Kolno Memorial Book
(Kolno, Poland)

53°25' / 21°56'

Translation of Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolno

Edited by: Aizik Remba and Benjamin Halevy

Published by the Kolner Organization and Sifirat Poalim
Tel Aviv, 1971


Project Coordinator

Warren Blatt

This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolno (Kolno memorial book),
Editors: Aizik Remba and Benjamin Halevy, Tel Aviv,
The Kolner Organization and Sifirat Poalim, 1971 (Hebrew, Yiddish, English, 750 pages).

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Table of Contents for English Section
Preface   7
Prologue Benjamin Halevy 10
Our Kolno Herschel Kolinsky 13
Economics and Commerce in Jewish Kolno Eric Sosnow 25
Schools and Education in Jewish Kolno Eric Sosnow 36
The End of the Kolno Community Dinah Koncepolsky-Chludniewitz 45
From Ghetto to Ghetto, from Village to Village, like a Hunted Beast Dinah Koncepolsky-Chludniewitz 51
Kolno Girls in Auschwitz Deborah Charniewitch-Lubel 56
A Christian Woman's Evidence Halina Golshovska-Glaser 59
Nachum Remba Jonas Turkov 62
On the Ruins Rachel Alter-Borkowsky 64
A Visit to Kolno in 1961 Avner Aliphaz 68
Table of Contents for Hebrew/Yiddish Section
I. Introduction
Preface Editorial Committee  
At the Book's Gate Benjamin Halevy  
II. A Town on the Border
The History of Kolno and its Jews Simcha Sklanewitz 1
The Story of the Kolno Community Kalman Karlinski 14
Economics and Society in Kolno Between Two World Wars Chaim Ezra Sosnow 28
The Cooperative Bank in Kolno Mordechai Brizman 42
Reprints from Kolno’s Newspapers   47
Father's Store Zvi Hiller 51
Artisans Moshe Brizman 55
Two Letters   58
III. Society and Cultural Life
The Zionist Organization in Kolno Isaac Remba 63
From "Hertzelia" to "Zionist Workers" Avigdor Eisenfeld 71
"The Pioneer" in Kolno Moshe Pnini-Karlshtein 75
Youth Awakening Abraham Bar-Adon 80
The Principals of "Hashomer Hatzair" Isaac Moshe Weintzimer 84
"Hashomer Hatzair" in Kolno in the the early days Zerach Gootman 91
"Hashomer Hatzair" activities in our town Shalom Ben Israel 95
Communists in Kolno Zerach Marvid 99
Cultural Life Jacob Fabritzki 101
The Rabbis of Kolno Moshe Tznowitz 105
Torah Scholars in Kolno Moshe Tznowitz 112
Our Teachers and Educators Abraham Kaplowitz 114
My Teachers Avner Elipaz 118
My Study Years in our Town Zvi Hiller 125
Reprint from "The Small Jews Paper"   129
IV. Way of Life
The Face of our town Kolno Isaac Remba 137
Kolno Chapters Renata Heter (Rachel Borkovsky) 149
Kolno at the Beginning of the Century Litman Shavit (Sharchekwitz) 155
The Life of a Kolno Youth Eliahu Bramson 158
Childhood Memories Avraham Bar-Adon 165
Youth Years in the Home Town Chaya Sara Goos-Paltinowitz 170
Places and People Eliahu Marvid 171
From the Past Yosef Marvit 178
  Meir Burakevitz 182
Market Day in Kolno Zvelun Kornetzki 183
Reprint from "The Small Newspaper"   186
How Medle was Saved Zvia Paltinovitz 189
The Border Mathethia Malawani 190
In the Cheder Zvi Korentzki 194
Father's House Eliahu Marvid 199
My Father's House Avraham Bochko 201
The House on Vincenti Street Mathathias Shreiter 203
Purim in Town Moshe Meisner 206
Grandma is Sewing Shrouds for Herself Bluma Goren-Malavani 208
Reprints from Jewish Newspapers about Kolno   209
V. Personalities and People
