the Rossosz, Poland   260
English Section
The Shaping of the Jewish Community in Lomaz   3
Memories from Lomaz Abraham–Leib Weinstein 22
“The Polish Forests in Lomaz are burning” Lea Teitelboim 26
The “Bikur Holim” Society in Lomaz   30
The Beit Yaacov School in Lomaz   32
The Municipal Library (from the press)   34
Anti–Jewish events in the neighbourhood of Pod   35
Occupations of the Jews in Lomaz before World War II   36
In the Hands of Fate Abraham Wunderboim 38
Life in the shadow of death Rachel Weinstein 44
The Trial of the Nazis who tortured and murdered the Jews in Lomaz   56
The campaign for erecting the fence and the Memorial Monument on the cemetery in Lomaz   63
The Children of Lomaz remember Mishka Hauser 69


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