Book of Kobrin;
the scroll of life and destruction

(Kobryn, Belarus)

52°13' / 24°21'

Translation of
Sefer Kobryn; megilat hayim ve-hurban

Edited by Betzalel Shwartz, Israel Chaim Bil(e)tzki

Published in Tel Aviv, 1951


Our sincere appreciation to the Holocaust center of Northern California,
especially to Judy Janec, for scanning the book and for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.
Our thanks also to Logan Kleinwaks for converting the scan into our format.

This is a translation from: Sefer Kobryn; megilat hayim ve-hurban
(Book of Kobrin; the scroll of life and destruction), ed. Betzalel Shwartz, Israel Chaim Bil(e)tzki, Published in Tel Aviv, 1951

Translation printed by Holocaust Center of Northern California 639 – 14th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118
Edited and Printed by Joel Neuberg for HCNC February, 1992. Translated from the Hebrew by Nilli Avidan and Avner Perry.
Edited by Fred Landers, Shari Malkin, Joel Neuberg

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Kobryn.html

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A Map of Kobrin   frontispiece
Preface Ronald Wornick iii
Introduction Joel Neuberg iv
At the Memorial Evening Betzalel Shwartz, I. Ch. Biltzki, M. Motkes 1
Memorial Tribute Betzalel Shwartz 1
Polsia Betzalel Shwartz 9
The Story of Kobrin and the Jewish Population Y. Pinchuk 11
Documentation from the Registrar in Petersburg, 1899 15
The History of the Rabbinate Leadership M. Tzinovitz 21
From Rabbi Yechezkel Kutik’s Memoirs Y. Kotik 61
Memories Chaim Kovrinitz 64
The First “Diplomatic Step” of Chaim Weitzman C. W. Lichtenstein 67
Memories Nehemia Wornick 68
The Fire Fighters of Kobrin and The Fantastic Military Band   71
Types   79
The Biggest Tragedy of Kobrin   81
The History of the Zionist Movement in Kobrin   82
Notes About My Town Efraim Polonski 83
In the Years 1904-1913 Dr. M. Halperin 89
In the Years 1914-1926 S. Halperin 91
Kobrin in the Years 1909-1913 Yaakov Levin 105
Zionist Performance in Kobrin in 1909   107
A Visit to Kobrin Sh. Anski 109
The Town of Kobrin K. Faustovski 120
During the First World War Moshe Flatstein 123
My Dear Town, How? Abraham Levits 126
A Stranger and a Citizen Zalman Lifshitz 127
My Memories of the “Chalutz” Movement Isser Zever 130
From the Recent Past Sh. Parman 132
The Revolutionary Movement in Kobrin in 1904-1905 P. Sapoznikov 135
Writers   141
The Great Synagogue   147
Purim Actors in Kobrin   150
Life of Religion and Tradition Y. Tanchumi 155
Livelihoods in our Town Joseph Vishengrad 159
Charity and Charitable Institutions   167
Institutions of Education and Culture   170
Yeshiva and Yeshiva Students M. Tzinovitz 178
The Youngsters of the Yeshiva Efraim Polonski 180
Kobrin in the Eyes of a Native of Chomsk A. Ch. Zaritzki 183
The House That Shines in the Distance E. Biltzki 189
Uprooted Stormy Chapters of Life   190
A Note to my Parents and Members of my Household   193
To the Memory of my Teacher and Rabbi   196
In the Paths of my Town I. Ch. Biltzki 200
To the Memory of the Jews of Zemochevitz M. Lifshitz 206
Zemochevitz M. Vratinitzki 209
My Poor Small Town Chana Stolovitzki-Markuza 210
My Little Town Malka Levin 211
A Reality That Disappeared Chaim Appelboim 214
Fragments of Memories L. Tugman 218
A Passover Evening in the Alleys of “Mitzraim” Joseph Schwartz 225
A Monument of Simple Souls A. Novik 226
The Writings and Observations of a Foreigner and a Resident Ch. Z. Yoni 228
The Movement of the Workers of Zion L. Sirota 232
In the Club of Hashomer Hatzair From the diary of the group 238
From the Life of the Movement in the City I. Pinchuk 241
From Jewish Kobrin – a Book Sh. Segal 244
Our Town in the Mirror of the Press M. Tzinovitz 248
Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin from M. Buber: “Stories of Chassidim” 261
The Kobrin Dynasty Menachem-Meir Meirson 272
Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin and his Grandson, Yehalel R. T. 278
Yehalel, the Rabbi's Grandson M. Tzinovitz 281
The Blessing of R' Moshe Kobriner Sh. Levinson 285
The Rabbi Yakov David, Son of Zeev, a Native of Kobrin   287
Tales of Ridbaz various reporters 289
Rabbi Zalman Sender Kahana-Shapira of Blessed Memory M. Tzinovitz 293
R' Eliezer Yitzchak Ilanaeh (Sheinboim) of Blessed Memory excerpts 298
One Among the First D. Cohen 302
Yaakov Meir Zelkind of Blessed Memory   305
Dr. Y. M. Zelkind N. Alkon 307
A Conversation with Dr. Y. M. Zelkind   310
A Little Sentimentality Y. M. Zelkind 313
Yaakov Meir Zelkind A. Kahana 315
A Memorial to a friend from Among the First   318
Rabbi David Son of Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, of Blessed Memory   324
Rabbis Native to Kobrin   327
Rabbi Pesach Pruskin and His Yeshiva I. Vishengrad 331
Rabbi Pesach Pruskin of Blessed Memory M. Tz. 332
Rabbi Michael Shmoish of Blessed Memory M. Tz. 336
The Life and Work of Rabbi Michael of Blessed Memory I. Vishengrad 337
The Last Descendant   342
N. Alkon of Blessed Memory I. Pinchuk 344
Guarding Education S. Stavski 347
From the Memories of a Student Y. Tenenboim 348
Dr. Joseph Privolski of Blessed Memory B. Pantal 349
An Unforgettable Friend Noach Markuza 352
Engineer Avraham Levits of Blessed Memory D. Feller 353
Gedalyahu Alon-Rogoznitzki excerpts 354
A. M. Grossman of Blessed Memory I. Beller 358
Yitzchak Pinchuk of Blessed Memory L. Sirota 361
Benzion Pentol of Blessed Memory   362
Memories Y. Z. Vilenski 364
The Synagogue “Chaye Adam”   367
Arie Polonski of Blessed Memory excerpts 368
Various Personalities Y. Ch. Biltzki 370
War… D. Ashkenazi 378
From an Eyewitness Ch. Goldfarb 380
The Holocaust G. Beil 382
A Letter from Warsaw A. Herman 393
A Story of a Friend Akiva Weiner 394
In the Forests of Polsia excerpts 395
On the Ruins of Kobrin B. Kupitzky 397
Yizkor (Remembrance) a memorial list 399
A creation of the painter Zusman, United States from the Horodetz Book 407

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