We are a public society whose goal is to preserve the cultural heritage of the city of Zgierz. Our organization contains of people who want to discover and present to the community of Zgierz the true history of our city and its residents, to remind what life in Zgierz once used to be, to find the roots of its today's condition and to preserve the monuments of the city's past. We are an independent non-profit organization acting apart from the local authorities.I was immediately intrigued and excited with her request that we permit the translation from English into Polish of this yizkor book and shared her email with Jerrold Jacobs, the project coordinator for the translation of the Zgierz yizkor book. He, too, agreed with Mazenna's conclusion:On your website we found fragments of the Memorial Book Zgierz (Sefer Zgierz) which is a part of the Yizkor Book Project. We read the text with bated breath for we had to face a completely new image of our city. We in Zgierz have very little knowledge of other nations that once lived here. Hardly anybody knows where was the synagogue and other Jewish communal buildings; people don't even remember of the Jewish cemetery, althought it is fenced and there is a commemorating plate on it. The great majority of citizens have not the slightest idea how rich and varied the Jewish life in Zgierz was.
And, last but not least, it would be, in our opinion, also to your advantage. If the purpose of this material is, as you assure, disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities, its Polish edition should be another step towards commemorating the Jewish residents of Zgierz. If we don't want the memory of the Jews of Zgierz to die, we have to spread it among people which walk nowadays along the same streets they were once walking.We both wanted the Polish translation to appear on the JewishGen Yizkor Book Translations site along with the English translation. Thus began a wonderful collaboration with Zuzanna and Mazenna Gruszecka, which has resulted in the presentation of the Polish translation. Whenever a new chapter is translated into English it will be translated into Polish and both translations will then appear on our web site.
This is the first time we have included a Polish translation on the Yizkor Book web site, but we hope it will not be the last.
We want to thank Mazenna and Zuzanna Gruszecka suggesting this project, for preparing the Polish translation, and for understanding the time needed to conclude the arrangements between our organizations.
B. Rozwój żydowskiego Zgierza
C. Postacie i osobowości
D. Holokaust
E. Wieczne światło
Pamięci dusz naszych sąsiadów i tych, których pamiętamy 641
F. Zgierzanie, którzy przeżyli Zagładę
Nasi ziomkowie po holokauście - W. Fiszer (J) 769 Żydzi w Kraju Izraela - Zew Fiszer (H) 787
Errata (H & J) 798
Lista fotografii
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Updated 30 Mar 2007 by MGH