Garwolin Memorial Book

51°54' / 21°38'

Translation of Garwolin yisker-bukh

Edited by: Moshe Zaltsman, Baruch Shein

Published in Tel Aviv – New York – Paris 1972




Project Coordinator

Andrzej Cieśla


This is a translation from:
Garwolin yisker-bukh (Garwolin memorial book) ed. Moshe Zaltsman, Baruch Shein
Tel Aviv – New York – Paris 1972, Garowilin Societies (H, Y 304 Pages)

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Garwolin and its Surroundings   Josef Milner 1–3
The Rabbi   Baruch Szajn 2–3
The Dayan [judge of the religious court]   Meir Jechiel Rubin 4
1917–1918–1919   D. Ben Dow Berman 5–6
Memory Book – a Command for all Generations to observe   Jaakow Menachem Zinger z”l 7–8
Notes from Garwolin   Alter Klajman 9–13
This Happened   Meir Brankarz 14–22
Political and Communal Activities of the Young   Zysze Nochgielt-Nungold 23–25
My Childhood Years   Szejndla Lewin 27–30
Thirteen Years in Garwolin [H] Baruch Szajn 31–40
As Much as I Remember   Ryfka Perkal-Lewin 41–50
A Beautiful Dream (verse)   Beryl Ambaras 51–52
Memories of the Shtetl [town]   Mojsze Klajnman 53–63
The Sun Has Set   Michal Kojfman 64–72
One in a Million   Mojsze Handkan 73–78
My Home and my Town [H] Amaron Agman Anglister 79–90
Our Family   Shlomo Blas 91–92
My Father's House   Meir Szolem Lewin 93–97
My Grandfather's Home   Mojsze Bursztajn 98–102
Home of Reb Matisyahu Rubin   Meir Jechiel Rubin 103
My Parents' Home   Jechiel Fiszman 104
My Home   Ryfka Hochberg-Kirszenboim 105–106
Hard to Believe   Cypora Ciszyński (Fajcze Kirszenboim) 107–108
Chaim Melamed [teacher] and the Lame Leah   Rachela Hirszfeld vom Fom 109
The Autobiography of a Townsman   Chaim Wolf Sztabowicz 110–112
The Gravedigger of Garwolin   Sz. Tenenboim 113
Our House   Chana Karpfman -Rozenberg 114–117
My Grandfather   Joszua Wampan (z”l) 118–121
Garwolin in Three Eras and Generations   Szlomo Nachszon-Szlang 122–123
My Shtetl, Garwolin   Johoszua Sokol 124–126
Memories   Meir Borowski 127
One from a Family   Izrael-Meir Popower 128
House of Reb Leibl Ahronson, of blessed memory   Jechiel Rubin 129
The Shtetl [town] is not Forgotten   Alter Klajnman-Borowski 130
The town of my Birth [H] Chaim Rubak 131
The Beis haMedrash [house of study and prayer] of Garwolin   Mojsze Bursztajn 131–132
Economic Organizations in Town [H] B. Sz. 133
The Artisans   M. R. 133–134
A Disturbed Simkhas-Torah   Juda Rubin 135
Memories of Garwolin   Chana Hermanowicz 136–137
A Darling Child (a portrait) [H] Aaron Agman-Anglister 137
The Pechadnie Alley   Estera Trusterman-Zylberman 138
Remembrances   Ryfka Perkal-Lewin 139
Memories   Rochla Miller 140
The Beginning of the Devastation   Mordka Rotman 140
The BETAR Sport Organization in Garwolin [H] Juda Rubin 141
Pages from My Memory   Zysze Nochgield 142–144
There Once Was   Alter Klajnman 145–155
A Short Story from the Past (Verses)   Beryl Ambaras 156–157
My Aliya to Eretz Israel [H] Izrael Aronson 158–161
On New Paths   Meir Szolem Brukarz 162–163
A Visit to Garwolin in May, 1971   M. Sz. B. 163
The Pump (Tales with a Moral) [H] Brusz 164–166
Lyrical Sketches (Verses)   Meir Brukarz 167–169
A Wedding Wish (Verses)   Beryl Ambaras 170–172
Miniatures   Mojsze Klajnman 173–178
A Letter to a Garwoliner   Michal Kojfman 178
Dreams about the Shtetl [town]   Sholom Nachszon 179
The Broken Mirror   Mikhal Kojfman 180–181
Garwolin   Sz. L. Sznajderman 181
Garwolin Types   Alter Klajnman 182–185
