Wysokie-Mazowieckie; Memorial Book
(Wysokie Mazowieckie, Poland)

52°55' / 22°31'

Translation of Wysokie-Mazowieckie; sefer zikaron

Edited by: I. Rubin – Wysikie-Mazowieckie Society

Published in Tel Aviv 1975 (H, Y, E)



Project Coordinators

Sandy Levin

Ada Holtzman z”l


Our sincere appreciation to Mrs. Yaffa Rosenberg of the Wysockie Mazowiecki organization,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Wysokie-Mazowieckie; sefer zikaron. Wysokie-Mazowieckie; Memorial Book
ed. I. Rubin, Tel Aviv, Wysokie-Mazowieckie Society, 1975 (H, Y, E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wysokie-Mazowieckie

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Wysokie-Mazowieckie.html

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Note: nearly every chapter is both in Hebrew and in Yiddish

Contents Pages
Foreword [Y] D.K. 8
Foreword [H] D.K. 9
Notes on the History of Wysokie–Mazowieckie [Y]   11
Notes on the History of Wysokie–Mazowieckie [H]   16
Our Town in 1905–1918 [Y] Dov Kaspi 19
Our Town in 1905–1918 [H] Dov Kaspi 31
The Polish Boycott of Jewish Commerce in Wysockie–Mazowieckie Natanel Zilberstein 48
Pogroms Against the Jews of Wysokie–Mazowieckie in 1920   51
The First Zionist Emigrants to the Land of Israel   53
The Beginnings of the Mizrachi Movement in Wysokie–Mazowieckie   56
Between the Two World Wars   57
Photographs   68
A Town that Has Everything Rabbi Simcha HaCohen Kaplan 84
The Pogrom in Wysokie–Mazowieckie, 1936   86
The Trial   98
Wysokie on the Eve of the Holocaust Moshe 111
Photographs   118
Fragments of Memory Ya'akov Nitzevitsh–Nitzan 126
Two Poems Sarah Tuvia 129
Jablonka My Shtetl Arie Wajsbord 130
Notable Rabbis and Scholars in Wysokie–Mazowieckie:
Rabbi Gaon Meir HaLevi HURVITS
Rabbi Gaon Eliezer Shlomo VELER
Rabbi Gaon Ayzik Ya'akov VELER
Rabbi Aharon Ya'akov PERLMAN (may God avenge his blood)
Rabbi and Auxiliary Rabbi Yisr'ael Khayim OLSHA
Rabbi Gershon BROIDE (may his memory be for a blessing)
Rabbi Ya'akov SLODKI (may God avenge his memory)
Rabbi Eliezer (Leyzer) Yehuda BOIMAN (may God avenge his blood)
The writer Menakhem Mendel Litevka
Moshe Tsinovitsh 138
Jewish Personalities
Khayim Bar–Nakhum (may his memory be for a blessing)   145
Yeshayahu Kaspi (may his memory be for a blessing)   146
Aryeh Viekha (may his memory be for a blessing), 1906–1974   148
Three who Fell
Eliyahu Grinshteyn
Yekhezkel Fridman
Natan Krupinski
The Jewish Community of Wysokie–Mazowieckie Israel Inbari (Bursztejn) 153
The Holocaust
Under the Nazi Regime in Wysokie–Mazowieckie Natan Krupinski 164
The destruction of the Jewish Community of Wysokie Mazowiecki Avraham-Berl Sokol 169
What I Experienced at the Zambrow Concentration Camp and other concentration camps Avraham-Berl Sokol 174
The Zambrów Camp   185
Evidence Zelda Katsarevitsh 186
The Destruction of Wysokie Yaffa Rozenberg,
Leah Zolotolov,
Reyzl Vaynberg
Plowmen have plowed over my back… Leymka Plishko 195
The Cry “Mommy, Daddy” Still Rings in my Ears Pesach Segal
(may his memory be for a blessing)
Like Thunder on a Clear Day Avraham Hirshfeld 225
The “Miracle” in Moscow Shimon Kahanovitsh
(may his memory be for a blessing)
My Town, Wysokie–Mazowieckie Motl Ptashevitsh 245
Pictures   248
The Martyrs List of the Holy Communities of Wysokie Mazowiecki and Jablonka
May God Revenge Their Blood
Wysokie Mazowiecki   251
Jablonka   267
The English Part
Early history   280
Between the two World Wars   277
The Holocaust   275


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