Shining People Meir Barak (Berkowitz) 217
Rabbi Shmuel Panitz (Bar Adon) Isaac Remba 219
Poems Rachela Bavli 222
Reprints about Karlinski, Gabavitz & Remba   224
Avraham Shmuel Hershberg   235
Shining Personalities Meir Burakevitz 236
Gedalyahu Allaya Isaac Remba 242
Reprints from the "Small Newspaper"   247
The Man that Brought the Big World to the Small Town Raya Zaltzbuch 249
Teacher Z. Weinberg 254
Kukimki Rachel Alter-Burkovski 258
My Father Rabbi Mordechai Zondel Ariah Margalit 262
We Were Three Friends Tuvia Lubel 267
Pessach Bar-Adon Yosef Charif 270
Teachers and Educators Chaim-Ezra Sosnow 274
VI. Before the Storm
From the Diary of an Immigrant Eliahu Marvid 281
The Eve of War Blume Goren-Malowani 286
Youth in Kolno Zvelun Kornetzki 292
The Quiet Before the Storm Dr. Fishel Horwitz 295
Poems Y. Daniel Lewitz 305
In our Town Before the Destruction Yafa Aharoni-Zevlodovitz 308
Guarding the Safety of our Townspeople Shalom Ben-Israel (Malovani) 311
A Visitor from the Land of Israel Zerach Gootman 315
That’s How I Remember You, My Town Areh Rosenfeld 317
Towards Passover 1940 Mordechai Birzman 321
Facing the Past Mina Karni-Ostshaver 323
VII. Kolno’s Destruction
In the Evening I Remember Rachel Alter-Burkowski 331
The Beginning of the Holocaust Zehava Shefer-Rivitzki 333
That's How it Began Shlomo Davidowitz 334
Destruction of Kolno (Hebrew and Yiddish) Helena Galshovska-Glazer 337
Destruction of the Kolno Community Dina Kontzpolski-Klodinivitz 343
(Same as above in Hebrew)   352
The Destruction of the Jewish Community Faigel Galambeck 357
My Sister Sarah Avner Elipaz 359
On the Ruins Rachel Alter-Burkowski 363
During the War Years Israel Chalupovitz 369
A Visit to Kolno in 1961 Avner Elipaz 372
VIII. Persecuted
From the Nazi Frypan to the Soviet Fire Chaim-Tuvia Garbowicz 379
Pages from the Torture Aaron Chernovitz 382
(Same as above in Hebrew)   390
Two Years in a Dark Attic Yacov Lubel 396
(Same as above in Hebrew)   412
Like a Chased Animal Dina Konzpolski-Klodinivitz 425
(Same as above in Hebrew)   430
From Death Camp in Auschwitz Debova Chernovitz-Lubel 435
(Same as above in Hebrew)   440
Memories from the Woods Yacov Ben Nehemia (Fabritzki) 444
(Same as above in Hebrew)   459
From the Woods of Bialo-Russia Dr. Fishel Hurwitz 469
Nachum Remba (Hebrew and Yiddish) Yanes Turkav 486
The Torturous Road of the Survivors Ch. Borkowski 494
After the War Avraham-Asher Lubel 495
Kol Nidre Aaron Chernowitz 499
(Same as above in Hebrew)   501
Survivor of the "Fire" Moshe Glokowitz 504
Because of My Grandfather Berl Lubel 508
A Bunch of Memories Berl Burstein 510
Through Two World Wars Zerach Marvid 518
Activities in the French Underground Dr. N. A. Lapid (Liptzinski) 523
IX. Remembrance Pages
Killed in Israel's Wars
Avraham Dolowitz (Shadni)   535
Avraham Stephaner   538
Capt. Isaac Sklanawitz   545
Efraim-Zalman Margalit   550
Killed in the Holocaust
X. At Book’s End
Necrology   645
About Activities of Kolno Jews in Israel Kalman Ben Efraim 669
Kolno People in Israel Raya Zaltzbuch-Agraninok 671
Kolno People in the USA Kalman Karlinski, Hershel Karlinski 674
Kolno People in the Diaspora Raya Zaltzbuch-Agraninok 678
The Kolno Family in Mexico Avner Elipaz 681
Pictures from the Kolno Memorial Book

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