The Jews of Wloszczowa in the years 1867-1942

50°52' / 19°58'

Translation of
Vlotsheve. Zydzi we Wloszczowie w latach 1867-1942

Edited by: Edyta Gawron

Published by: Wloszczowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Kultury, 2000


Project Coordinator

Ada Holtzman z”l

Our sincere appreciation to Edyta Gawron , for permission to put this material
on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Vlotsheve. Zydzi we Wloszczowie w latach 1867-1942,
The Jews of Wloszczowa in the years 1867-1942, editor: Edyta Gawron;
Published by: Wloszczowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Kultury, 2000; (Printed by: Zaklad Poligraficzny "Print")

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Introduction 7
Chapter I. The Jewish Community of Wloszszowa/Vlotsheve 16
  a) Status and organisation of "kahal"
  b) Community management
  c) Rabbies
Chapter II. Political life 44
  a) Jewish parties' activity
  b) Jews' participation in political life of the city (and the country)
Chapter III. Economy 66
  a) Trade
  b) Crafts and industry
  c) Transport
Chapter IV. Everyday life 88
  a) Social and religious community
  b) Education
  c) Cultural life
Chapter V. "The last moments" 110
  a) Ghetto
  b) Deportations and concentration camps
  c) Emigration
Epilogue 133
Bibliography 136
Dictionary 144
Anex 153
List of Jewish members 160
Summary (in English) 180
List of illustrations 187
List of tables 189
Index of people 190

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Contact person for this translation Ada Holtzman z”l
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Updated 22 Sep 2009 by LA