Memorial book of Zolkiew
(Zhovkva, Ukraine)

50°04' / 23°58'

Translation of
Sefer Zolkiew

Editors: Nathan Michael Gelber, Y. Ben-Shem

Published in Jerusalem 1969

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer Zolkiew (Memorial book of Zolkiew),
Editors: Nathan Michael Gelber, Y. Ben-Shem, The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora, Published: Jerusalem 1969 (H 844 columns)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zolkiew

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


History of the Zolkiev Jews Dr. N. M. Gelber 17
Jewish printing in Zolkiev Prof. M. Balaban 215
Zolkiev in the days of my youth Yosef Zvi Buber 229
Zolkiev of Yesterday Yitzhak Zimmerman 265
Passover with the great scholar, the Zolkiev Rav Mordechai ben Yechezkel 273
An experience of youth Zev Reitzes 275
Zolkiev many years ago Moshe Stern 277
The streets of Zolkiev Zutra Rapaport 279
Zolkiev in the eyes of a writer S. An-Ski 298
A tour of Zolkiev Shimon Samet 303
Simchat Tora in our town Henia Grubert (Singer) 315
Movements and Institutions
Dorshei Shelom Zion Association Meir Tzimeles 321
The leaders of the Zionist Movement Y. Z. Buber 325
Poalei Zion Organization in Zolkiev Yosef Zvi Fisch 333
The beginnings of Hashomer Hatza'ir Penina Netzer (Katz) 333
Hashomer Hatza'ir branch Shoshana Salach (Herbster) 335
“The Working Eretz Israel” Michael Lichter 343
The “Learning Youth” in our town Meir Lifschitz 351
Stam Hechalutz organization in Zolkiev Zutra Rapaport 361
Dror movement in Zolkiev Yakov Na'aman (Neumark) 373
On the Mountain A. S. Yuris 375
The Revisionist Movement Pinchas Gilles 379
The BEITAR branch in Zolkiev Batia Felsenstein (Tzimeles) 381
The Drama Circle Meir Melman 385
Agudat Nashim [Women's Group] Henia Grubert (Singer) 391
The School managed by Nuns Tova Altschuler (Eichel) 395
The Orphanage Tzelina Koninski (Laspler) 397
Vocational School for Girls Batia Felsenstein (Tzimeles) 401
Personalities, Figures
R'Nachman Krochmal P. Lachover 409
A letter from the year of liberation A. Ya'ari 417
Yad Yosef S”Y Agnon 421
R'Itzikl Zolkiever Zev Zohar 427
R'Yitzhak Aizik from Zolkiev D. Ch. 429
R'Alexander Schor D. Ch. 429
The prodigy from Zolkiev Dov Sadan 433
The writer Yosef Chaim Brener in Zolkiev Yakov Na'aman (Neumark) 451
A portrait of a human being Rachel Kaldor (Eichel) 453
The Rabbanit Rabinowitz nee Rokach Shoshana Salach (Herbster) 457
A portrait of a family Arie Ecker 459
Two families I. D. Zohar (Zobel) 465
From Home Mordechai Estman 471
Meir “the long one” and Zishe “the klezmer” Zutra Rapaport 473
“The Mutual Credit Association” Rachel Kaldor (Eichel) 477
Furriers in Zolkiev Zutra Rapaport 479
Kolikov, a small town near Zolkiev Dr. Noach Gries 483
Poems in Hebrew Moshe Elifant 489
Holocaust and Ruin
Eli, Eli (From “The Kadish Diary”) 497
Shevuat Brit Halevavot (poem) Uri Zvi Grinberg 499
Im memory of the martyrs Zutra Rapaport 501
The first news Yosef Rosenberg 503
The annihilation of the Zolkiev Jews Gershon Taft 507
Zolkiev under Soviet occupation BenZion BenShalom 545
The fall of Zolkiev Yosef Rosenberg 549
Letters from the Ghetto * * * 569
The “Judenfrei” Aktzia Dr. Miriam Heller 585
The beginning of the German occupation Henia Grubert (Singer) 587
Testimonies * * * 593
Our home was transformed into a bunker Michael Melman 607
From the Depths
A diary from the days of the Nazi occupation Clara Kremer (Schwartz) 617
In Memory of the Departed
The ADMOR Shmuel Rabinowitz z”l Zvi Oster 775
Dr. Meir Wachs z”l Antonina Strich (Wachs) 777
Pepka Fisch z”l Clara Kremer (Schwartz) 778
   Sender Lifschitz z”l Meir Lifschitz 780
   Wolf Lichtenberg z”l    
   Berish Ettinger z”l    
   Moshe Michael Rad z”l    
   Moshe Katz z”l    
   Mendel Metzger z”l    
   Moshe Sobel z”l    
   Clara Apfel z”l    
   Friedka Shtiller z”l    
   Chaia Singer z”l Henia Grubert (Singer) 787
   Regina Orlander z”l    
   Ita Wittlin z”l    
   Sara Orlander z”l    
   Feiga Boimwohl z”l    
   Brunia Cohen z”l    
   Efraim Waldman z”l    
Shamay Rapaport z”l Zutra Rapaport 792
R'Zalman Shapira z”l Shoshana Salach (Herbster) 793
List of Martyrs (Necrology)   797
Zolkiev Today Shimon Samet 809
Organization of Zolkiever in Israel and abroad Zutra Rapaport 823
In Memoriam
Efraim Waldman z”l, Malka Razieli (Schweitzer) z”l Z. R. 841
Former Zolkiever who passed away in Israel   843

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