Memorial book of Byten
(Byten, Belarus)

52°53' / 25°30'

Translation of Pinkas Byten

Edited by D. Abramowich, M.W. Bernstein

Published in Buenos Aires, 1954



Project Coordinator

Alan Tapper


This is a translation from: Pinkas Byten (Memorial book of Byten),
ed. D. Abramowich, M.W. Bernstein, and the Former Residents of Byten in Argentina, 1954 (Pages 593, Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Byten

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund


The Fall of the Jewish Town Byten (Yizkor) Dodl Abramovitsh 1
Our Shtetele [Little Town] Shimeon Rodel 5
To the History of the Jewish Community in Byten Mordekhai Bernshteyn 7
Memories of My Former Home Sh. Z. Vilentshik 39
Memories from the Beginning of the 20th Century A. Z. Jablok 58
Byten, My Shtetele [Little Town] Y. M. Rabnovitsh 61
Rabbi Mordekhai M. Mishkin 71
A Rabbi, A Glazier A. Litvin 77
Reb Leibe the Shoykhet [Ritual Slaughterer] Yitzhak-Ahron Hurvits 80
Yakov-Shaua Bulonski M. Zeldyn 83
Shadows From My Childhood Reyzl Glas-Fenster 88
Beyond the Stream Aba Kogan 94
Memories of Byten The Rabbi Tafeld 97
Byten During the War Years 1914-1920 D. Abramovitsh 109
Vatsevitsh (Iwacevicze) Y.L. Abramovitsh 115
Though I Walk in the Valley of the Shadow of Death Perl B. Davidovski 141
Economic Relations in Jewish Byten Avraham Abramovski 147
American Support M. Bytenski 153
A Cultural Institution with a 40-Year Lineage " 163
And Thus We Built Y. L. Abramovitsh 175
My Bytener Melamdim [Teachers] Sh. Lyubetkin 188
Byten in the 1939 September Days Dovid Abramovitsh 193
Thus the Jewish Community in Byten Perished Moshe Pitkovski 207
Ballad of the Years of Annihilation Y. L. Abramovitsh 318
Destruction and Resistance Dodl Abramovitsh 321
Puzeviche Camp Shmuel Ostrometski 413
In Those Times Y. Yuzhelevski 431
Between the Agony of Death and Death Meir Yafe 443
In the Forest Yudl Berkner 467
What I Saw Mordekhai Minkovitsh 477
The Last Farewell Zelda Goldin-Bernshteyn 488
My Path of Suffering in the Ghetto and the Forest Dvoshe Neshkes-Abramovitsh 498
Instead of a Matzevah [Headstone] Meir Yafe 523
Chaim Yudkovski " 528
Nachum Yuzhelevski " 534
A Candle to the Soul of My Mother Dodl 535
The Ravitski Brothers D. A. 538
Michal Ahron Kushnirovski Y. L. A 541
Sonia Tshemelinski-Novogrodzki Tsile Yesshor 542
Sana Pripshtein " 545
Our Friend Roza Shloma Yudkowski 546
Reb Ahron Abramovitsh " 549
The Dead Speak " 550
Memorial Lists
    a) Those Who Perished During the Three Slaughters and in the Fields and Forests
    b) Byteners Who Perished in Our Cities and Shtetlekh [Towns]
    c) Refugees from Poland who Perished in Byten
You Are With Us!… Shimeon Rodel 591
Our Survivors - Surviving Partisans and Others   593
Letters From Survivors   597
And We Still Will Shimeon Rodel 607
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Contact person for this translation Alan Tapper
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Updated 18 Apr 2021 by LA