Why should I Want to Live (verses)   Acharon Agman Anglister 186
My Experiences in September   Meir Herc 187–193
The End of the Garwolin Community   Meir Klajnboim 194–195
The Burial of the Martyrs   J. H. 195
My Experiences with the Germans   Mojsze Klajnboim (Bat Jam) 196–204
From a Letter   Mendel Cymbrowicz 204
At the Outbreak of the War   Cyryl Minc 205–206
The Kurcer Family   Matka (the mother) 206
On the Ruins of Garwolin   Icze Klajnman 207
On the Aryan Side   Chana Karpman-Rozenberg 208–215
My Memories from the Town [H] Jechiel Fiszman 216
With the Gerer Hasidim [H] Meir-Jechiel Rubin 217
I Search for my Family   Fajwel Pitkowicz 218
From my Own Experiences   Szyja Bryf 219
The Holocaust   Awrum Rozenberg 220–222
My Road of Suffering   Arje Heldenberg 223
And the Miracle Did Not Happen   Szapsaj Radoszyński 224
Under the Hitleristic Regime   Mojsze Klajman 225–228
Pages from My Life   Aleksander 229–242
In Memory of Our Home [H] Jechuda Chaja Jomtow 243–245
The Reward: a Pinch in the Cheek   Acharon Agman Anglister 246
From Garwolin to Auschwitz [H] NF”SZ 247–254
The Cemetery Jewry [H] Szmuel Moses 255–259
Yiddish (a poem)   Mojsze Klajman 260
Yes, I Was in Auschwitz   Zysze Nochgeld 261–264
Bloody Verses   Mojsze Klajman 265–266
The Klajnman Family (Necrology)     267
From the Valley of Tears   Aachor Lande z”l 268–269
People Write   Izrael Grynszpan 269
People Write   Mosze Rapaport 270
Escape with the Sefer-Torah [Torah Scroll]   Mosze Fiszman, Jehuda Rubin 270
The Death of the Rabbi [H] Nachman Abramowir z”l 271
The destruction of Garwolin   Nachman Hungold 272
About the Association of former Garwolin Residents   Juda Rubin 273
Thus Did We Begin   Zysze Nochgield 274–276
Av Harachamim [Prayer in Memory of the Dead] [H]   277
In Memory of Friends
Hershl Lajfer, may the Lord avenge his blood   Jechiel Fiszman 278
Moshe Rozenberg, may the Lord avenge his blood   Jechiel Fiszman 278
Tsipora (Feyga) Anglister, may the Lord avenge her blood   Baruch Szajn 278–279
Chaya, may she rest in peace–in Memory of my Young Beloved Wife [H] Acharon Anglister 279
Leibl Mokotow, of blessed memory   Baruch Szajn 280
Yehusha Karpman, of blessed memory   Aarom Agman Anglister 284
Yehoshua Wampan, of blessed memory      
For Man is Like a Tree in a Field [after Deut. 20:19] [H] Mosze Klajman 282
A Pioneer in all his Deeds [H] Jechiel Fiszman 282
Heavy Mourning for the people of Garwolin [H] Baruch Szajn 283
It is Difficult to Accept the Fact [H] Chaja Fajgenboim 283
A Life full of activity [H] Mordechaj Isz-Tow (zal) 283
He Was… [H] Acharon Agman 248*
Roza and Avraham Burowski [H] Their son Meir 284
Reb Yissakhar-Dov Blank, of blessed memory      
Biographical Lines [H] J. Hameiri 285
A Person with Roots [H] Mojsze Bursztajn 285
He Loved Torah and charity [H] Jechiel Fiszman 285
One of the First [H] Baruch Szajn 286
He loved the Torah [H] Acharon Agman 286
Reb Shmuel Laksman, of blessed memory   Szlojme Nachszonszlag 287–288
In White Dress [H] Jechuda Rubin 288
Garwolin people who Perished in the Holocaust [H]   289–293
My Family   Szymszon Kazirow 294
Garwoliner from Ghetto Parysow Taken to Treblinka     295
List of the Garwolin People     296–298
Pages for Additional Notes     299–301
In Memory of the Fallen IDF Soldiers from Garwolin     302
In Memory of Deceased Former Garwolin Residents     303
List of pictures      
Księga Pamiątkowa Garwolin      

* probably should be 284

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