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From Antopol (Antelpolie); sefer zikaron
Ed. Benzion H. Ayalon. Antopol Societies in Israel and America
Published in Tel Aviv, 1972
Phyllis Goldberg, a devoted friend of JewishGen, scanned the English portion of the text.
Our sincere appreciation to Avigdor Warscza, President, Antopol Society in Israel,
Without her efforts, this work would not available on the Yizkor Book site.
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.
From Antopol (Antelpolie); sefer zikaron; Antopol yizkor book
Ed. Benzion H. Ayalon. Tel Aviv, Antopol Societies in Israel and America, 1972
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Dedication by Carol Wagner Feldherr Skydell In memory and honor of Mordecai and Benyomin SKIDELSKY, who as young teens in 1880 walked from their home in Slonim to Antopol, where they found support, comfort and work. Both grew up, married, and raised families there before coming to America in 1920. Mordecai and his wife, Frumme Tzaytel Gurstein, came with their children, Samuel, Sarah, and Ruth. Benyomin was followed by his wife, Genia Dina Kotlar, and children--Hilda, Rita, Aaron (Harry), Edith, Isidore (Adrian), and Shoshana (Rose). Their two younger children, Irving and Anita, were born in the U.S. All the children married, had families, and grandchildren. To the memory of Benyomin and Mordecai, their parents, Yitzhak and Beile, this page is lovingly dedicated.
Foreword | Dr. Herschel H. Burston | |
Antopol | P. Czerniak | 5 |
Our town | A. Ben Ezra | 7 |
The Synagogue Court | Dr. P. Berman | 17 |
R. Pinchas Michael O.B.M. | 31 | |
Rabbi Moshe Berman O.B.M. | P. Licht | 45 |
The Belachovitzes | Rabbi M. Berman | 47 |
The Roof Corroded | A. Warsaw | 49 |
War Years in Antopol | P. Czerniak | 61 |
The Ghetto of Antopol. | P. Czerniak | 79 |
Memoirs of a physician partisan | P. Czerniak | 89 |
Verdict without appeal | P. Czerniak | 99 |
The story of a martyr | P. Czerniak | 103 |
Survival | Ila Wolinets | 105 |
Antopol in the years 1957-1959 | P. Czerniak | 107 |
In Fire | A. Warsaw | 111 |
Yudel der Schreiber | 121 | |
Moshe Stavy (Stavsky) | P. Czerniak | 123 |
Dr. Phoebus Berman | A. Ben-Ezra | 125 |
Dr. Herschel Burston | P. Berman | 127 |
Akiva Ben Ezra | E. Leidiger | 127 |
Pintche Berman | A. Baraban | 129 |
Abraham Warsaw | A. Baraban | 131 |
Abraham H. Lieff | H. Lieff | 133 |
Antepoler Aid Associations in the USA | Ruth Rosenblatt | 141 |
Antepoler Ladies Auxiliary of Harlem | Mrs. Lifshe Seidberg and Mrs. Mirke Seidel | 143 |
A short history of the Antepoler Y.M.B.A | Leon Wolowelsky | 147 |
From Antopol to Argentina | E.H. Torniansky | 151 |
The Gmilus Hassodim Fund | M. Polak | 157 |
Necrology | 667 | |
List of pictures |
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