I was there
(Zaklikow, Poland)

50°46' / 22°07'

Translation of Hayiti Sham

Written by: Joshua Laks

Published in Bnei Brak, Israel 2004



Project Coordinator

Joshua Laks


This is a translation from: Hayiti Sham; I was there.
[Zaklikow] Written by Joshua Laks. Published in Bnei Brak, 2004 (505 Pages)

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Dedicated to my parents, Avner and Rachel Laks,
my brother, Herzl,
members of my family, and to all the people of
Zaklikow who died in the Holocaust.

This book is presented with love
to my wife Yona, my sons
Amir, Yossi and Yishai,
for their patience and encouragement.

Original Hebrew text: Joshua Laks (1993; revised 2004)

English translation: Deborah Schwartz Jacobs (2004) with Chaim Charutz

  Author's Preface to the English Edition
  Foreword by Kenneth Kaplan
Introduction Our Story Begins…
Chapter One Zaklikow – My Hometown
Poem Sanna, My River
Chapter Two The Local Authority and its Institutions
Chapter Three Livelihoods
Chapter Four “Our Daily Bread”
Chapter Five Healers of the Sick
Chapter Six Persons and Personages
Chapter Seven In the Marketplace
Chapter Eight Jewish Religious Institutions
Chapter Nine Ideologies and Culture
Chapter Ten Scenes From Town Life: Weddings
Poem The Wedding Jester's Blessing
Chapter Ten, cont. Scenes From Town Life: Goose Tales
Chapter Eleven A Taste of the Kitchen
Chapter Twelve Families Blessed with Many Children
Chapter Thirteen Snapshots from My Boyhood Album
Chapter Fourteen The War of Extermination
Poem The History of Jews from the Small Town, Z.
Poem Belzec
Chapter Fifteen Survival
Chapter Sixteen The Budzyn Camp
Chapter Seventeen My Odyssey Through the Camps
Chapter Eighteen A Visit to Zaklikow, 1988
Poem I Came Back …
Epilogue Zaklikowers Overseas, and Today
Post-Epilogue The Return to Zaklikow, 2001
Appendix I Zaklikowers in the Labor and Concentration Camps
Appendix II YIZKOR: In Memoriam

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Contact person for this translation Joshua Laks
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 5 Feb 2006 by LA