Memorial Book of the Martyrs of Biezun
(Bieżuń, Poland)

52°58' / 19°55'

Translation of
Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Biezun

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Biezun (Memorial book of the martyrs of Biezun),
Ed. by the former residents of Biezun, Tel Aviv, 1956 (H, Y, 186 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Biezun

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Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Biezun

Translated by Yocheved Klausner


1 List of the martyrs 4
2 Foreword Yigal Karmi (Weingarten)
3 From Biezun to Israel Yeshayahu Yechiel Levinsohn (America)
4 * * * * * Mordechai Carmel
5 My Town Biezun (a poem) Mordechai Carmel
6 Biezun Yosef Mittelsbach (Gevat)
7 Memories Chanoch Binyamini
8 The destruction of Biezun Nathan Pesse
9 * * * * * Chaim Hertzig (America)
10 From hot beatings to the cold Siberia Avraham Rabina
11 Memories Devora Rosen
12 * * * * * Mindze Kirschenbaum
13 Hasidism and Hasidim in Biezun Yakov Nathan Levine
14 Memories from the town Raza Yachimowitz
15 In the hell called Auschwitz-Birkenau Eliyahu Shimon Hipka (Henyek)
16 An overview and memories Yehuda Kelman (Gevat)
17 The name Biezun Yosef Mondry (Afula)
18 My dream, which has not come true Yakov Cohen (Ra'anana)


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